- 1. Registers
- 1.1. A register
- 1.1.1. Power wires
- 1.1.2. Place our chips
- 1.1.3. Place our LEDs
- 1.1.4. Connect power
and ground-
for the chips - 1.1.5. Connect
for the two 74LS173 4-bit D registers - 1.1.6. Connect
for the two 74LS173 4-bit D registers - 1.1.7. Connect G1 and G2 for the two 74LS173 4-bit D registers
- 1.1.8. Connect the two 74LS173 4-bit D registers to the 74LS245 8-bit bus transceiver (A)
- 1.1.9. Connect the two 74LS173 4-bit D registers to the 74LS245 8-bit bus transceiver (B)
- 1.1.10. Connect wires that will be external to board
- 1.2. B Register
- 1.3. Instruction register
- 1.4. Testing our registers
- 1.1. A register
You’re going to be building the storage for bits of data for the computer.
Based on videos here: https://eater.net/8bit/registers and https://eater.net/8bit/alu
For the A and B registers, we will use red LEDs and for the instruction register we will use blue and yellow LEDs. The A and B registers will be built on the left side of the breadboard and the intruction register will be built on the right side of the breadboard. This is so that things line up better for the full computer.
Start with a clean breadboard
At the far right side of the breadboard (numbers like 60) connect the two sides of ground -
to each other with a wire.
The 8-bit bus transceiver allows 8-bit data from A (pins 2-9) to B
(pins 11-18) or B to A depending on the input to pin 1 (DIR aka DIRECTION ). The input for
pin 19 (EN aka. ENABLE ) disables the device so A and B are isolated.
Place the 74LS245 8-bit bus transceiver on the far left side of the board (number like 3) in the middle of the board such that the two sides are in E and F slots.
The 4-bit D register stores 4 bits. You write data to it by holding G1 and G2 low and pulsating the clock. |
Place the first 74LS173 4-bit D register on the left side of our first chip (number like 15) in the middle of the board such that the two sides are in E and F slots.
The 4-bit D register stores 4 bits. You write data to it by holding G1 and G2 low and pulsating the clock. |
Place the second 74LS173 4-bit D register on the left side of the first D register chip (number like 25) in the middle of the board such that the two sides are in E and F slots.
Select 8 red LEDs.
The first LED needs to go from ground -
to pin 3 (Q1) of the first 74LS173 4-bit D register
The second LED needs to go from ground -
to pin 4 (Q2) of the first 74LS173 4-bit D register
The third LED needs to go from ground -
to pin 5 (Q3) of the first 74LS173 4-bit D register
The fourth LED needs to go from ground -
to pin 6 (Q4) of the first 74LS173 4-bit D register
The fifth LED needs to go from ground -
to pin 3 (Q1) of the second 74LS173 4-bit D register
The sixth LED needs to go from ground -
to pin 4 (Q2) of the second 74LS173 4-bit D register
The seventh LED needs to go from ground -
to pin 5 (Q3) of the second 74LS173 4-bit D register
Connect pin 1 (
) to *power`* -> ` to A
Connect pin 20 (
5v`)* to *power `
→+ to J
Connect pin 10 (
) to ground-
→- to A
Connect pin 1 (
) to ground-
→- to A
Connect pin 2 (
) to pin 1 (M
) →B to B
Connect pin 8 (
) to ground-
→- to A
Connect pin 16 (
5v`)* to *power `
→+ to J
Connect pin 15 (CLR
) of the first 74LS173 4-bit D register to pin 15 (CLR
) of the second 74LS173 4-bit D register → J to J
Connect pin 7 (CLK
) of the first 74LS173 4-bit D register to pin 7 (CLK
) of the second 74LS173 4-bit D register → B to B
Connect pin 10 (G1) of the first 74LS173 4-bit D register to pin 10 (G1) of the second 74LS173 4-bit D register → G to G
Connect pin 10 (G1) of the first 74LS173 4-bit D register to pin 9 (G2) of the first 74LS173 4-bit D register → H to H
Connect pin 6 (Q4) of the second 74LS173 4-bit D register to pin 9 (A8) of the 74LS245 8-bit bus transceiver
