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Created September 28, 2015 06:30
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code sketch 2
int a = 40;
int b = 255;
float ok = 255;
float ya = 500;
float yo = 0;
//boolean stroke() = true;
//boolean noStroke() = false;
void setup() {
size(800, 800);
colorMode(RGB, 100);
void draw() {
background(300, ya, ok);
// cone
fill(2, 191, 125);
rect(300, 360, 200, 70);
triangle(400, 750, 490, 400, 310, 400);
// burrrr
fill(ok, 80);
ellipse(400, 180, 180, 180);
ellipse(340, 300, 180, 180);
ellipse(460, 300, 180, 180);
// cherry
//fill(ok, 130, 12);
fill(yo, 13, 90);
ellipse(400, 75, 80, 80);
if (mouseX > ok/2) {
ok = random(360);
} else if (mouseX < 100) {
} else {
//if (background != 0){
//stroke() = true;
drawJimi(20, mouseX, ok);
drawJimi(18, ok, ya);
drawJimi(6, 90, ok-mouseY);
// where are these going?
void mousePressed() {
if (yo == 0) {
yo = (b);
} else {
yo = 0;
void drawJimi (int jimiColor, float x, float y) {
ellipse(110, 400, 50, 2);
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