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Created March 10, 2015 00:55
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Syntax highlighting for Gerris solver files for Sublime Text editors
# [PackageDev] target_format: plist, ext: tmLanguage
# Gerris syntax highlighting (fairly crappy at this stage)
name: Gerris
scopeName: source.gerris
fileTypes: ["gfs"]
uuid: 959c45c1-fa9c-428c-b2a2-e74f9ee51c2f
foldingStartMarker: '\{\s*$'
foldingStopMarker: '^\s*\}'
- comment: Comment lines
match: '^\s*#.*$'
name: comment.line.number-sign.gerris
- comment: C comments
match: '^\s*//.*$'
name: comment.line.double-slash.gerris
- comment: Gerris objects
match: '\bGfs.*\b'
name: keyword.gerris
- comment: Objects
match: '\b(Global|Time|Refine|PhysicalParams|Variable(Tracer|TracerVOF|Curvature)|Source(|Tension|Viscosity)|Init|Event(List|Balance)|Adapt(Function|Error)|SpatialSum|Source|GModule|Output(Progress|Time|ScalarStats|Simulation|View))\b'
name: keyword.gerris
- comment: keywords
match: '\b(start|istart|end|iend|step|istep|cmax|minlevel|maxlevel|L|v|alpha)\b'
name: string.gerris
- comment: C keywords
match: '\b(double|float|int|long)\b'
name: string.c.gerris
- comment: C control
match: '\b(static|return|if|then|else)\b'
name: keyword.control.c.gerris
- comment: locations
match: '\b(top|right|front|bottom|left|back|M_PI)\b'
name: support.constant.gerris
- comment: C keywords
match: '\b(start|istart|end|iend|step|istep|cmax|minlevel|maxlevel|L|v|alpha|format|width|height)\b'
name: string.gerris
- comment: Gerris functions
match: \b(CIRCLE|CUBE|ELLIPSE|dx|dy|dz)
name: support.function.gerris
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