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Created March 26, 2024 18:08
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import { Quad } from "@rdfjs/types";
import Writer from "@shexjs/writer";
import * as fs from 'fs';
import { DataFactory, Store } from "n3";
import * as path from 'path';
import { rdf } from "rdf-namespaces";
import { parse } from 'shaclc-parse';
import { Schema } from "shexj";
const { namedNode, literal, defaultGraph, quad } = DataFactory;
const shapesDir = './shapes';
// Get all .shaclc files in the shapes directory
const shaclcFiles = fs.readdirSync(shapesDir).filter(file => path.extname(file) === '.shaclc');
// Convert each .shaclc file to .ttl
shaclcFiles.forEach(async file => {
const shaclcPath = path.join(shapesDir, file);
const shexPath = path.join(shapesDir, `${path.basename(file, '.shaclc')}.shex`);
let shapes: Quad[] & { prefixes: Record<string, string> };
try {
shapes = parse(fs.readFileSync(shaclcPath, 'utf8'));
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(`Error parsing ${shaclcPath}: ${e}`);
// Hacky SHACL -> SHEX
const shapeStore = new Store(shapes);
const shexShapes = [];
for (const shape of shapeStore.getSubjects(rdf.type, namedNode(''), defaultGraph())) {
const eachOf = [];
for (const property of shapeStore.getObjects(shape, namedNode(''), defaultGraph())) {
const minCount = shapeStore.getObjects(property, namedNode(''), defaultGraph());
const maxCount = shapeStore.getObjects(property, namedNode(''), defaultGraph());
const datatype = shapeStore.getObjects(property, namedNode(''), defaultGraph());
const nodeKind = shapeStore.getObjects(property, namedNode(''), defaultGraph());
const pattern = shapeStore.getObjects(property, namedNode(''), defaultGraph());
const minLength = shapeStore.getObjects(property, namedNode(''), defaultGraph());
const maxLength = shapeStore.getObjects(property, namedNode(''), defaultGraph());
const inValues = shapeStore.getObjects(property, namedNode(''), defaultGraph());
const hasValue = shapeStore.getObjects(property, namedNode(''), defaultGraph());
const shapeRef = shapeStore.getObjects(property, namedNode(''), defaultGraph());
const path = shapeStore.getObjects(property, namedNode(''), defaultGraph());
if (path.length !== 1 || path[0].termType !== 'NamedNode') {
throw new Error('Unsupported path');
let valueExpr: string | Record<string, string | string[]> = {
"type": "NodeConstraint",
if (datatype.length === 1) {
valueExpr.datatype = datatype[0].value;
if (nodeKind.length === 1) {
valueExpr.nodeKind = nodeKind[0].value.split('#')[1].toLowerCase();
if (inValues.length === 1) {
const list = shapeStore.extractLists()[inValues[0].value];
if (list) {
// FIXME, make this work for literals
valueExpr.values = => v.value);
if (shapeRef.length === 1) {
// TODO: Error if there are any other constraints
valueExpr = shapeRef[0].value;
"type": "TripleConstraint",
"predicate": path[0].value,
"valueExpr": valueExpr,
// FIXME: Int checks etc should be done here
"min": minCount[0]?.value ?? 0,
"max": maxCount[0]?.value ?? -1
"id": shape.value,
"type": "ShapeDecl",
"shapeExpr": {
"type": "Shape",
"expression": {
"type": "EachOf",
"expressions": eachOf
const promise = await writeShexSchema({
"type": "Schema",
"shapes": shexShapes
}, shapes.prefixes)
fs.writeFileSync(shexPath, promise);
function writeShexSchema(schema: any, prefixes: Record<string, string>) {
const shexWriter = new Writer({ prefixes }, {});
return new Promise<string>((resolve, reject) => {
(error: any, text: string) => {
if (error)
else if (text !== undefined)
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