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Created October 3, 2019 13:46
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How to formalize stuff in Agda
For this presentation, we keep the dependencies to a minimum.
open import Agda.Primitive
open import Agda.Builtin.Nat
open import Agda.Builtin.Equality
A `variable` declaration allows us to use variables without binding
them explicitly. This means they are implicitly universally quantified
in the types where they occur.
A B C : Set
x y z : A
k l m n : Nat
(Unary) natural numbers are defined as the datatype `Nat` with two
constructors `zero : Nat` and `suc : Nat → Nat`.
_ : Nat
_ = zero + 7 * (suc 3 - 1)
We can define polymorphic types and functions by pattern matching on
them. For example, here is the equivalent of Haskell's `Maybe` type.
data Maybe (A : Set) : Set where
just : A → Maybe A
nothing : Maybe A
mapMaybe : (A → B) → (Maybe A → Maybe B)
mapMaybe f x = {!!}
Note how `A` and `B` are implicitly quantified in the type of
The Curry-Howard correspondence
Under the Curry-Howard correspondence, we can interpret logical
propositions (A ∧ B, ¬A, A ⇒ B, ...) as the types of all their
possible proofs.
A proof of 'A and B' is a *pair* (x , y) of a proof `x : A` and an
proof `y : B`.
record _×_ (A B : Set) : Set where
constructor _,_
fst : A
snd : B
open _×_
A proof of 'A or B' is either `inl x` for a proof `x : A` or `inr y`
for a proof `y : B`.
data _⊎_ (A B : Set) : Set where
inl : A → A ⊎ B
inr : B → A ⊎ B
A proof of 'A implies B' is a transformation from proofs `x : A` to
proofs of `B`, i.e. a function of type `A → B`.
'true' has exactly one proof `tt : ⊤`.
record ⊤ : Set where
constructor tt -- no fields
'false' has no proofs.
data ⊥ : Set where -- no constructor
'not A' can be defined as 'A implies false'.
¬_ : Set → Set
¬ A = A → ⊥
### Exercises
-- “If A then B implies A”
ex₁ : A → (B → A)
ex₁ = {!!}
-- “If A and true then A or false”
ex₂ : (A × ⊤) → (A ⊎ ⊥)
ex₂ = {!!}
-- “If A implies B and B implies C then A implies C ”
ex₃ : (A → B) → (B → C) → (A → B)
ex₃ = {!!}
-- “Either A or not A”
ex₄ : A ⊎ (¬ A)
ex₄ = {!!}
-- “It is not the case that not (either A or not A)”
ex₅ : ¬ (¬ (A ⊎ (¬ A)))
ex₅ = {!!}
To state many properties of our programs, we need the notion of
equality. In Agda, equality is defined as the datatype `_≡_` with one
constructor `refl : x ≡ x`.
_ : x ≡ x
_ = refl
sym : x ≡ y → y ≡ x
sym x≡y = {!!}
trans : x ≡ y → y ≡ z → x ≡ z
trans x≡y y≡z = {!!}
cong : (f : A → B) → x ≡ y → f x ≡ f y
cong f x≡y = {!!}
Ordering natural numbers
The standard ordering on natural numbers can be defined as an *indexed
datatype* with two indices of type `Nat`:
module Nat-≤ where
data _≤_ : Nat → Nat → Set where
≤-zero : zero ≤ n
≤-suc : m ≤ n → suc m ≤ suc n
≤-refl : n ≤ n
≤-refl = {!!}
≤-trans : k ≤ l → l ≤ m → k ≤ m
≤-trans = {!!}
≤-antisym : m ≤ n → n ≤ m → m ≡ n
≤-antisym = {!!}
We define separate 'instance' versions of the constructors to help us
later on. A definition `inst : A` that is marked as an 'instance' will
be used to automatically construct arguments to functions of type
`{{x : A}} → B`.
≤-zero-I : zero ≤ n
≤-zero-I = ≤-zero
≤-suc-I : {{x ≤ y}} → suc x ≤ suc y
≤-suc-I {{x≤y}} = ≤-suc x≤y
Partial orders
We'd like to talk not just about orderings on concrete types like
`Nat`, but also about the general concept of a 'partial order'.
record Ord (A : Set) : Set₁ where
_≤_ : A → A → Set
≤-refl : x ≤ x
≤-trans : x ≤ y → y ≤ z → x ≤ z
≤-antisym : x ≤ y → y ≤ x → x ≡ y
_≥_ : A → A → Set
x ≥ y = y ≤ x
open Ord {{...}}
Ord-Nat : Ord Nat
_≤_ {{Ord-Nat}} = Nat-≤._≤_
≤-refl {{Ord-Nat}} = Nat-≤.≤-refl
≤-trans {{Ord-Nat}} = Nat-≤.≤-trans
≤-antisym {{Ord-Nat}} = Nat-≤.≤-antisym
Ord-⊤ : Ord ⊤
_≤_ {{Ord-⊤}} = {!!}
≤-refl {{Ord-⊤}} = {!!}
≤-trans {{Ord-⊤}} = {!!}
≤-antisym {{Ord-⊤}} = {!!}
module Example (A : Set) {{A-≤ : Ord A}} where
cycle : {x y z : A} → x ≤ y → y ≤ z → z ≤ x → x ≡ y
cycle x≤y y≤z z≤x = {!!}
For working with binary search trees, we need to be able to decide for
any two elements which is the bigger one, i.e. we need a *total*,
*decidable* order.
