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Last active September 21, 2022 15:48
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from nacl.signing import SigningKey, VerifyKey
import base64
import bcrypt
class HashValidationError(Exception):
class KeyPair(object):
def __init__(self, private_key):
# Save the keys.
self.private_key = private_key
# The private key is in fact a base64 encoded seed of a signing key.
# The seed is used to generate a private signing key and a public key.
# Given that from the seed all the other keys can be generated,
# We treat the seed as a private key. The seed is 32 secure random bytes.
self.seed = base64.b64decode(self.private_key)
# Now we recreate the SigningKey object
self.signing_key = SigningKey(seed=self.seed)
# And the public key
self.public_key = base64.b64encode(self.signing_key.verify_key.encode())
def generate(cls):
# Generate a new random signing key
signing_key = SigningKey.generate()
# Save the seed, which we'll treat as the private key
seed_bytes = signing_key._seed
seed_base64 = base64.b64encode(seed_bytes)
return cls(private_key=seed_base64)
def verify_msg(cls, message, public_key):
# Create a VerifyKey object from the public key
verify_key_bytes = base64.b64decode(public_key)
verify_key = VerifyKey(verify_key_bytes)
# Verify the decoded message
message_bytes = base64.b64decode(message)
return verify_key.verify(message_bytes)
def sign_msg(self, message):
# Sign a message with the signing key
signed = self.signing_key.sign(bytes(message, encoding='utf8'))
return base64.b64encode(signed)
def hash(self):
Returns the bcrypt hash of the private key. This hash is what we should store in the database
for a given user.
:return: hash
return bcrypt.hashpw(self.private_key, bcrypt.gensalt())
def verify_hash(cls, private_key, hash):
if not bcrypt.checkpw(private_key, hash):
raise HashValidationError
return cls(private_key)
def verify_hash_str(cls, private_key, hash):
return cls.verify_hash(bytes(private_key, encoding="utf8"), bytes(hash, encoding="utf8"))
if __name__=="__main__":
# This is what a regular flow would look like.
# 1. Create a key pair
user_id = input("Target user:")
keypair = KeyPair.generate()
# 2. In the database store the hash of the private key and the public key.
user_keys = {}
user_keys[user_id] = {
"hash": str(keypair.hash(), "utf8"),
"public_key": str(keypair.public_key, "utf8"), # In addition to the hash we store the public key.
print(f'\n\nThis is your private key (store in a secure location): {str(keypair.private_key, "utf8")}')
# 3. Now let's take the private key as an argument, in an API we'll grab this from
# the authorization header.
input_private_key = input("Private key:")
# This would be the equivalent as fetching the hash from database
hash = user_keys[user_id]["hash"]
assert KeyPair.verify_hash_str(private_key=input_private_key, hash=hash)
print(f"\nSuccesfully verified {user_id}")
# The following are extra functionality for signing and verifying messages.
# I don't expect we'll need these soon.
# 4. Validate that the given keys produce signed messages
msg = "test message"
apikeys = KeyPair(input_private_key)
signed = apikeys.sign_msg(msg)
assert KeyPair.verify_msg(signed, apikeys.public_key), "Unable to verify message"
print("The keys are valid and able to sign the messages (tried test msg: {})".format(msg))
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