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Last active March 3, 2020 04:23
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Deploy VNETs with AZCLI
az login
#Create RG
az group create -n "VNET-AZCLI-RG" -l "Australia East"
#Create Hub VNET
az network vnet create -n "msft-hub-vnet" --address-prefix "" --subnet-name "firewall" --subnet-prefix "" --dns-servers "" "" "" --tags department="Central IT" managedBy="Admins" -g "VNET-AZCLI-RG"
az network vnet subnet create -n "ad" --address-prefix "" --vnet-name "msft-hub-vnet" -g "VNET-AZCLI-RG"
az network vnet subnet create -n "mgmt" --address-prefix "" --vnet-name "msft-hub-vnet" -g "VNET-AZCLI-RG"
az network vnet subnet create -n "GatewaySubnet" --address-prefix "" --vnet-name "msft-hub-vnet" -g "VNET-AZCLI-RG"
#Create Spoke VNET
az network vnet create -n "msft-spoke1-vnet" --address-prefix "" --subnet-name "web" --subnet-prefix "" --dns-servers "" "" "" --tags department="HR" managedBy="DevOps" -g "VNET-AZCLI-RG"
az network vnet subnet create -n "biz" --address-prefix "" --vnet-name "msft-spoke1-vnet" -g "VNET-AZCLI-RG"
az network vnet subnet create -n "data" --address-prefix "" --vnet-name "msft-spoke1-vnet" -g "VNET-AZCLI-RG"
#Create VNET Peerings
az network vnet peering create -g VNET-AZCLI-RG -n msft-hub-vnet-to-msft-spoke1-vnet --vnet-name msft-hub-vnet --remote-vnet msft-spoke1-vnet --allow-vnet-access --allow-forwarded-traffic --allow-gateway-transit
az network vnet peering create -g VNET-AZCLI-RG -n msft-spoke1-vnet-to-msft-hub-vnet --vnet-name msft-spoke1-vnet --remote-vnet msft-hub-vnet --allow-vnet-access --allow-forwarded-traffic
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