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Created January 23, 2014 15:44
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Save jesslilly/8580813 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Convert data used for an ngGrid (Array of same-key objects) to something that will work for a google-chart focusing on the data attribute. It would be good to refactor this code to simply take an input array and convert to google-chart format. Call groupBy externally instead.
var ngGridObj = [ {
"entity" : {
'date' : '2013-09-23 23:23:23',
'amt' : 4.5,
'name' : 'Mike'
}, {
"entity" : {
'date' : '2013-09-26 23:23:23',
'amt' : 6.5,
'name' : 'Mike'
}, {
"entity" : {
'date' : '2013-09-26 23:27:27',
'amt' : 3,
'name' : 'Maven'
} ];
var ngGridX = 'date';
var ngGridY = 'amt';
var googleChartData = {
"cols" : [ {
"id" : "date",
"label" : "date",
"type" : "string"
}, {
"id" : "amt",
"label" : "amt",
"type" : "number"
} ],
"rows" : [ {
"c" : [ {
"v" : "2013-09-23 23:23:23"
}, {
"v" : 4.5
} ]
}, {
"c" : [ {
"v" : "2013-09-26 23:23:23"
}, {
"v" : 6.5
} ]
}, {
"c" : [ {
"v" : "2013-09-26 23:27:27"
}, {
"v" : 3,
} ]
}, ]
var googleChartData2 = {
"cols" : [ {
"id" : "date",
"label" : "date",
"type" : "string"
}, {
"id" : "amt",
"label" : "amt",
"type" : "number"
} ],
"rows" : [ {
"c" : [ {
"v" : "2013-09-23"
}, {
"v" : 4.5
} ]
}, {
"c" : [ {
"v" : "2013-09-24"
}, {
"v" : 0
} ]
}, {
"c" : [ {
"v" : "2013-09-25"
}, {
"v" : 0
} ]
}, {
"c" : [ {
"v" : "2013-09-26"
}, {
"v" : 9.5
} ]
}, ]
var googleChartData3 = {
"cols" : [ {
"id" : "date",
"label" : "date",
"type" : "string"
}, {
"id" : "amt",
"label" : "amt",
"type" : "number"
} ],
"rows" : [ {
"c" : [ {
"v" : "2013-09-01"
}, {
"v" : 4.666666666666667
} ]
}, ]
var googleChartData4 = {
"cols" : [ {
"id" : "name",
"label" : "name",
"type" : "string"
}, {
"id" : "amt",
"label" : "amt",
"type" : "number"
} ],
"rows" : [ {
"c" : [ {
"v" : "Mike"
}, {
"v" : 5.5
} ]
}, {
"c" : [ {
"v" : "Maven"
}, {
"v" : 3
} ]
}, ]
it('should create a google chart obj given a ng-grid data source', function() {
expect(ngGrid2GoogleChartData(ngGridObj, ngGridX, ngGridX, ngGridY, ngGridY, "none", "sum", "transactions > 2013-01-01").data).toEqual(googleChartData);
it('should create a google chart obj grouping by day and summing the group. Missing days will fill in.', function() {
expect(ngGrid2GoogleChartData(ngGridObj, ngGridX, ngGridX, ngGridY, ngGridY, "day", "sum", "transactions > 2013-01-01").data).toEqual(googleChartData2);
it('should create a google chart obj grouping by month and avg the group. Missing months will fill in.', function() {
expect(ngGrid2GoogleChartData(ngGridObj, ngGridX, ngGridX, ngGridY, ngGridY, "month", "avg", "transactions > 2013-01-01").data).toEqual(googleChartData3);
it('should create a google chart obj grouping by x value and avg the group.', function() {
expect(ngGrid2GoogleChartData(ngGridObj, 'name', 'name', 'amt', 'amt', "x", "avg", "transactions > 2013-01-01").data).toEqual(googleChartData4);
<div google-chart chart="chart" style="{{chart.cssStyle}}"/>
* @method
* @public
* @description Convert data used for an ngGrid (Array of same-key objects) to
* something that will work for a google-chart focusing on the data
* attribute. It would be good to refactor this code to simply take
* an input array and convert to google-chart format. Call groupBy
* externally instead.
* @param {array}
* gridRows - array of x/y values. Can include extra fields.
* @param {string}
* xCol - name of x attribute.
* @param {string}
* xLbl - Human readable version of xCol.
* @param {string}
* yCol - name of y attribute.
* @param {string}
* yLbl - Human readable version of yCol.
* @param {string}
* chartGroup - day, month, x, none. Call grouping function if !none.
* @param {string}
* chartAgg - max, sum, avg
* @param {string}
* showing - used to build the title of the chart. (What data is
* showing?)
* @return {object} chart - full google-chart data.
function ngGrid2GoogleChartData(gridRows, xCol, xLbl, yCol, yLbl, chartGroup, chartAgg, showing) {
var start = new Date();
var MAX_ROWS = 500;
var groupInput = [];
var groupOutput = [];
var chart = chartTemplate();
var data =;
data.cols = [];
data.rows = [];
var title = (chartGroup === "none") ? "" : chartAgg;
title += " " + yLbl + " over " + xLbl + " for " + showing;
chart.options.title = title;
chart.options.vAxis.title = yLbl;
chart.options.hAxis.title = xLbl;
// No grouping: Push the ngGrid rows array into the google chart.
if (chartGroup === "none") {
for ( var idx = 0; idx < gridRows.length; idx++) {
var gridRow = gridRows[idx];
"c" : [ {
"v" : gridRow.entity[xCol]
}, {
"v" : gridRow.entity[yCol]
}, ]
// Now that we are grouping, we need to count the output # of rows.
if (data.rows.length >= MAX_ROWS) {
} else {
// Grouped! Push the grouped object into the google chart.
groupInput =, function(row) {
return row.entity;
groupOutput = groupBy(groupInput, xCol, yCol, chartGroup, chartAgg);
_.each(groupOutput, function(row) {
"c" : [ {
"v" : row[xCol]
}, {
"v" : row[yCol]
}, ]
data.cols = [ {
"id" : xCol,
"label" : xCol,
"type" : "string"
}, {
"id" : yCol,
"label" : yCol,
"type" : "number"
}, ];
var end = new Date();
console.log("ngGrid2GoogleChartData processed " + gridRows.length + " rows in " + (end - start) + "ms.");
return chart;
function chartTemplate() {
var chartModel = {};
chartModel = {
"type" : "ColumnChart",
"displayed" : true,
"cssStyle" : "height:400px; width:100%;",
"data" : {
"cols" : [ {
"id" : "date",
"label" : "date",
"type" : "string"
}, {
"id" : "amt",
"label" : "amt",
"type" : "number"
} ],
"rows" : [ {
"c" : [ {
"v" : "2013-09-25 23:23:23"
}, {
"v" : 4.5
} ]
}, {
"c" : [ {
"v" : "2013-09-26 23:23:23"
}, {
"v" : 6.5
} ]
}, {
"c" : [ {
"v" : "2013-09-27 23:23:23"
}, {
"v" : 3,
} ]
}, ]
"options" : {
"title" : "Updating...",
"isStacked" : "true",
"fill" : 20,
"displayExactValues" : true,
"vAxis" : {
"title" : ""
"hAxis" : {
"title" : ""
"formatters" : {}
return chartModel;
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