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Created January 22, 2022 17:15
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open import Data.Bool.Base
open import Data.List.Base
open import Data.Nat.Base
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Unit
open import Function
open import Reflection
open import Reflection.TypeChecking.Monad.Syntax
open import Agda.Builtin.Reflection using (withReconstructed)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
-- An example macro
myFavoriteValue : Term → TC ⊤
myFavoriteValue hole = do
goal ← inferType hole
case goal of λ where
(def (quote ℕ) []) → unify hole (lit (nat 42))
(def (quote Bool) []) → unify hole (con (quote true) [])
_ → typeError $ strErr "I don't have a favorite value of type " ∷ termErr goal ∷ []
test₁ : ℕ
test₁ = myFavoriteValue
test₂ : Bool
test₂ = myFavoriteValue
--test₃ : List ℕ
--test₃ = myFavoriteValue
-- A simple 'assumption' tactic that tries each variable in scope
assumption : Term → TC ⊤
assumption hole = do
vars ← length <$> getContext
tryVars vars
tryVars : ℕ → TC ⊤
tryVars zero = typeError $ strErr "Assumption tactic: all variables failed" ∷ []
tryVars (suc n) =
catchTC (unify hole (var n []))
(tryVars n)
test₄ : Bool → ℕ → Bool
test₄ x y = assumption
test₅ : Bool → ℕ → ℕ
test₅ x y = assumption
--test₆ : Bool → ℕ → List ℕ
--test₆ x y = assumption
mkConst : {A : Set} → A → Term → TC ⊤
mkConst {A} v hole = do
body ← quoteTC (λ (x : A) → v)
unify hole body
test₆ : Bool → ℕ
test₆ = mkConst 42
test₇ : {A : Set} → A → A → A
test₇ x = mkConst x
give : {A : Set} → A → Term → TC ⊤
give x hole = do
sol ← withReconstructed $ quoteTC x
`sol ← quoteTC sol
unify hole sol
test₈ : 5 ≡ 5
test₈ = give refl
doNothing : Term → TC ⊤
doNothing hole = return tt
test₉ : ℕ
test₉ = doNothing
Some problems I have with the current design:
1. Lack of (quasi)quoting of terms in both expressions and patterns
2. De Bruijn indices are probably not the best way to represent variables
3. No fine-grained control over what parts of a term are quoted or not
4. Requires too much knowledge of Agda internals to use effectively
Possible questions for discussion:
- Does your favorite language have similar problems?
- What alternative designs could solve these problems?
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