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Last active September 19, 2023 16:48
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  • Save jessvb/3122b8ebb7564e8b35ee606399a12c29 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jessvb/3122b8ebb7564e8b35ee606399a12c29 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Normalized Stacked Bar Chart | Task Orientation | Vega-Lite


To create a JSON of your data that can be used in vega-lite, you can use python pandas to_json function with the 'records' orientation:

import pandas as pd

inputFile = "/path/to/csvs/inputfile.csv"
outputFile = "/path/to/output/ourputfile.json"

df = pd.DataFrame()
df = pd.read_csv(inputFile)

Then, enter the data into vega-lite as in:

  "data": {
    "values": // [enter json output from pandas here] e.g.,
        "Group": "Overall",
        "Subset": "Overall",
        "Task-orientation": "Socially oriented",
        "Count": 38
        "Group": "Overall",
        "Subset": "Overall",
        "Task-orientation": "Task-oriented",
        "Count": 115
      // ...

Note that on the online vega-lite editor, you can directly get the SVG by copying the element in the inspector and pasting it into a text doc with the extension .svg.


  "$schema": "",
  "data": {
    "values": [
        "Theme": "Stressor: Physical",
        "Subtheme": "Navigating obstacles",
        "App Type": "Audio\/Haptic",
        "Value": 0,
        "Percent by App Type": 0.0
        "Theme": "Stressor: Physical",
        "Subtheme": "Gripping the phone",
        "App Type": "Audio\/Haptic",
        "Value": 2,
        "Percent by App Type": 3.278688525
        "Theme": "Stressor: Social-evaluative",
        "Subtheme": "Loud app sounds",
        "App Type": "Audio\/Haptic",
        "Value": 7,
        "Percent by App Type": 11.47540984
        "Theme": "Stressor: Social-evaluative",
        "Subtheme": "Social perception",
        "App Type": "Audio\/Haptic",
        "Value": 0,
        "Percent by App Type": 0.0
        "Theme": "Stressor: Cognitive",
        "Subtheme": "Bug/drift",
        "App Type": "Audio\/Haptic",
        "Value": 6,
        "Percent by App Type": 9.836065574
        "Theme": "Stressor: Cognitive",
        "Subtheme": "Problematic app visuals",
        "App Type": "Audio\/Haptic",
        "Value": 0,
        "Percent by App Type": 0.0
        "Theme": "Stressor: Cognitive",
        "Subtheme": "Distracting sounds",
        "App Type": "Audio\/Haptic",
        "Value": 1,
        "Percent by App Type": 1.639344262
  "repeat": {"column": ["App Type"]},
  "spec": {
    "mark": "bar",
    "encoding": {
      "y": {
        "field": "Subtheme",
        // "field": "Theme",
        "type": "nominal",
        // "sort": [
        //     "Stressor: Physical",
        //     "Stressor: Social-evaluative",
        //     "Stressor: Cognitive",
        //     "Stress Reducer: Social-evaluative",
        //     "Stress Reducer: Physical",
        //     "Stress Reducer: Cognitive",
        //     "Confident Scanning Correctly",
        //     "Not Confident Scanning Correctly",
        //     "Rewarding",
        //     "Stressor: Physical",
        //     "Stressor: Social-evaluative",
        //     "Stressor: Cognitive",
        //     "Stress Reducer: Social-evaluative",
        //     "Stress Reducer: Physical",
        //     "Stress Reducer: Cognitive",
        //     "Confident Scanning Correctly",
        //     "Not Confident Scanning Correctly",
        //     "Rewarding"
        // ]
        "sort": ["Navigating obstacles",
        "Gripping the phone",
        "Loud app sounds",
        "Social perception",
        "Problematic app visuals",
        "Distracting sounds",
        "Busyness of area",
        "Social acceptance of activity",
        "People automatically avoid you",
        "Aware of surroundings",
        "Prior experience",
        "Voiced encouragement",
        "Visualisation of mesh",
        "Learning a new skill"
      "x": {
        // "aggregate": "sum",
        "field": "Value",
        // "field": "Percent by App Type",
        "type": "quantitative",
        "title": "Number of times mentioned"
        // "title": "Percent tags by app type"
      "color": {"field": "App Type", "title": "Pilot App Version"},
      "yOffset": {"field": "App Type"},
  "config": {"mark": {"invalid": null}}


