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Last active November 18, 2019 21:28
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WordPress Plugin Example (readme.txt)
=== Plugin Name ===
Contributors: littlebizzy
Donate link:
Tags: five, keywords, separated, by, commas
Requires at least: 4.4
Tested up to: 4.9
Requires PHP: 7.2
Multisite support: No
Stable tag: 1.2.3
License: GPLv3
License URI:
Text Domain: plugin-name-littlebizzy
Domain Path: /lang
Prefix: ABCXYZ
Description of the plugin goes here, limited to 150 characters or less and should be a single well-written sentence that includes some of your most important keywords.
== Description ==
Description of the plugin goes here, limited to 150 characters or less and should be a single well-written sentence that includes some of your most important keywords.
* [**Join our FREE Facebook group for support**](
* [Plugin Homepage](
* [Plugin GitHub](
#### Current Features ####
Below is a
Current features:
* cool feature
* another cool feature
* coming soon feature in future version
#### Compatibility ####
This plugin has been designed for use on [SlickStack]( web servers with PHP 7.2 and MySQL 5.7 to achieve best performance. All of our plugins are meant for single site WordPress installations only; for both performance and usability reasons, we highly recommend avoiding WordPress Multisite for the vast majority of projects.
Any of our WordPress plugins may also be loaded as "Must-Use" plugins by using our free [Autoloader]( script in the `mu-plugins` directory.
#### Defined Constants ####
/* Plugin Meta */
define('DISABLE_NAG_NOTICES', true);
/* Plugin Name Functions */
#### Technical Details ####
* Prefix: DPLCTP
* Parent Plugin: [**SEO Genius**](
* Disable Nag Notices: [Yes](
* Settings Page: No
* PHP Namespaces: Yes
* Object-Oriented Code: Yes
* Includes Media (images, icons, etc): No
* Includes CSS: No
* Database Storage: Yes
* Transients: No
* WP Options Table: Yes
* Other Tables: No
* Creates New Tables: No
* Creates New WP Cron Jobs: No
* Database Queries: Backend Only (Options API)
* Must-Use Support: [Yes](
* Multisite Support: No
* Uninstalls Data: Yes
#### Special Thanks ####
[Alex Georgiou](, [Automattic](, [Brad Touesnard](, [Daniel Auener](, [Delicious Brains](, [Greg Rickaby](, [Matt Mullenweg](, [Mika Epstein](, [Mike Garrett](, [Samuel Wood](, [Scott Reilly](, [Jan Dembowski](, [Jeff Starr](, [Jeff Chandler](, [Jeff Matson](, [Jeremy Wagner](, [John James Jacoby](, [Leland Fiegel](, [Luke Cavanagh](, [Mike Jolley](, [Pau Iglesias](, [Paul Irish](, [Rahul Bansal](, [Roots](, [rtCamp](, [Ryan Hellyer](, [WP Chat](, [WP Tavern](
#### Disclaimer ####
We released this plugin in response to our managed hosting clients asking for better access to their server, and our primary goal will remain supporting that purpose. Although we are 100% open to fielding requests from the WordPress community, we kindly ask that you keep these conditions in mind, and refrain from slandering, threatening, or harassing our team members in order to get a feature added, or to otherwise get "free" support. The only place you should be contacting us is in our free [**Facebook group**]( which has been setup for this purpose, or via GitHub if you are an experienced developer. Thank you!
#### Our Philosophy ####
> "Decisions, not options." --
> "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler." -- Albert Einstein, et al
> "Write programs that do one thing and do it well... write programs to work together." -- Doug McIlroy
> "The innovation that this industry talks about so much is bullshit. Anybody can innovate... 99% of it is 'Get the work done.' The real work is in the details." -- Linus Torvalds
#### Search Keywords ####
keywords, separated, by, commas, for, search, seo, reasons
== Installation ==
1. Upload to `/wp-content/plugins/force-https-littlebizzy`
2. Activate via WP Admin > Plugins
3. Test plugin is working:
Load a non-HTTPS version of any page, and it should be automatically redirected to the HTTPS version. In addition, most if not all insecure links and resources should now be loaded over HTTPS, regardless of original code.
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
= How can I change this plugin's settings? =
There is a settings page where you can exclude certain types of query strings.
= I have a suggestion, how can I let you know? =
Please avoid leaving negative reviews in order to get a feature implemented. Instead, we kindly ask that you post your feedback on the support forums by tagging this plugin in your post. If needed, you may also contact our homepage.
== Changelog ==
= 1.1.0 =
* new features and big changes
* tested with WP 5.0
= 1.0.1 =
* small patches and tweaks
= 1.0.0 =
* initial release
* tested with PHP 7.0
* tested with PHP 7.1
* tested with PHP 7.2
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