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Created January 7, 2020 02:05
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BitLocker Activation Script
#Check BitLocker prerequisites
$TPMNotEnabled = Get-WmiObject win32_tpm -Namespace root\cimv2\security\microsofttpm | where {$_.IsEnabled_InitialValue -eq $false} -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$TPMEnabled = Get-WmiObject win32_tpm -Namespace root\cimv2\security\microsofttpm | where {$_.IsEnabled_InitialValue -eq $true} -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$WindowsVer = Get-WmiObject -Query 'select * from Win32_OperatingSystem where (Version like "6.2%" or Version like "6.3%" or Version like "10.0%") and ProductType = "1"' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$BitLockerReadyDrive = Get-BitLockerVolume -MountPoint $env:SystemDrive -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$BitLockerDecrypted = Get-BitLockerVolume -MountPoint $env:SystemDrive | where {$_.VolumeStatus -eq "FullyDecrypted"} -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$BLVS = Get-BitLockerVolume | Where-Object {$_.KeyProtector | Where-Object {$_.KeyProtectorType -eq 'RecoveryPassword'}} -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
#Step 1 - Check if TPM is enabled and initialise if required
if ($WindowsVer -and !$TPMNotEnabled)
Initialize-Tpm -AllowClear -AllowPhysicalPresence -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
#Step 2 - Check if BitLocker volume is provisioned and partition system drive for BitLocker if required
if ($WindowsVer -and $TPMEnabled -and !$BitLockerReadyDrive)
Get-Service -Name defragsvc -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Set-Service -Status Running -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
BdeHdCfg -target $env:SystemDrive shrink -quiet
#Step 3 - Check BitLocker AD Key backup Registry values exist and if not, create them.
$BitLockerRegLoc = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft'
if (Test-Path "$BitLockerRegLoc\FVE")
Write-Verbose '$BitLockerRegLoc\FVE Key already exists' -Verbose
New-Item -Path "$BitLockerRegLoc" -Name 'FVE'
New-ItemProperty -Path "$BitLockerRegLoc\FVE" -Name 'ActiveDirectoryBackup' -Value '00000001' -PropertyType DWORD
New-ItemProperty -Path "$BitLockerRegLoc\FVE" -Name 'RequireActiveDirectoryBackup' -Value '00000001' -PropertyType DWORD
New-ItemProperty -Path "$BitLockerRegLoc\FVE" -Name 'ActiveDirectoryInfoToStore' -Value '00000001' -PropertyType DWORD
New-ItemProperty -Path "$BitLockerRegLoc\FVE" -Name 'EncryptionMethodNoDiffuser' -Value '00000003' -PropertyType DWORD
New-ItemProperty -Path "$BitLockerRegLoc\FVE" -Name 'EncryptionMethodWithXtsOs' -Value '00000006' -PropertyType DWORD
New-ItemProperty -Path "$BitLockerRegLoc\FVE" -Name 'EncryptionMethodWithXtsFdv' -Value '00000006' -PropertyType DWORD
New-ItemProperty -Path "$BitLockerRegLoc\FVE" -Name 'EncryptionMethodWithXtsRdv' -Value '00000003' -PropertyType DWORD
New-ItemProperty -Path "$BitLockerRegLoc\FVE" -Name 'EncryptionMethod' -Value '00000003' -PropertyType DWORD
New-ItemProperty -Path "$BitLockerRegLoc\FVE" -Name 'OSRecovery' -Value '00000001' -PropertyType DWORD
New-ItemProperty -Path "$BitLockerRegLoc\FVE" -Name 'OSManageDRA' -Value '00000000' -PropertyType DWORD
New-ItemProperty -Path "$BitLockerRegLoc\FVE" -Name 'OSRecoveryPassword' -Value '00000002' -PropertyType DWORD
New-ItemProperty -Path "$BitLockerRegLoc\FVE" -Name 'OSRecoveryKey' -Value '00000002' -PropertyType DWORD
New-ItemProperty -Path "$BitLockerRegLoc\FVE" -Name 'OSHideRecoveryPage' -Value '00000001' -PropertyType DWORD
New-ItemProperty -Path "$BitLockerRegLoc\FVE" -Name 'OSActiveDirectoryBackup' -Value '00000001' -PropertyType DWORD
New-ItemProperty -Path "$BitLockerRegLoc\FVE" -Name 'OSActiveDirectoryInfoToStore' -Value '00000001' -PropertyType DWORD
New-ItemProperty -Path "$BitLockerRegLoc\FVE" -Name 'OSRequireActiveDirectoryBackup' -Value '00000001' -PropertyType DWORD
New-ItemProperty -Path "$BitLockerRegLoc\FVE" -Name 'OSAllowSecureBootForIntegrity' -Value '00000001' -PropertyType DWORD
New-ItemProperty -Path "$BitLockerRegLoc\FVE" -Name 'OSEncryptionType' -Value '00000001' -PropertyType DWORD
New-ItemProperty -Path "$BitLockerRegLoc\FVE" -Name 'FDVRecovery' -Value '00000001' -PropertyType DWORD
New-ItemProperty -Path "$BitLockerRegLoc\FVE" -Name 'FDVManageDRA' -Value '00000000' -PropertyType DWORD
New-ItemProperty -Path "$BitLockerRegLoc\FVE" -Name 'FDVRecoveryPassword' -Value '00000002' -PropertyType DWORD
New-ItemProperty -Path "$BitLockerRegLoc\FVE" -Name 'FDVRecoveryKey' -Value '00000002' -PropertyType DWORD
New-ItemProperty -Path "$BitLockerRegLoc\FVE" -Name 'FDVHideRecoveryPage' -Value '00000001' -PropertyType DWORD
New-ItemProperty -Path "$BitLockerRegLoc\FVE" -Name 'FDVActiveDirectoryBackup' -Value '00000001' -PropertyType DWORD
New-ItemProperty -Path "$BitLockerRegLoc\FVE" -Name 'FDVActiveDirectoryInfoToStore' -Value '00000001' -PropertyType DWORD
New-ItemProperty -Path "$BitLockerRegLoc\FVE" -Name 'FDVRequireActiveDirectoryBackup' -Value '00000001' -PropertyType DWORD
New-ItemProperty -Path "$BitLockerRegLoc\FVE" -Name 'FDVEncryptionType' -Value '00000001' -PropertyType DWORD
#Step 4 - If all prerequisites are met, then enable BitLocker
if ($WindowsVer -and $TPMEnabled -and $BitLockerReadyDrive -and $BitLockerDecrypted)
Add-BitLockerKeyProtector -MountPoint $env:SystemDrive -TpmProtector
Enable-BitLocker -MountPoint $env:SystemDrive -RecoveryPasswordProtector -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
#Step 5 - Backup BitLocker recovery passwords to AD
if ($BLVS)
ForEach ($BLV in $BLVS)
$Key = $BLV | Select-Object -ExpandProperty KeyProtector | Where-Object {$_.KeyProtectorType -eq 'RecoveryPassword'}
ForEach ($obj in $key)
Backup-BitLockerKeyProtector -MountPoint $BLV.MountPoint -KeyProtectorID $obj.KeyProtectorId
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if you want to encrypt not only the systemdrive but all harddisks in the computer, it is advisable to mount the variable $BitLockerReadyDrive with the following command? "Get-Disk | Where-Object {$_.bustype -ne 'USB'} | Get-Partition | Where-Object { $_.DriveLetter } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty DriveLetter | Get-BitLockerVolume"