Connect pin 5 (Q3) of the second 74LS173 4-bit D register to pin 8 (A7) of the 74LS245 8-bit bus transceiver
Connect pin 4 (Q2) of the second 74LS173 4-bit D register to pin 7 (A6) of the 74LS245 8-bit bus transceiver
Connect pin 3 (Q1) of the second 74LS173 4-bit D register to pin 6 (A5) of the 74LS245 8-bit bus transceiver
Connect pin 6 (Q4) of the first 74LS173 4-bit D register to pin 5 (A4) of the 74LS245 8-bit bus transceiver
Connect pin 5 (Q3) of the first 74LS173 4-bit D register to pin 4 (A3) of the 74LS245 8-bit bus transceiver
Connect pin 4 (Q2) of the first 74LS173 4-bit D register to pin 3 (A2) of the 74LS245 8-bit bus transceiver
Connect pin 3 (Q1) of the first 74LS173 4-bit D register to pin 2 (A1) of the 74LS245 8-bit bus transceiver
Connect pin 14 (D1) of the first 74LS173 4-bit D register to pin 18 (B1) of the 74LS245 8-bit bus transceiver
Connect pin 13 (D2) of the first 74LS173 4-bit D register to pin 17 (B2) of the 74LS245 8-bit bus transceiver
Connect pin 12 (D3) of the first 74LS173 4-bit D register to pin 16 (B3) of the 74LS245 8-bit bus transceiver
Connect pin 11 (D4) of the first 74LS173 4-bit D register to pin 15 (B4) of the 74LS245 8-bit bus transceiver
Connect pin 14 (D1) of the second 74LS173 4-bit D register to pin 14 (B5) of the 74LS245 8-bit bus transceiver
Connect pin 13 (D2) of the second 74LS173 4-bit D register to pin 13 (B6) of the 74LS245 8-bit bus transceiver
Connect pin 12 (D3) of the second 74LS173 4-bit D register to pin 12 (B7) of the 74LS245 8-bit bus transceiver
Connect pin 11 (D4) of the second 74LS173 4-bit D register to pin 11 (B8) of the 74LS245 8-bit bus transceiver
These wires will be more like jumpers that we will connect to other boards.
Connect a wire to pin 18 (B1) of the 74LS245 8-bit bus transceiver
Connect a wire to pin 17 (B2) of the 74LS245 8-bit bus transceiver
Connect a wire to pin 16 (B3) of the 74LS245 8-bit bus transceiver
Connect a wire to pin 15 (B4) of the 74LS245 8-bit bus transceiver
Connect a wire to pin 14 (B5) of the 74LS245 8-bit bus transceiver
Connect a wire to pin 13 (B6) of the 74LS245 8-bit bus transceiver
Connect a wire to pin 12 (B7) of the 74LS245 8-bit bus transceiver
Connect a wire to pin 11 (B8) of the 74LS245 8-bit bus transceiver
Connect a wire to pin 9 (G2) of the second 74LS173 4-bit D register
Connect a wire to pin 19 (EN
) of the 74LS245 8-bit bus transceiver
Connect a wire to pin 15 (CLR
) of the second 74LS173 4-bit D register
For now we can connect the other end of this wire to ground -
because we don’t want to use it right now
Use the same instructions for the A register and repeat for the B register. This register is the exact same as the A register.
Use the same instructions for the A register but mirror them on the breadboard such that it is aligned on the right side of the board versus the left. This will help us put all the boards together in the end.
On another breadboard line up 8 LEDs
* Connect one side of each LED to *ground (
) and one side to the inner board -
Connect each of the wires for the bus on our register to each of the LEDs
Connect ground (
) on the register breadboard to ground (-
) on the LED breadboard
Connect the
wire from the register breadboard to theCLOCK
breadboard we made in Kit 1. -
Connect power (
`)* and *ground (`-`)* from the register breadboard to *power (`
) and ground (-
) on theCLOCK
Plug our power source into our register breadboard. Now the boards should be powered.
By doing this, we are telling our register to load whatever is on the bus.
The next time the CLOCK
goes high, all the bits in our register should go
high. Meaning all the LEDs on the register should illuminate.
The chip defaults to high. This is why, even though we have nothing on our bus, the bits on the register go to high. |
This turns the load off, so we will no longer load the value from the bus.