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Last active October 19, 2022 21:40
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  • Save jess/9497c3fa12aac00aa0659dbb8f6d9157 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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## js at bottom of layout
# source
(function(w, d){
var b = d.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
var s = d.createElement("script");
var v = !("IntersectionObserver" in w) ? "8.17.0" : "10.19.0";
s.async = true; // This includes the script as async. See the "recipes" section for more information about async loading of LazyLoad.
s.src = "" + v + "/dist/lazyload.min.js";
w.lazyLoadOptions = {/* Your options here */};
}(window, document));
# create a helper
def lazy_image_tag(src, args = {})
css_class = args.delete(:class)
args[:class] = [css_class, "lazy"].reject(&:blank?).join(" ")
data = {}
orig_data = args.delete(:data)
data.merge! orig_data if orig_data.present?
data.merge! src: asset_path(src)
args[:data] = data
tag("img", args)
# usage
# take any image_tag and prepend lazy_
<%= lazy_image_tag "bios/jess.jpg", width: "350", height: "228", alt: "Jess Brown - Rails Dev", data: {some_attr: "xxx"} %>
# output
<img width="350" height="228" alt="Jess Brown - Rails Dev" class="lazy" data-some-attr="xxx" data-src="/bios/jess.jpg" />
# processed (when img comes into viewport)
<img width="350" height="228" alt="Jess Brown - Rails Dev" class="lazy error" data-some-attr="xxx" data-src="/bios/jess.jpg" src="/bios/jess.jpg" data-was-processed="true">
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