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Created July 10, 2011 13:50
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  • Save jessefreeman/1074546 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jessefreeman/1074546 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Example of TileBased player movement for ImpactJS game framework.
.defines(function() {
EntityPlayer = ig.Entity.extend({
type: ig.Entity.TYPE.A, // Player friendly group
checkAgainst: ig.Entity.TYPE.NONE,
collides: ig.Entity.COLLIDES.PASSIVE,
// These are our own properties. They are not defined in the base
// ig.Entity class. We just use them internally for the Player
tileSize: 32,
flip: false,
health: 1,
targetY: 0,
targetX: 0,
direction: null,
speed: 80,
init: function(x, y, settings) {
this.parent(x, y, settings);
// Define properties here so we can use tile size var
this.size = {x: this.tileSize, y: this.tileSize};
this.animSheet = new ig.AnimationSheet('media/player-tiles.png', this.tileSize, this.tileSize);
// Add the animations
this.addAnim('idle', 1, [0]);
* This makes sure the player is always correctly centered in a tile.
correctPosition: function () {
xMod = this.pos.x.round() % 32;
yMod = this.pos.y.round() % 32;
this.pos.x = this.pos.x.round() - xMod;
this.pos.y = this.pos.y.round() - yMod;
* Update Function
update: function() {
if (this.vel.x == 0 && this.vel.y == 0) {
// If X and Y velocity is at 0 the player isn't moving
if (ig.input.state('up')) {
this.vel.y = -this.speed;
this.vel.x = 0;
this.targetY = this.pos.y.round() - this.tileSize;
this.direction = "up";
else if (ig.input.state('down')) {
this.vel.y = this.speed;
this.vel.x = 0;
this.targetY = this.pos.y.round() + this.tileSize;
this.direction = "down";
if (ig.input.state('left')) {
this.vel.x = -this.speed;
this.vel.y = 0;
this.targetX = this.pos.x.round() - this.tileSize;
this.direction = "left";
else if (ig.input.state('right')) {
this.vel.x = this.speed;
this.vel.y = 0;
this.targetX = this.pos.x.round() + this.tileSize;
this.direction = "right";
else {
// Test to see if we have reached the targetX or targetY and reset teh velocity.
if (this.direction == "up" && this.pos.y.round() <= this.targetY) {
this.vel.y = 0;
else if (this.direction == "down" && this.pos.y.round() >= this.targetY) {
this.vel.y = 0;
else if (this.direction == "left" && this.pos.x.round() <= this.targetX) {
this.vel.x = 0;
else if (this.direction == "right" && this.pos.x.round() >= this.targetX) {
this.vel.x = 0;
// Make sure that X & Y positions are always on whole numbers
this.pos.x = this.pos.x.round();
this.pos.y = this.pos.y.round();
handleMovementTrace: function (res) {
if (res.collision.x || res.collision.y) {
// This entity collided on either the x or y axis,
// the collision pos is res.pos.x, res.pos.y.
// Do whatever you want here.
//console.log("Collision with wall");
// reset Y position
this.vel.x = 0;
this.vel.y = 0;
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