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Last active November 7, 2015 00:07
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Algorithm to match two lawyers in the Youth in Government application
var obtainMatch = function() {};
// List of all judges. Make sure those specific strings are used when assigning judges to
// the users
judgesWhoPresideFB = ["judge 1", "judge 2", "judge 3"];
// List of all judges. Make sure those specific strings are used when assigning judges to
// the users
judgesWhoScoreFB = ["judge 1", "judge 2", "judge 3"];
// List of all teams. Modify as you want.
// Make sure only those specific strings are used when assigning teams to users.
teamsFB = [ ["team A", "school 1"], ["team B", "school 1"], ["team C", "school 2"] ];
obtainMatch = function(judgesWhoPreside, judgesWhoScore, teams) {
// In case a match is possible it returns array of strings with the possible matching in the folowing format:
// {'pro': team1, 'con': team2, 'scoringJudge': possibleJudge, 'presidingJudge': presidingJudge}
// otherwise it returns
// false - of type boolean
// Matched contains an array of strings with the possible matching in the folowing format
// [ team1, team2, scoringJudge ]
matched = {};
// Whenever I found a match. I set the value of this variable to true so I can exit subsequent
// Iterations of the loops.
breakFromAllFors = false;
// List of all rounds. To be retrieved from firebase
rounds = Array();
url: '',
contentType: 'json',
// It is important that async is set to false becase that way my code
// does not have to worry about variables not being defined.
// and also I have to return a value from the function in synchronous time
// which would be impossible if set to true.
async: false,
complete: function(dataR) {
// Obtain all of the previous rounds
data = dataR['responseJSON'];
roundsIds = Object.keys(data);
roundsRaw = Array();
for (var i=0; i<roundsIds.length; i++) {
roundsOrdered = Array();
// Sort of all of the rounds from smallest to biggest
//using bubble sort, according to their key 'index'
needsSorting = true;
// Bubble Sort
while(needsSorting==true) {
needsSorting = false;
for (var i=0; i<roundsIds.length-1; i++) {
if(roundsRaw[roundsIds[i]]['index'] > roundsRaw[roundsIds[i+1]]['index']) {
temporaryHolder = roundsRaw[roundsIds[i]].index;
roundsRaw[roundsIds[i]]['index'] = roundsRaw[roundsIds[i+1]]['index'];
roundsRaw[roundsIds[i+1]]['index'] = temporaryHolder;
needsSorting = true;
rounds = roundsRaw;
// Loops until it finds two people who can match.
for(var i = 0; i < teams.length; i++) {
team1 = teams[i][0];
// console.log("i: "+i.toString());
for (var j=0; j < teams.length; j++) {
team2 = teams[j][0];
// If the schools are the same break.
if(teams[i][1] == teams[j][1]) {
// console.log(" j: "+j.toString());
if (j==i) {
// Cannot match a team with itself
// Loop through all previous rounds to see if these two
// teams have been together on the past
breakTwice = false;
for (var k = 0; k < judgesWhoScore.length; k++) {
// console.log(" k: "+k.toString());
possibleJudge = judgesWhoScore[k];
breakOnce = false;
for (var v = 0; v < judgesWhoPreside.length; v ++){
presidingJudge = judgesWhoPreside[v];
presidingJudgeBreak = false;
for (var h = 0; h < rounds.length; h++){
// console.log(" h: "+h.toString());
round = rounds[h];
if (
( round['con'] == team1 && round['pro'] == team2 ) ||
( round['con'] == team2 && round['pro'] == team1 )
) {
// console.log("breaking because those teams have already competed");
breakTwice = true;
} // end of checking if they have competed before
// Check whether this judge has ever been judging either team
if (
round['con'] == team1 || round['pro'] == team1 ||
round['con'] == team2 || round['pro'] == team2
) {
if (round['presidingJudge'] == presidingJudge) {
// console.log("breaking because of scoring judge");
presidingJudgeBreak = true;
} // Yeah. This judge has judged one of the teams before
if (round['scoringJudge'] == possibleJudge) {
// console.log("breaking because of scoring judge");
breakOnce = true;
} // Yeah. This judge has judged one of the teams before
} // end of checking if the current looping round has one of the two posible matching teams.
// If you have reached this point this means there is nothing
// that could hold you from matching these teams with this judge
// console.log(team1+ ", "+team2);
} // end of looping through rounds
if(breakOnce == true) {
if(breakTwice == true) {
if (presidingJudgeBreak == false) {
breakFromAllFors = true;
matched = {'pro': team1, 'con': team2, 'scoringJudge': possibleJudge, 'presidingJudge': presidingJudge};
if(breakFromAllFors == true) {
} // end of looping through the judges who could possibly preside
if(breakTwice == true) {
} // End of checking if those two teams can match.
if (breakFromAllFors == true) {
} // End of looping through the possible judges
if (breakFromAllFors == true) {
} // end of looping through the loop to find the second team
if (breakFromAllFors == true) {
} // end of looping through the loop to find the first team
} // End of complete function
}); // End of ajax call
if(breakFromAllFors == true) {
team1 = matched['pro'];
team2 = matched['con'];
team1Status = "pro";
team2Status = "con";
for (var h = 0; h < rounds.length; h++){
round = rounds[h];
if (
round['con'] == team1 || round['pro'] == team1 ||
round['con'] == team2 || round['pro'] == team2
) {
if(round['con'] == team1) {
team1Status = 'con';
if(round['pro'] == team1) {
team1Status = 'pro';
if(round['con'] == team2) {
team2Status = 'con';
if(round['pro'] == team2) {
team2Status = 'pro';
} // end of looping through rounds
function coinFlip() {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * 2);
if(team1Status == team2Status) {
// Make a random decision
team1Status = ['pro','con'][parseInt(coinFlip())];
if (team1Status == 'pro') {
team2Status = 'con';
} else {
team2Status = 'pro';
} else if(team1Status != team2Status) {
// Change
temporaryStatus = team2Status;
team2Status = team1Status;
team1Status = temporaryStatus;
matched[team1Status] = team1;
matched[team2Status] = team2;
return matched;
} else {
return false;
} // End of obtain match
obtainMatch(judgesWhoPresideFB, judgesWhoScoreFB, teamsFB)
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