  "$schema": "",
  "data": {
    "values": [
        "codename": "RedAlpaca",
        "Valence (pre)": 4,
        "Valence (post)": 4,
        "Arousal (pre)": 2,
        "Arousal (post)": 3
        "codename": "YellowAlligator",
        "Valence (pre)": 4,
        "Valence (post)": 4,
        "Arousal (pre)": 2,
        "Arousal (post)": 3
        "codename": "OrangeAntelope",
        "Valence (pre)": 4,
        "Valence (post)": 3,
        "Arousal (pre)": 1,
        "Arousal (post)": 2
// ...
  "mark": "circle",
  "transform": [{"filter":{"field": "appType", "equal": "video"}}],
  "title": "Emotional affect for visual app users before scanning",
  "encoding": {
    "x": {
      "bin": {"maxbins": 6},
      "field": "Valence (pre)",
      "scale": {"domain": [1, 5]}
    "y": {
      "bin": {"maxbins": 6},
      "field": "Arousal (pre)",
      "scale": {"domain": [1, 5]}
    "size": {"aggregate": "count"}


    "$schema": "",
    "description": "A simple bar chart with embedded data.",
    "data": {
        "values": [
                "codename": "bluealpaca",
                "measurementType": "Indoor Walk",
                "appType": "audio",
                "incremental-hr": 0.20652174,
                "scanning-level": "advanced",
                "codename": "bluealpaca",
                "measurementType": "Outdoor Walk",
                "appType": "audio",
                "incremental-hr": 4.33152174,
                "scanning-level": "advanced",
                "codename": "bluealpaca",
                "measurementType": "Indoor Scan",
                "appType": "audio",
                "incremental-hr": -0.16847826,
                "scanning-level": "advanced",
                "codename": "greenwalrus",
                "measurementType": "Indoor Walk",
                "appType": "video",
                "incremental-hr": 7.9,
                "scanning-level": "novice",
    "mark": "boxplot",
    "width": 75,
    "title": {
        "text": "Incremental Heart Rate (ΔHR)",
        "frame": "bounds",
        "anchor": "middle",
        "offset": 20,
        "fontSize": 20
    "encoding": {
        "x": {
            "field": "appType",
            "type": "nominal",
            "title": "App Version"
        "color": {
            "field": "appType",
            "type": "nominal",
            "legend": null
        "y": {
            "field": "incremental-hr",
            "type": "quantitative",
            "scale": {
                "zero": false
            "title": "ΔHR (bpm)"
        "column": {
            "field": "measurementType",
            "type": "nominal",
            "title": "Avg. HR Baseline Used to Obtain ΔHR:"
"$schema": "",
"description": "A vertical box plot showing median and lower and upper quartiles of the distribution of heart rates.",
"data": {"values": [
"timestamp": "2023-03-29 16:02:05",
"heart_rate": 91,
"position_lat": 614559208.0,
"position_long": -1519396.0,
"distance": 0.09,
"enhanced_altitude": -57.4,
"enhanced_speed": 0.0,
"cadence": 0,
"fractional_cadence": 0.0,
"unknown_134": null,
"unknown_135": 52,
"unknown_136": 91,
"unknown_87": 0.0,
"codename": "CODENAME1",
"testType": "audio",
"testedFirst": "audio"
"timestamp": "2023-03-29 16:02:06",
"heart_rate": 91,
"position_lat": 614559203.0,
"position_long": -1519351.0,
"distance": 0.28,
"enhanced_altitude": -57.4,
"enhanced_speed": 0.0,
"cadence": 0,
"fractional_cadence": 0.0,
"unknown_134": null,
"unknown_135": 52,
"unknown_136": 91,
"unknown_87": 0.0,
"codename": "CODENAME1",
"testType": "audio",
"testedFirst": "audio"
// ...
"mark": "boxplot",
"title": "Heart Rate w.r.t. App Testing Order",
"encoding": {
"x": {
"field": "testType",
