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Created November 1, 2017 22:38
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from IPython.display import Image, display
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import time
import datetime
#get all users that I am directly following
result = api.LastJson
follow_relationships = []
for user in tqdm(result['users']):
followed_user_id = user['pk']
followed_user_name = user['full_name']
follow_relationships.append((user_id, followed_user_id, me, followed_user_name))
df_local = pd.DataFrame(follow_relationships, columns=['src_id','dst_id', 'src_name', 'dst_name'])
all_user_ids_local = np.unique(df_local[['src_id', 'dst_id']].values.reshape(1,-1))
#grab all my likes from the past year
last_year = - datetime.timedelta(days=365)
now =
last_result_time = now
all_likes = []
max_id = 0
while last_result_time > last_year:
results = api.LastJson
[all_likes.append(item) for item in results['items']]
max_id = results['items'][-1]['pk']
last_result_time = pd.to_datetime(results['items'][-1]['taken_at'], unit='s')
like_counts = pd.Series([i['user']['pk'] for i in all_likes]).value_counts()
#calculate number of times I've liked each users post
for i in tqdm(like_counts.index):
if i in df_local['dst_id'].values: # only count likes from people I follow (naive but simple)
ind = df_local[(df_local['src_id'] == user_id) & (df_local['dst_id'] == i)].index[0]
if like_counts[i] is not None:
df_local = df_local.set_value(ind,'weight',like_counts[i])
ind = df_local[df_local['weight'].isnull()].index
df_local = df_local.set_value(ind,'weight',0.5)
#create social graph and calculate pagerank
G = nx.from_pandas_dataframe(df_local, 'src_id', 'dst_id')
#calculate personalized pagerank
perzonalization_dict = dict(zip(G.nodes(), [0]*len(G.nodes())))
perzonalization_dict[user_id] = 1
ppr = nx.pagerank(G, personalization=perzonalization_dict)
#this may take a while if you follow a lot of people
urls = []
taken_at = []
num_likes = []
num_comments = []
page_rank = []
users = []
weight = []
for user_id in tqdm(all_user_ids_local):
result = api.LastJson
if 'items' in result.keys():
for item in result['items']:
if 'image_versions2' in item.keys(): #only grabbing pictures (no videos or carousels)
# make sure we can grab keys before trying to append
url = item['image_versions2']['candidates'][1]['url']
taken = item['taken_at']
likes = item['like_count']
except KeyError:
likes = 0
comments = item['comment_count']
except KeyError:
comments = 0
pr = ppr[item['user']['pk']]
user = item['user']['full_name']
if user != me: #don't count myself!
weight.append(df_local[df_local['dst_name'] == user]['weight'].values[0])
#now we can make a dataframe with all of that information
scores_df = pd.DataFrame(
{'urls': urls,
'taken_at': taken_at,
'num_likes': num_likes,
'num_comments': num_comments,
'page_rank': page_rank,
'users': users,
'weight': weight
#don't care about anything older than 1 week
oldest_time = int((
- datetime.timedelta(weeks = 1)).strftime('%s'))
scores_df = scores_df[scores_df['taken_at'] > oldest_time]
# /1e5 to help out with some machine precision (numbers get real small otherwise)
scores_df['time_score'] = np.exp(-(int(time.time()) - scores_df['taken_at'])/1e5)
scores_df['total_score'] = (np.log10(scores_df['num_comments']+2) * np.log10(scores_df['num_likes']+1)
* scores_df['page_rank'] * scores_df['time_score']
* np.log(scores_df['weight']+1))
# calculate top ten highest rated posts
top_ten = scores_df['total_score'].nlargest(10)
top_rows = scores_df.loc[top_ten.index].values
top_personal_img = []
top_graph_img = []
#display the feed
for row in top_rows:
img = Image(row[4], format='jpeg')
print('taken_at: %s' % time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(row[3])) )
print('number of likes: %s' % row[1])
print('number of comments: %s' % row[0])
print('page_rank: %s' % row[2])
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