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Last active September 7, 2020 22:46
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Mod of posh pure theme to include conda env information in prompt (a bit slow but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
#requires -Version 2 -Modules posh-git
function Get-CondaEnv {
$condaEnvInfo = (
Invoke-Conda env list
| Select-String -Pattern '^(\w+)\s+\*\s+(.*)$' # name, then prefix
return $condaEnvInfo.matches.groups[1]
function Test-CommandExists {
[string] $Command,
[switch] $Verbose
# Set error action preference
$oldPreference = $ErrorActionPreference
$ErrorActionPreference = 'stop'
# Check for command
try {
if (Get-Command $Command) {
if ($Verbose) {
Write-Host "Found ${Command} in $($(Get-Command $Command).Source)"
return $true
catch {
if ($Verbose) {
Write-Host "$Command does not exist"
return $false
finally {
$ErrorActionPreference = $oldPreference
function Write-Theme {
[bool] $lastCommandFailed,
[string] $with
#check the last command state and indicate if failed
$promtSymbolColor = $sl.Colors.PromptSymbolColor
If ($lastCommandFailed) {
$promtSymbolColor = $sl.Colors.WithForegroundColor
# Writes the drive portion
$drive = Get-FullPath -dir $pwd
$prompt += Write-Prompt -Object $drive -ForegroundColor $sl.Colors.DriveForegroundColor
$prompt += Write-Prompt -Object ' '
$status = Get-VCSStatus
if ($status) {
$prompt += Write-Prompt -Object "$($status.Branch)" -ForegroundColor $sl.Colors.WithForegroundColor
if ($status.Working.Length -gt 0) {
$prompt += Write-Prompt -Object (" " + $sl.PromptSymbols.GitDirtyIndicator) -ForegroundColor $sl.Colors.GitDefaultColor
# Write out conda environment
if (Test-CommandExists Invoke-Conda) {
if (!$env:CONDA_ENV) { $env:CONDA_ENV = Get-CondaEnv }
$prompt += Write-Prompt -Object " (🐍 $env:CONDA_ENV)" -ForegroundColor $sl.Colors.DriveForegroundColor
# New line
$prompt += Set-Newline
# Writes the postfixes to the prompt
$prompt += Write-Prompt -Object ($sl.PromptSymbols.PromptIndicator) -ForegroundColor $promtSymbolColor
$prompt += ' '
$sl = $global:ThemeSettings #local settings
$sl.PromptSymbols.PromptIndicator = [char]::ConvertFromUtf32(0x276f)
$sl.Colors.PromptSymbolColor = [ConsoleColor]::Green
$sl.Colors.PromptHighlightColor = [ConsoleColor]::Blue
$sl.Colors.DriveForegroundColor = [ConsoleColor]::Cyan
$sl.Colors.WithForegroundColor = [ConsoleColor]::Red
$sl.PromptSymbols.GitDirtyIndicator = [char]::ConvertFromUtf32(10007)
$sl.Colors.GitDefaultColor = [ConsoleColor]::Yellow
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Now stores the conda environment in $env:CONDA_ENV rather than running a query every time the prompt refreshes. Much better.

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