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Last active May 3, 2021 18:32
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SE conversion functions
import numpy as np
def high_ci_to_se(high_ci, est):
return round(
np.exp(((np.log(high_ci) - np.log(est)) / 1.96) ** 2) - 1
) / est
), 3
def low_ci_to_se(low_ci, est):
return round(
np.exp(((np.log(est) - np.log(low_ci)) / 1.96) ** 2) - 1
) / est
), 3
# Record 535 D.1
# est = 1.49
# se = 0.61
# low_ci = 0.69
# high_ci = 3.21
print('Record 535 D.1', '| reported SE: 0.61')
print('result high CI to SE:', high_ci_to_se(high_ci=3.21, est=1.49))
print('result lower CI to SE:', low_ci_to_se(low_ci=0.69, est=1.49))
# record 114 D.2
# est = 14.3
# se = 2.8
# low_ci = 9.6
# high_ci = 20.5
print('Record 114 D.2', '| reported SE: 2.8')
print('result high CI to SE:', high_ci_to_se(high_ci=20.5, est=14.3))
print('result lower CI to SE:', low_ci_to_se(low_ci=9.6, est=14.3))
# record 540 D.2
# est = 1.64
# se = 0.62
# low_ci = 0.7
# high_ci = 2.92
print('Record 540 D.2', '| reported SE: 0.62')
print('result high CI to SE:', high_ci_to_se(high_ci=2.92, est=1.64))
print('result lower CI to SE:', low_ci_to_se(low_ci=0.7, est=1.64))
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jessetmoy commented May 3, 2021

Record 535 D.1 | reported SE: 0.61
result high CI to SE: 0.273
result lower CI to SE: 0.274

Record 114 D.2 | reported SE: 2.8
result high CI to SE: 0.013
result lower CI to SE: 0.014

Record 540 D.2 | reported SE: 0.62
result high CI to SE: 0.183
result lower CI to SE: 0.278

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