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Created June 19, 2011 19:00
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Save jesseadams/1034607 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Adds slash command to bulk invite guild members of certain ranks to raid and more
-- General Options
local inviteRanks = { "Prodigy", "Pedagogue", "Abecedarian", "Lab Rat", "Genius"}
local inviteLevel = 85
local autoConvertRaid = true
-- Loot Threshold
-- 0. Poor (gray): Broken I.W.I.N. Button
-- 1. Common (white): Archmage Vargoth's Staff
-- 2. Uncommon (green): X-52 Rocket Helmet
-- 3. Rare / Superior (blue): Onyxia Scale Cloak
-- 4. Epic (purple): Talisman of Ephemeral Power
-- 5. Legendary (orange): Fragment of Val'anyr
-- 6. Artifact (golden yellow): The Twin Blades of Azzinoth
-- 7. Heirloom (light yellow): Bloodied Arcanite Reaper
local lootThreshold = 4
-- Loot Method
-- freeforall - Free for All - any group member can take any loot at any time
-- group - Group Loot - like Round Robin, but items above a quality threshold are rolled on
-- master - Master Looter - like Round Robin, but items above a quality threshold are left for a designated loot master to
-- needbeforegreed - Need before Greed - like Group Loot, but members automatically pass on items
-- roundrobin - Round Robin - group members take turns being able to loot
local lootMethod = "master"
local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent);
local nettieCommandUsed = false
local lootSet = false
function table_match(needle, haystack)
for _,v in pairs(haystack) do
if v == needle then
return true
return false
function PossiblyConvertToRaid(self, event, ...)
if nettieCommandUsed then
if event == "PARTY_MEMBERS_CHANGED" and autoConvertRaid and GetNumPartyMembers() > 0 then
elseif event == "PARTY_CONVERTED_TO_RAID" then
SetLootMethod(lootMethod, UnitName("player"))
lootSet = true
elseif event == "PARTY_LOOT_METHOD_CHANGED" and lootSet then
nettieCommandUsed = false
lootSet = false
function RaidInvite()
nettieCommandUsed = true
SendChatMessage("Inviting raiders to raid now!", "GUILD")
for index=1,GetNumGuildMembers() do
name, rank, rankIndex, level, class, zone, note, officernote, online, status, classFileName, achievementPoints, achievementRank, isMobile = GetGuildRosterInfo(index)
if table_match(rank, inviteRanks) and level == inviteLevel and online and not UnitIsPlayer(name) and not UnitInRaid(name) then
print("Inviting " .. name .. "...")
SLASH_RAIDINVITE1 = '/raidinvite'
SlashCmdList["RAIDINVITE"] = RaidInvite
frame:SetScript("OnEvent", PossiblyConvertToRaid);
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