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Last active May 7, 2020 07:33
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.defines(function () {
"use strict";
// Add a nice convenience method to the Entity class so that we can add TextureAtlasAnimations
addTextureAtlasAnim: function (textureAtlas, name, frameTime, sequence, stop, maintainFrameOffset) {
if (!textureAtlas)
throw ('No texture atlas to add the animation from!');
if (!name)
throw ('No name to call the animation!');
var a = new ig.TextureAtlasAnimation(textureAtlas, frameTime, sequence, stop, maintainFrameOffset);
this.anims[name] = a;
if (!this.currentAnim) {
this.currentAnim = a;
return a;
* A TextureAtlas class holds an Image and the packed texture JSON array exported from TexturePacker / ShoeBox
* Author:
* Version 0.1 - 2012/10/14
* Notes:
ig.TextureAtlas = ig.Image.extend({
jsonData: null,
frameCache: [],
load: function (loadCallback) {
console.log("load", this.loaded);
if (this.loaded) {
if (loadCallback) {
loadCallback(this.path, true);
else if (!this.loaded && ig.ready) {
this.loadCallback = loadCallback || null;
// Load JSON data
console.log("this.path", this.path);
var url = ig.prefix + (this.path.substr(0, this.path.lastIndexOf('.')) || this.path) + '.json';
console.log("url", url);
var AJAX = null;
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
AJAX = new XMLHttpRequest();
} else {
AJAX = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
if (AJAX) {'get', url, false); // synchronous
try {
this.jsonData = JSON.parse(AJAX.responseText);
console.log('TextureAtlas: loaded JSON data from: ' + url);
} catch (error)
console.log("Error parsing json:", error);
} else throw ('TextureAtlas Exception: AJAX not supported!');
console.log("data", this.jsonData) = new Image(); = this.onload.bind(this); = this.onerror.bind(this); = ig.prefix + this.path + ig.nocache;
else {
ig.Image.cache[this.path] = this;
getFrameData: function (frame) {
//Return from cache if possible
if (typeof this.frameCache[frame] != "undefined")
return this.frameCache[frame];
// Search for the frame data and cache
for (var i = 0; i < this.jsonData.frames.length; i++) {
if (this.jsonData.frames[i].filename == frame) {
this.frameCache[frame] = this.jsonData.frames[i];
return this.frameCache[frame]
throw ('TextureAtlas Exception: frame [' + frame + '] does not exist!');
getWidth: function () {
return this.jsonData.meta.size.w;
getHeight: function () {
return this.jsonData.meta.size.h;
drawFrame: function (frame, targetX, targetY, maintainFrameOffset, width, height) {
var frameData = this.getFrameData(frame);
var x = targetX;
var y = targetY;
var w = (width == null) ? frameData.frame.w : width;
var h = (height == null) ? frameData.frame.h : height;
if (frameData.trimmed && maintainFrameOffset) {
// offset the image position according to source size, so that trimmed image still appears as it should
x += frameData.spriteSourceSize.x;
y += frameData.spriteSourceSize.y;
this.draw(x, y, frameData.frame.x, frameData.frame.y, w, h);
* A TextureAtlasAnimation extends Impact's Animation class to allow looking up a frames data from the TexturePacker JSON array
* Author:
* Version 0.4 - 2013/02/19
* Notes:
ig.TextureAtlasAnimation = ig.Animation.extend({
textureAtlas: null,
maintainFrameOffset: false,
frameData: 0,
init: function (textureAtlas, frameTime, sequence, stop, maintainFrameOffset) {
this.textureAtlas = textureAtlas;
this.timer = new ig.Timer();
this.frameTime = frameTime;
this.sequence = sequence;
this.frameData = this.textureAtlas.getFrameData(this.sequence[0]);
this.stop = !!stop;
if (maintainFrameOffset)
this.maintainFrameOffset = maintainFrameOffset;
rewind: function () {
this.loopCount = 0;
this.frameData = this.textureAtlas.getFrameData(this.sequence[0]);
return this;
update: function () {
var frameTotal = Math.floor( / this.frameTime);
this.loopCount = Math.floor(frameTotal / this.sequence.length);
if (this.stop && this.loopCount > 0) {
this.frame = this.sequence.length - 1;
else {
this.frame = frameTotal % this.sequence.length;
this.frameData = this.textureAtlas.getFrameData(this.sequence[this.frame]);
draw: function (targetX, targetY) {
var bbsize = Math.max(this.textureAtlas.width, this.textureAtlas.height);
var x = targetX;
var y = targetY;
if (this.frameData.trimmed && this.maintainFrameOffset) {
// offset the image position according to source size, so that trimmed image still appears centered as it should
x += this.frameData.spriteSourceSize.x;
y += this.frameData.spriteSourceSize.y;
// On screen?
