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Last active December 30, 2015 05:29
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Save jessearmand/7783275 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A simple haskell module to calculate utilties cost.
module UtilitiesCost
( electricityCost
, gasCost
, waterCost
, utilitiesCost
) where
import Debug.Trace
data Reading = Reading Double Double deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
data ReadingRange = ReadingRange (Double, Double) deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
data WaterExtraCost = WaterExtraCost Double Double Double deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
electricityCost :: Reading -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double
electricityCost (Reading initialReading finalReading) rate days daysPerMonth =
let usage = finalReading - initialReading
usagePerDay = usage / days
in usagePerDay * daysPerMonth * rate
gasCost :: Reading -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double
gasCost (Reading initialReading finalReading) rate days daysPerMonth =
let usage = finalReading - initialReading
usagePerDay = usage / days
in usagePerDay * daysPerMonth * rate
waterCost :: Reading -> Double -> WaterExtraCost -> Double -> Double -> Double
waterCost (Reading initialReading finalReading) rate (WaterExtraCost waterborneRate taxRate sanitaryFee) days daysPerMonth =
let usage = finalReading - initialReading
usagePerDay = usage / days
waterFee = usagePerDay * daysPerMonth * rate
waterborneFee = usagePerDay * daysPerMonth * waterborneRate
tax = waterFee * taxRate
in waterFee + waterborneFee + sanitaryFee + tax
utilitiesCost :: ReadingRange -> ReadingRange -> ReadingRange -> Double -> Double -> Double
utilitiesCost (ReadingRange electricityReading) (ReadingRange gasReading) (ReadingRange waterReading) days daysPerMonth =
traceShow (electricityFee, gasFee, waterFee, refuseFee, gst) $ totalFee + gst
totalFee = electricityFee + gasFee + waterFee + refuseFee
refuseFee = 29
gstRate = 0.07
gst = gstRate * totalFee
electricityFee = electricityCost (Reading initialReading finalReading) rate days daysPerMonth
where initialReading = fst electricityReading
finalReading = snd electricityReading
rate = 0.2608
gasFee = gasCost (Reading initialReading finalReading) rate days daysPerMonth
where initialReading = fst gasReading
finalReading = snd gasReading
rate = 0.2118
waterFee = waterCost (Reading initialReading finalReading) rate (WaterExtraCost waterborneRate taxRate sanitaryFee) days daysPerMonth
where initialReading = fst waterReading
finalReading = snd waterReading
(rate, waterborneRate, taxRate) = (1.17, 0.5607, 0.3)
sanitaryFee =
let months = ceiling (daysPerMonth / 31.0)
in 2.28037 * fromIntegral months
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Yes, @sovanlandy2 we need to maximize our time to avoid complexity. So little time, so much to do.

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