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Last active March 16, 2021 05:45
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My VS code snippets for reference
// logging
"Console log": {
"scope": "javascript,typescript",
"prefix": "cl",
"body": ["console.log($1);", "$2"]
"Console table": {
"scope": "javascript,typescript",
"prefix": "ct",
"body": ["console.table($1);", "$2"]
// react
"Import react": {
"scope": "javascript,typescript",
"prefix": "imr",
"body": ["import React from 'react';"]
"import reactDOM": {
"scope": "javascript,typescript",
"prefix": "imrd",
"body": ["import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';", ""]
"React functional component": {
"scope": "javascript,typescript",
"prefix": "rfc",
"body": [
"import React from 'react';",
"const ${1:${TM_FILENAME_BASE}} = () => {",
"\treturn (",
"export default ${1:${TM_FILENAME_BASE}};",
"Use state": {
"prefix": "useState",
"body": [
"const [${1:state}, set${1/(.*)/${1:/capitalize}/}] = useState(${2:initialState})"
"Use effect": {
"prefix": "useEffect",
"body": [
"useEffect(() => {",
"\treturn () => {",
"}, [${3:input}])"
"Use context": {
"prefix": "useContext",
"body": ["const ${1:context} = useContext(${2:contextValue})"]
// Typescript
"React functional component with Typescript": {
"prefix": "rfct",
"body": [
"import React from 'react'",
"interface Props {",
"const ${1:${TM_FILENAME_BASE}} = (props: Props) => {",
"\treturn (",
"export default ${1:${TM_FILENAME_BASE}}",
// vanilla js
"For each": {
"scope": "javascript,typescript",
"prefix": "fre",
"body": ["${1:array}.forEach(${2:currentItem} => {", "\t${0}", "})", ""]
"For of": {
"prefix": "fof",
"body": ["for(let ${1:item} of ${2:object}) {", "\t${0}", "}", ""]
"For in": {
"prefix": "fin",
"body": ["for(let ${1:item} in ${2:object}) {", "\t${0}", "}", ""]
"Array Map": {
"prefix": "map",
"body": ["${1:array}.map( ($2) => {", "\t${3}", "}", ""]
"JSON stringify": {
"scope": "javascript,typescript",
"prefix": "stringy",
"body": ["JSON.stringify($1)"]
"Promise": {
"scope": "javascript,typescript",
"prefix": "prom",
"body": ["return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {", "\t$1", "});"]
// Testing
"Jest basic test": {
"scope": "javascript,typescript",
"prefix": "jb",
"body": ["test('$1', () => {", "\texpect($2).toBe('$3');", "});"]
"Jest describe test": {
"scope": "javascript,typescript",
"prefix": "jd",
"body": [
"describe('$1', () => {",
"\tit('should...', ()=> {",
"Setup React Jest Test": {
"scope": "javascript,typescript",
"prefix": "test",
"body": [
"import React from 'react'",
"import renderer from 'react-test-renderer'",
"import { ${1:${TM_FILENAME_BASE}} } from '../${1:${TM_FILENAME_BASE}}'",
"describe('<${1:${TM_FILENAME_BASE}} />', () => {",
"\tconst defaultProps = {}",
"\tconst wrapper = renderer.create(<${1:${TM_FILENAME_BASE}} {...defaultProps} />)",
"\ttest('render', () => {",
// markdown
"Blog post front-matter": {
"scope": "markdown",
"prefix": "blog",
"body": [
"title: ${1:${TM_FILENAME_BASE}} ",
"# subtitle: "
"date: ${2:2021-12-12}",
"meta: $3",
"excerpt: $4",
"# tags: post, life, dev, accessibility, funstuff, exercises",
"# img:",
"draft: true",
"<h1>{{ title }}</h1>",
"{%- if subtitle %}<p class='subtitle'>{{ subtitle | safe }}</p>{% endif %}",
"Page front-matter": {
"scope": "markdown",
"prefix": "page",
"body": [
"title: ${1:${TM_FILENAME_BASE}} ",
"# subtitle: "
"layout: ${2|layouts/blank.njk, layouts/base.njk|}",
"date: ${3:2021-12-12}",
"meta: $4",
"excerpt: $5",
"# tags: funstuff, exercises",
"# img:",
"draft: true",
"<h1>{{ title }}</h1>",
"{%- if subtitle %}<p class='subtitle'>{{ subtitle | safe }}</p>{% endif %}",
"CSS Primary Color": {
"prefix": "col1",
"body": [
"CSS Secondary Color": {
"prefix": "col2",
"body": [
"CSS Tertiary Color": {
"prefix": "col3",
"body": [
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