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Last active March 20, 2023 09:00
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Ubuntu Chromium Canary
#!/usr/bin/env -S deno run --allow-run --allow-read --allow-write --allow-net
* @fileoverview Downloads the latest Linux Chromium development build from Googles servers and then runs it.
* When a build has already been downloaded, it first runs that version and then downloads a new version in the background.
* Only works on Linux. If you are using Windows or macOS you can get Nightly builds from
* ## Usage
* ```
* ./canary.js -dg
* ```
* Use `-d` to run in dark mode.
* Use `-g` to enable WebGPU support.
import parseArgs from "";
import * as fs from "";
import { decompress } from "";
import ProgressBar from "";
import { percentageWidget } from "";
import { setCwd } from "";
async function tryRemove(path) {
try {
await Deno.remove(path, {recursive: true})
} catch (e) {
if (!(e instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound)) throw e;
async function downloadUpdate() {
const latestResponse = await fetch("");
if (!latestResponse.ok) throw new Error("Couldn't get latest version");
const latestVersionStr = await latestResponse.text();
let currentStr = "";
try {
currentStr = await Deno.readTextFile("current.txt");
} catch (e) {
if (!(e instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound)) throw e;
if (currentStr == latestVersionStr) return {
update: async () => {}
console.log("Updating Chromium");
const latest = await fetch(`${latestVersionStr}/`);
if (!latest.ok) throw new Error("Couldn't get latest version");
const contentLength = parseInt(latest.headers.get("content-length"), 10);
const progressBar = new ProgressBar({
total: contentLength,
widgets: [
const reader = latest.body.getReader();
let receivedBytes = 0;
const chunks = [];
while (true) {
const { done, value } = await;
if (done) break;
receivedBytes += value.length;
const buffer = new Uint8Array(receivedBytes);
let position = 0;
for(const chunk of chunks) {
buffer.set(chunk, position);
position += chunk.length;
await fs.ensureDir("tmp");
await Deno.writeFile("tmp/", buffer);
await tryRemove("tmp/chrome-linux");
await decompress("tmp/", "tmp");
async function update() {
await tryRemove("chrome-linux");
await Deno.rename("tmp/chrome-linux", "chrome-linux");
await Deno.writeTextFile("current.txt", latestVersionStr);
return {update}
if (!await fs.exists("chrome-linux")) {
const {update} = await downloadUpdate();
await update();
const argv = parseArgs(Deno.args, {
default: {
d: false,
g: false,
const cmd = ["./chrome-linux/chrome"];
if (argv.d) {
if (argv.g) {
cmd.push("--enable-features=ReduceOpsTaskSplitting,Vulkan,VulkanFromANGLE,DefaultANGLEVulkan", "--enable-unsafe-webgpu", "--use-angle=swiftshader")
const process ={
const {update} = await downloadUpdate();
await process.status();
await update();
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