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Last active June 1, 2023 20:44
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Save jesvs/bd0d00e736503fb3385f799dad1aeaac to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Shell script that uses API to add similar artists to MPD.
# depends on jq to parse json
# This script will query the API for
# similar artists based on the currently playing track.
# It will crop the current playlist, and shuffle the API results.
# You can configure 3 parameters:
# similar_limit Sets the total similar artists to grab, a high number
# yields more diverse artists.
# per_artist_limit Limits how many songs per artist to consider.
# total_limit How many songs to add to the final playlist.
lastfm_api_key=LAST_FM_API_KEY #
similar_limit=20 # a higher number gives less similar artists
per_artist_limit=5 # how many tracks per artist to consider
total_limit=20 # how many tracks to add
artist=$(mpc current -f "%artist%")
if [[ -z $artist ]]; then
echo Not playing…
mpc crop
curl --silent --get \
--data-urlencode "api_key=${lastfm_api_key}" \
--data-urlencode "format=json" \
--data-urlencode "limit=${similar_limit}" \
--data-urlencode "method=artist.getsimilar" \
--data-urlencode "artist=${artist}" \
"" |
jq --raw-output '.similarartists.artist[]?.name' | sed "1 i\\${artist}" | while read line; do
mpc -q search artist "$line" | shuf -n $per_artist_limit
done | shuf -n $total_limit | while read track; do
mpc -q add "$track"
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Do you still use this? After reinstalling OS, it just always says "Not playing…"

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Do you still use this? After reinstalling OS, it just always says "Not playing…"

I have tried the script and it works. Make sure that mpc is connected to mpd.
Just run mpc current -f "%artist%" in shell to make sure. If you get MPD error: Connection refused you have to find out if mpd is reachable as socket or ip. change every line where mpc in use with 'mpc -h $MPDSOCKET or $IP'

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