"type": "nominal",
"title": "App"
"color": {"field": "testType", "type": "nominal", "legend": null},
"y": {
"field": "heart_rate",
"type": "quantitative",
"scale": {"zero": false},
"title": "Heart Rate (bpm)"
"column": {
"field": "testedFirst",
"type": "nominal",
"title": "App Used First"
// Alternative chart encodingss:
"title": "Heart Rate Using Each App",
"encoding": {
"x": {
"field": "testType",
"type": "nominal",
"title": "App"
"color": {"field": "testType", "type": "nominal", "legend": null},
"y": {
"field": "heart_rate",
"type": "quantitative",
"scale": {"zero": false},
"title": "Heart Rate (bpm)"
"title": "Heart Rate Per User",
"encoding": {
"x": {
"field": "codename",
"type": "nominal",
"title": "Code Name"
"y": {
"field": "heart_rate",
"type": "quantitative",
"scale": {"zero": false},
"title": "Heart Rate (bpm)"
"title": "Heart Rate Per User Per App",
"encoding": {
"x": {
"field": "testType",
"type": "nominal",
"title": "App"
"color": {"field": "testType", "type": "nominal", "legend": null},
"y": {
"field": "heart_rate",
"type": "quantitative",
"scale": {"zero": false},
"title": "Heart Rate (bpm)"
"column": {
"field": "codename",
"type": "nominal",
"title": "Code Name"
"$schema": "",
"data": {
"values": [
"Group": "Overall",
"Subset": "Overall",
"Task-orientation": "Socially oriented",
"Count": 38
"Group": "Overall",
"Subset": "Overall",
"Task-orientation": "Task-oriented",
"Count": 115
"Group": "Non-WEIRD/WEIRD",
"Subset": "Non-WEIRD",
"Task-orientation": "Socially oriented",
"Count": 22
"Group": "Non-WEIRD/WEIRD",
"Subset": "Non-WEIRD",
"Task-orientation": "Task-oriented",
"Count": 52
"Group": "Non-WEIRD/WEIRD",
"Subset": "WEIRD",
"Task-orientation": "Socially oriented",
"Count": 16
"Group": "Non-WEIRD/WEIRD",
"Subset": "WEIRD",
"Task-orientation": "Task-oriented",
"Count": 63
"Group": "Child/Parent",
"Subset": "Child",
"Task-orientation": "Socially oriented",
"Count": 27
"Group": "Child/Parent",
"Subset": "Child",
"Task-orientation": "Task-oriented",
"Count": 66
"Group": "Child/Parent",
"Subset": "Parent",
"Task-orientation": "Socially oriented",
"Count": 11
"Group": "Child/Parent",
"Subset": "Parent",
"Task-orientation": "Task-oriented",
"Count": 49
"Group": "Child/Parent Non-WEIRD",
"Subset": "Child, Non-WEIRD",
"Task-orientation": "Socially oriented",
"Count": 16
"Group": "Child/Parent Non-WEIRD",
"Subset": "Child, Non-WEIRD",
"Task-orientation": "Task-oriented",
"Count": 30
"Group": "Child/Parent Non-WEIRD",
"Subset": "Parent, Non-WEIRD",
"Task-orientation": "Socially oriented",
"Count": 6
"Group": "Child/Parent Non-WEIRD",
"Subset": "Parent, Non-WEIRD",
"Task-orientation": "Task-oriented",
"Count": 22
"Group": "Child/Parent WEIRD",
"Subset": "Child, WEIRD",
"Task-orientation": "Socially oriented",
"Count": 11
"Group": "Child/Parent WEIRD",
"Subset": "Child, WEIRD",
"Task-orientation": "Task-oriented",
"Count": 36
"Group": "Child/Parent WEIRD",
"Subset": "Parent, WEIRD",
"Task-orientation": "Socially oriented",
"Count": 5
"Group": "Child/Parent WEIRD",
"Subset": "Parent, WEIRD",
"Task-orientation": "Task-oriented",
"Count": 27
"mark": "bar",
"width": {"step": 17},
"encoding": {
"y": {
"aggregate": "sum",
"field": "Count",
"title": "Fraction Task-Oriented",
"stack": "normalize"
"x": {"field": "Subset", "axis": {"title": ""}},
"color": {
"field": "Task-orientation",
"scale": {"range": ["#FFB000", "#648FFF"]}
"column": {
"field": "Group",
"type": "ordinal",
"title": "Preferences for Task-Orientation of Agents",
"header": {"titleFontSize": 15, "labelFontSize": 0},
"sort": {"op": "min", "field": "Count"}
"resolve": {"scale": {"x": "independent"}}
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