data Tri {{_ : Ord A}} : A → A → Set where
less : x ≤ y → Tri x y
equal : x ≡ y → Tri x y
greater : x ≥ y → Tri x y
record TDO (A : Set) : Set₁ where
{{Ord-A}} : Ord A
tri : (x y : A) → Tri x y
open TDO {{...}} public
triNat : (x y : Nat) → Tri x y
triNat x y = {!!}
TDO-Nat : TDO Nat
Ord-A {{TDO-Nat}} = Ord-Nat
tri {{TDO-Nat}} = triNat
Binary search trees
In a dependently typed language, we can encode invariants of our data
structures by using *indexed datatypes*. In this example, we will
implement binary search trees by a lower and upper bound to the
elements they contain.
Since the lower bound may be -∞ and the upper bound may be +∞, we
start by providing a generic way to extend a partially ordered set
with those two elements.
data [_]∞ (A : Set) : Set where
-∞ : [ A ]∞
[_] : A → [ A ]∞
+∞ : [ A ]∞
lower upper : [ A ]∞
module Ord-[]∞ {A : Set} {{ A-≤ : Ord A}} where
data _≤∞_ : [ A ]∞ → [ A ]∞ → Set where
-∞-≤ : -∞ ≤∞ y
[]-≤ : x ≤ y → [ x ] ≤∞ [ y ]
+∞-≤ : x ≤∞ +∞
Ord-[]∞ : {{_ : Ord A}} → Ord [ A ]∞
_≤_ {{Ord-[]∞}} = _≤∞_
≤-refl {{Ord-[]∞}} = {!!}
≤-trans {{Ord-[]∞}} = {!!}
≤-antisym {{Ord-[]∞}} = {!!}
open Ord-[]∞ public
Again we define 'instance' versions of the constructors.
module _ {{_ : Ord A}} where
-∞-≤-I : {y : [ A ]∞} → -∞ ≤ y
-∞-≤-I = -∞-≤
+∞-≤-I : {x : [ A ]∞} → x ≤ +∞
+∞-≤-I = +∞-≤
[]-≤-I : {x y : A} {{x≤y : x ≤ y}} → [ x ] ≤ [ y ]
[]-≤-I {{x≤y = x≤y}} = []-≤ x≤y
Now we are (finally) ready to define binary search trees.
data BST (A : Set) {{_ : Ord A}} (lower upper : [ A ]∞) : Set where
leaf : {{l≤u : lower ≤ upper}} → BST A lower upper
node : (x : A) → BST A lower [ x ] → BST A [ x ] upper → BST A lower upper
_ : BST Nat -∞ +∞
_ = node 42
(node 6 leaf leaf)
(node 9000 leaf leaf)
Note how instances help by automatically filling in the proofs!
Next up: defining a lookup function. The result of this function is
not just a boolean true/false, but a *proof* that the element is
indeed in the tree.
module Lookup {{_ : TDO A}} where
data _∈_ {lower} {upper} (x : A) : (t : BST A lower upper) → Set where
here : ∀ {t₁ t₂} → x ≡ y → x ∈ node y t₁ t₂
left : ∀ {t₁ t₂} → x ∈ t₁ → x ∈ node y t₁ t₂
right : ∀ {t₁ t₂} → x ∈ t₂ → x ∈ node y t₁ t₂
lookup : ∀ {lower} {upper}
→ (x : A) (t : BST A lower upper) → Maybe (x ∈ t)
lookup x t = {!!}
Similarly, we can define an insertion function. Here, we need to
enforce the precondition that the element we want to insert is between
the bounds.
module Insert {{_ : TDO A}} where
insert : (x : A) {{l≤x : lower ≤ [ x ]}} {{x≤u : [ x ] ≤ upper}}
→ (t : BST A lower upper) → BST A lower upper
insert x t = {!!}
To prove correctness of insertion, we have to show that `y ∈ insert x
t` is equivalent to `x ≡ y ⊎ y ∈ t`.
module Insert-Correct (x : A) {{_ : lower ≤ [ x ]}} {{_ : [ x ] ≤ upper}} where
open Lookup
insert-sound : (t : BST A lower upper)
→ (x ≡ y) ⊎ (y ∈ t) → y ∈ insert x t
insert-sound t = {!t!}
insert-complete : (t : BST A lower upper)
→ y ∈ insert x t → (x ≡ y) ⊎ (y ∈ t)
insert-complete t = {!!}
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