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Last active December 14, 2015 17:59
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  • Save jesseditson/5126026 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jesseditson/5126026 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A python exercise to find the best route in a field of jetstreams: First line contains only 1 integer, which is the constant energy it takes to fly 1 mile WITHOUT jet streams. Every subsequent line contains 3 space-separated integers: the start mile marker of the jet stream, the end mile marker of the jet stream, and lastly an integer denoting t…
import sys
import os
# make sure we were called with the proper args
if len(sys.argv) < 2 :
print "Error: please call this script with a filename, e.g."
print " <somefilename.txt>"
# make sure the file name called with exists
filename = sys.argv[1]
if os.path.exists(filename) == False :
print "Error: filename " + filename + " does not exist."
# turn lines into lists of integers
def splitSpaces (line):
return map(int, line.rstrip("\n").split(' '))
# get streams from text file
lines = [splitSpaces(line) for line in open(filename)]
# the first line is the cost per mile
cpm = lines.pop(0)[0]
# all the other lines contain lists of [start, end, cost]
lines.sort(key=lambda l: l[0])
# the end of the course is the highest number in the stream ends
end = max(lines, key=lambda l:l[1])[1]
# store the fastest route for checking inside the loop
bestRoute = {}
# recursive function to follow all possible streams
def getRoutes (streams, currentInfo = { 'cost' : 0, 'pos' : 0 }, currentStreams = []) :
# define a method to recurse with to prevent scope leak
def addStream (i,stream,streams,currentInfo, currentStreams) :
# create streams object
newStreams = currentStreams[:]
# add this stream's tuple to our list of streams taken
# recurse
getRoutes(streams[i+1:], {
# add the cost of getting to this stream from the last one, plus the cost of the stream
'cost' : currentInfo['cost'] + ( ( stream[0] - currentInfo['pos'] ) * 50 ) + stream[2],
# set our position to the end of this stream
'pos' : stream[1]
}, newStreams)
# loop through possible next streams
for i, stream in enumerate(streams) :
if stream[0] >= currentInfo['pos'] :
# this stream is beyond our current position
addStream(i,stream,streams,currentInfo, currentStreams)
else :
# this jetstream is behind us. Add as a possible way to complete the course.
# use the global bestRoute
global bestRoute
# calculate the cost when completed
cost = currentInfo['cost'] + (end - currentInfo['pos']) * 50
if bestRoute.get('cost') == None or cost < bestRoute['cost'] :
bestRoute = {
'cost' : cost,
# set the streams to show how we got here
'streams' : currentStreams
# start recursion
# show best route
print "Found the best route."
print "Cost : " + str(bestRoute['cost'])
print "Jetstreams : " + str(bestRoute['streams'])
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