Hello, thank you for your reply. I tried that, but it didn´t work...

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Tomy389 commented Sep 29, 2022

Hello @jakouback,
since I have to do with it again on business, I was able to solve it as follows.

#Wenn ein Log erstellt werden soll folgenden Befehl verwenden
Start-Transcript -Path "C:\temp\transcript0.txt" -Force
#Check BitLocker prerequisites
$TPMEnabled = Get-WmiObject win32_tpm -Namespace root\cimv2\security\microsofttpm | Where-Object { $_.IsEnabled_InitialValue -eq $true } -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$TPMReady = Initialize-Tpm -AllowClear -AllowPhysicalPresence | Where-Object { $_.TPMReady -eq $true } -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$WindowsVer = Get-WmiObject -Query 'select * from Win32_OperatingSystem where (Version like "6.2%" or Version like "6.3%" or Version like "10.0%") and ProductType = "1"' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$BitLockerReadyDriveSystem = Get-BitLockerVolume -MountPoint $env:SystemDrive -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$BitLockerDecrypted = Get-WmiObject -Class MSFT_PhysicalDisk -Namespace root\Microsoft\Windows\Storage | Where-Object { $_.mediatype -eq 3 -or $_.mediatype -eq 4 } | Get-Disk | Where-Object { $_.bustype -ne 'USB' -or $_.bustype -ne 'SD' } | Get-Partition | Where-Object { $_.DriveLetter } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty DriveLetter | Get-BitLockerVolume | Where-Object { $_.VolumeStatus -eq "FullyDecrypted" -and $_.mountpoint -ne 'C:' } -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$IsDecrypted = Get-WmiObject -Class MSFT_PhysicalDisk -Namespace root\Microsoft\Windows\Storage | Where-Object { $_.mediatype -eq 3 -or $_.mediatype -eq 4 } | Get-Disk | Where-Object { $_.bustype -ne 'USB' -or $_.bustype -ne 'SD' } | Get-Partition | Where-Object { $_.DriveLetter } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty DriveLetter | Get-BitLockerVolume | Where-Object { $_.VolumeStatus -eq "FullyDecrypted" } -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$BitLockerRegLoc = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\FVE'