if (x > ig.system.width || y > ig.system.height || x + bbsize < 0 || y + bbsize < 0) {
if (this.alpha != 1) {
ig.system.context.globalAlpha = this.alpha;
var halfWidth = this.frameData.frame.w / 2;
var halfHeight = this.frameData.frame.h / 2;;
ig.system.getDrawPos(x + halfWidth),
ig.system.getDrawPos(y + halfHeight)
var scaleX = this.flip.x ? -1 : 1;
var scaleY = this.flip.y ? -1 : 1;
if (this.flip.x || this.flip.y) {
ig.system.context.scale(scaleX, scaleY);
this.textureAtlas.draw(-halfWidth, -halfHeight, this.frameData.frame.x, this.frameData.frame.y, this.frameData.frame.w, this.frameData.frame.h);
if (this.alpha != 1) {
ig.system.context.globalAlpha = 1;
* A TextureAtlasImage extends Impact's Image class to allow looking up an images data from the TexturePacker JSON array
* Author:
* Version 0.1 - 2012/10/22
* Notes:
ig.TextureAtlasImage = ig.Image.extend({
textureAtlas: null,
frameName: null,
maintainFrameOffset: false,
init: function (textureAtlas, frameName, maintainFrameOffset) {
this.frameName = frameName;
this.textureAtlas = textureAtlas;
var frameData = this.textureAtlas.getFrameData(frameName);
this.width = frameData.frame.w;
this.height = frameData.frame.h;
draw: function (targetX, targetY) {
this.textureAtlas.drawFrame(this.frameName, targetX, targetY);
* A TextureAtlasFont extends Impact's Font class to allow looking up a font's bitmap from the TexturePacker JSON array
* Author: @jessefreeman
* Version 0.1 - 2013/02/19
* Usage:
* DemoTextureAtlasFont = ig.Game.extend({
* textureImage: new ig.Image('media/font.png'),
* init: function ()
* {
* this.textureAtlas = new ig.TextureAtlas(this.textureImage, new ig.PackedTextures().font); // Create the texture atlas
* this.textureFont = new ig.TextureAtlasFont(this.textureAtlas);
* },
* draw: function ()
* {
* this.parent();
* this.textureFont.draw("Hello World", 0, 0);
* }
* })
* Notes:
* This is based off of textures generated by ShoeBox. Use the following templates:
* Format Loop: \t{\n\t\t"filename": "@id",\n\t\t"frame": {"x":@x,"y":@y,"w":@w,"h":@h,"sx":@sx,"sy":@sy,"advanceX":@advanceX,"advanceY":@advanceX,}},\n
* Format Outer: {"frames": [\n@loop]\n,"meta": {\n\t"app": "ShoeBox",\n\t"lineHeight":@advanceY,\n\t"kerning":@kerning,\n\t"spaceWidth:0,\n\t"size": {"w":@texW,"h":@texH}\n}\n}
ig.TextureAtlasFont = ig.Font.extend({
textureAtlas: null,
spaceWidth: 0,
init: function (textureAtlas, kerning, spaceWidth)
this.textureAtlas = textureAtlas;
this.height = this.textureAtlas.jsonData.meta.lineHeight;
this.letterSpacing = (typeof kerning == "undefined") ? this.textureAtlas.packedTexture.meta.kerning : kerning;
this.spaceWidth = (typeof spaceWidth == "undefined") ? this.textureAtlas.packedTexture.meta.spaceWidth : spaceWidth;
if (typeof this.spaceWidth == "undefined")
this.spaceWidth = 0;
_drawChar: function (c, targetX, targetY)
if (c == 0)
return this.spaceWidth + this.letterSpacing;
var frameData = this.textureAtlas.getFrameData(c + this.firstChar);
this.textureAtlas.draw(targetX +, targetY +, frameData.frame.x, frameData.frame.y, frameData.frame.w, frameData.frame.h);
return frameData.frame.w + this.letterSpacing;
_widthForLine: function (text) {
var width = 0;
var frameData;
var charW = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
if (text.charCodeAt(i) == 0)
charW = this.spaceWidth + this.letterSpacing;
else {
charW = this.textureAtlas.getFrameData(text.charCodeAt(i)).frame.w + this.letterSpacing;
width += charW;
return width;
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