#Step 1 - Check if TPM is enabled and initialise if required
if ($WindowsVer -and $TPMEnabled.IsEnabled_InitialValue -and $TPMReady -and $IsDecrypted) {
  Initialize-Tpm -AllowClear -AllowPhysicalPresence -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

  #Step 2 - Check BitLocker AD Key backup Registry values exist and if not, create them.
  if (Test-Path "$BitLockerRegLoc") {
    Write-Verbose '$BitLockerRegLoc\FVE Key already exists' -Verbose
  elseif ($BitLockerReadyDriveSystem) {
    New-Item -Path "$BitLockerRegLoc" -Name 'FVE'
    New-ItemProperty -Path "$BitLockerRegLoc" -Name 'ActiveDirectoryBackup' -Value '00000001' -PropertyType DWORD
    New-ItemProperty -Path "$BitLockerRegLoc" -Name 'RequireActiveDirectoryBackup' -Value '00000001' -PropertyType DWORD
    New-ItemProperty -Path "$BitLockerRegLoc" -Name 'ActiveDirectoryInfoToStore' -Value '00000001' -PropertyType DWORD
    New-ItemProperty -Path "$BitLockerRegLoc" -Name 'EncryptionMethodNoDiffuser' -Value '00000003' -PropertyType DWORD
    New-ItemProperty -Path "$BitLockerRegLoc" -Name 'EncryptionMethodWithXtsOs' -Value '00000006' -PropertyType DWORD
    New-ItemProperty -Path "$BitLockerRegLoc" -Name 'EncryptionMethodWithXtsFdv' -Value '00000006' -PropertyType DWORD
    New-ItemProperty -Path "$BitLockerRegLoc" -Name 'EncryptionMethodWithXtsRdv' -Value '00000003' -PropertyType DWORD
    New-ItemProperty -Path "$BitLockerRegLoc" -Name 'EncryptionMethod' -Value '00000003' -PropertyType DWORD
    New-ItemProperty -Path "$BitLockerRegLoc" -Name 'OSRecovery' -Value '00000001' -PropertyType DWORD
    New-ItemProperty -Path "$BitLockerRegLoc" -Name 'OSManageDRA' -Value '00000000' -PropertyType DWORD
    New-ItemProperty -Path "$BitLockerRegLoc" -Name 'OSRecoveryPassword' -Value '00000002' -PropertyType DWORD
    New-ItemProperty -Path "$BitLockerRegLoc" -Name 'OSRecoveryKey' -Value '00000002' -PropertyType DWORD
    New-ItemProperty -Path "$BitLockerRegLoc" -Name 'OSHideRecoveryPage' -Value '00000001' -PropertyType DWORD
    New-ItemProperty -Path "$BitLockerRegLoc" -Name 'OSActiveDirectoryBackup' -Value '00000001' -PropertyType DWORD
    New-ItemProperty -Path "$BitLockerRegLoc" -Name 'OSActiveDirectoryInfoToStore' -Value '00000001' -PropertyType DWORD
    New-ItemProperty -Path "$BitLockerRegLoc" -Name 'OSRequireActiveDirectoryBackup' -Value '00000001' -PropertyType DWORD
    New-ItemProperty -Path "$BitLockerRegLoc" -Name 'OSAllowSecureBootForIntegrity' -Value '00000001' -PropertyType DWORD
    New-ItemProperty -Path "$BitLockerRegLoc" -Name 'OSEncryptionType' -Value '00000001' -PropertyType DWORD
    New-ItemProperty -Path "$BitLockerRegLoc" -Name 'FDVRecovery' -Value '00000001' -PropertyType DWORD
    New-ItemProperty -Path "$BitLockerRegLoc" -Name 'FDVManageDRA' -Value '00000000' -PropertyType DWORD
    New-ItemProperty -Path "$BitLockerRegLoc" -Name 'FDVRecoveryPassword' -Value '00000002' -PropertyType DWORD
    New-ItemProperty -Path "$BitLockerRegLoc" -Name 'FDVRecoveryKey' -Value '00000002' -PropertyType DWORD
    New-ItemProperty -Path "$BitLockerRegLoc" -Name 'FDVHideRecoveryPage' -Value '00000001' -PropertyType DWORD
    New-ItemProperty -Path "$BitLockerRegLoc" -Name 'FDVActiveDirectoryBackup' -Value '00000001' -PropertyType DWORD
    New-ItemProperty -Path "$BitLockerRegLoc" -Name 'FDVActiveDirectoryInfoToStore' -Value '00000001' -PropertyType DWORD
    New-ItemProperty -Path "$BitLockerRegLoc" -Name 'FDVRequireActiveDirectoryBackup' -Value '00000001' -PropertyType DWORD
    New-ItemProperty -Path "$BitLockerRegLoc" -Name 'FDVEncryptionType' -Value '00000001' -PropertyType DWORD

  #Step 3 - If all prerequisites are met, then enable BitLocker on Systemdrive
  if ($BitLockerReadyDriveSystem) {
    Add-BitLockerKeyProtector -MountPoint $BitLockerReadyDriveSystem -TpmProtector
    Enable-BitLocker -MountPoint $BitLockerReadyDriveSystem.mountpoint -RecoveryPasswordProtector -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -SkipHardwareTest
    #Step 4 - If all prerequisites are met, then enable BitLocker on ReadyDrives
    $BitLockerReadyDriveSystem = Get-BitLockerVolume -MountPoint $env:SystemDrive -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    if ($BitLockerDecrypted -and $BitLockerReadyDriveSystem.VolumeStatus -eq "EncryptionInProgress" -or $BitLockerReadyDriveSystem.VolumeStatus -eq "FullyEncrypted") {
      foreach ($lw in $BitLockerDecrypted) {
        Enable-BitLocker -MountPoint $lw.mountpoint -RecoveryPasswordProtector -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        Enable-BitLockerAutoUnlock -MountPoint $lw.mountpoint

    #Step 5 - Backup BitLocker recovery passwords to AD
    $BLVS = Get-BitLockerVolume | Where-Object { $_.KeyProtector | Where-Object { $_.KeyProtectorType -eq 'RecoveryPassword' } } -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    if ($BLVS) {
      ForEach ($BLV in $BLVS) {
        $Key = $BLV | Select-Object -ExpandProperty KeyProtector | Where-Object { $_.KeyProtectorType -eq 'RecoveryPassword' }
        ForEach ($obj in $key) { 
          Backup-BitLockerKeyProtector -MountPoint $BLV.MountPoint -KeyProtectorID $obj.KeyProtectorId
#Step 6 - Backup Bitlocker recovery password to \\serverXX\Bitlockerkeys
$BLKS = Get-BitLockerVolume | Where-Object { $_.KeyProtector | Where-Object { $_.KeyProtectorType -eq 'RecoveryPassword' } } -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($BLKS) {
  ForEach ($BLK in $BLKS) {
    $txtKey = $BLK | Select-Object -ExpandProperty KeyProtector | Where-Object { $_.KeyProtectorType -eq 'RecoveryPassword' }
    ForEach ($txtobj in $txtKey) { 
      (Get-BitLockerVolume -MountPoint $BLK) | Select-Object -Property MountPoint -ExpandProperty KeyProtector | Format-List > \\serverXX\Bitlockerkeys\BitLocker_Recovery_Key_$($txtobj.KeyProtectorId.replace('{','').replace('}','')).txt

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If I am reading this right. It looks to me that If I am not using AD, I can use all of it except parts 3 and 5. Does that make since to you?

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Tomy389 commented Dec 8, 2022

If I am reading this right. It looks to me that If I am not using AD, I can use all of it except parts 3 and 5. Does that make since to you?

It depends on what you want to encrypt. I have now adjusted some things again.
I have adjusted it so far that now not like in the original script everything is encrypted (also usb-sticks, sd-cards etc) but only ssds and hdds. I could solve this with the command Get-WmiObject and query the two mediatypes 3 and 4.
You can skip step 2 completely because as you said it is only relevant for the active directory.
Step 4 (before step 5) actually only describes that you also want to encrypt other hard disks that are not system hard disks. (i.e. a second harddisk like d:)

The last step you don't really need because the key is finally stored in the AD.
But i can't tell you if it will work like you think without AD. I think for a home area manage-bde would probably be easier.

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