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Created November 26, 2018 21:24
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PHP Simple Algorithms -
function NumberEncoding( $str ) {
$albphabet = range('a','z');
$arrStr = str_split( strtolower( $str ) );
$newArr = array();
foreach( $arrStr as $key => $value ) {
if ( in_array( $value, $albphabet ) ) {
$newArr[] = array_search( $value, $albphabet ) + 1;
} else {
$newArr[] = $value;
return implode($newArr);
echo NumberEncoding('jaj-a');
function SimpleMode($arr) {
$shown_number = array();
foreach ( $arr as $number ) {
if ( isset($shown_number[$number] ) ) {
} else {
$shown_number[$number] = 1;
if ( max($shown_number) <= 1 ) {
return -1;
} else {
return array_keys( $shown_number, max($shown_number) )[0];
function CountingMinutesI($str) {
$array = explode( '-', $str );
$time1 = minute_of_the_day( $array[0] );
$time2 = minute_of_the_day( $array[1] );
if ( $time2 < $time1 ) {
$min_span = $time2 - $time1 + 1440;
} else {
$min_span = $time2 - $time1;
return $min_span;
function minute_of_the_day( $time ) {
$am_pm = strtolower(substr( $time, -2 ));
$hour = substr( $time, 0, strpos($time, ':') );
$mins = substr( $time, strpos( $time, ':' ) + 1, 2 );
$min_of_day = '';
if ( $am_pm == 'am' && $hour == 12 && $mins == 00 ) {
$min_of_day = 1440;
if ( $am_pm == 'am' && $hour < 12 ) {
$min_of_day = ( $hour * 60 ) + $mins;
if ( $am_pm == 'pm' ) {
if ( $hour < 12 ) {
$min_of_day = ( ( $hour + 12 ) * 60 ) + $mins;
} else {
$min_of_day = ( $hour * 60 ) + $mins;
return $min_of_day;
function VowelCount( $str ) {
$words_array = str_split($str);
$vovels = array("a", "e", "i", "o", "u", "A", "E", "I", "O", "U");
$counter = 0;
foreach ( $words_array as $letter ) {
if ( in_array( $letter, $vovels ) ) {
return $counter;
function ExOh( $str ) {
$x = substr_count($str, 'x');
$o = substr_count($str, 'o');
return ( $x != $o ) ? 'false' : 'true';
function SwapCase($str) {
$words_array = str_split( $str );
$swapedcase = '';
foreach ( $words_array as $word ) {
if ( true == ctype_upper($word) ) {
$swapedcase .= strtolower($word);
} else {
$swapedcase .= strtoupper($word);
return $swapedcase;
function DashInsert($num) {
$numbers = str_split( $num );
$last_odd = array();
$hyphend = '';
for ( $i=0; $i < count($numbers); $i++ ) {
if ( $numbers[$i] % 2 != 0 ) {
if ( isset( $last_odd[$i-1] ) && $last_odd[$i-1] == 'odd' ) {
$numbers[$i] = '-' . $numbers[$i];
$last_odd[$i] = 'odd';
$hyphend .= $numbers[$i];
return $hyphend;
function ArithGeo( $arr ) {
$result = array();
$last_number = '';
for ( $i=0; $i < count($arr); $i++ ) {
if ( $arr[$i] == $arr[0] ) {
$result['a'] = 1;
$result['g'] = 1;
$last_number = $arr[$i];
if ( $last_number + ( $arr[1] - $arr[0] ) == $arr[$i] ) {
if ( $last_number * ( $arr[1] / $arr[0] ) == $arr[$i] ) {
$last_number = $arr[$i];
if ( $result['g'] == count($arr) ) {
return 'Geometric';
} elseif ( $result['a'] == count($arr) ) {
return 'Arithmetic';
} else {
return -1;
function ArrayAdditionI($arr) {
$highest_value = max($arr);
$high_key = array_keys( $arr, $highest_value );
unset( $arr[$high_key[0]] );
$total_left = array_sum($arr);
$arr = array_values($arr);
if ( $highest_value > $total_left ) {
return 'false';
$new_num_array = array();
$i = 0;
foreach ( $arr as $num ) {
$v = $arr[$i];
$arr[$i] = $v;
$new_num_array[$num] = $arr;
foreach ( $new_num_array as $variations ) {
$total_value = 0;
foreach ( $variations as $variation ) {
if ( $total_value + $variation > $highest_value ) {
$total_value += $variation;
if ( $total_value == $highest_value ) {
return 'true';
return 'false';
function ThirdGreatest_not( $strArr ) {
$sorter = array();
foreach ($strArr as $key => $row) {
$sorter[$key] = strlen($row);
array_multisort( array_values($sorter), SORT_DESC, array_keys($sorter), SORT_ASC, $strArr );
return $strArr[2];
function PrimeTime($num) {
for($i = 2; $i < $num; $i++) {
if ( $num % $i == 0 ) {
return 'false';
return 'true';
function PrimeChecker($num) {
$numArr = AllPermutations(str_split($num));
for( $i=0; $i < count($numArr); $i++ ){
if ( isPrime( implode($numArr[$i]) ) ) {
return 1;
return 0;
function AllPermutations($InArray, $InProcessedArray = array()) {
$ReturnArray = array();
foreach($InArray as $Key=>$value) {
$CopyArray = $InProcessedArray;
$CopyArray[$Key] = $value;
$TempArray = array_diff_key($InArray, $CopyArray);
if (count($TempArray) == 0) {
$ReturnArray[] = $CopyArray;
} else {
$ReturnArray = array_merge($ReturnArray, AllPermutations($TempArray, $CopyArray));
return $ReturnArray;
function isPrime($num) {
for( $i = 2; $i < $num; $i++ ) {
if ( $num % $i == 0 ) {
return false;
return true;
function PrimeRange($num) {
$range = range( 1, pow( 10, 4 ) );
$primes = array();
foreach ( $range as $nr ) {
if ( isPrime( $nr ) ) {
$primes[] = $nr;
return $primes[$num];
function AlphabetSoup($str) {
$alphabetLow = range('a','z');
$letterMap = array();
foreach ( str_split($str) as $letter ) {
$arr_key = array_search( $letter, $alphabetLow );
if ( isset($arr_key) && false !== $arr_key ) {
if ( isset( $letterMap[$arr_key] ) ) {
$letterMap[$arr_key] = $letterMap[$arr_key].$letter;
} else {
$letterMap[$arr_key] = $letter;
$newString = '';
while ( $letterMap ) {
$min = min(array_keys($letterMap));
$newString .= $letterMap[$min];
return $newString;
function BinaryConverter( $str ) {
$strArr = array_reverse(str_split($str));
$binarytoDec = '';
for ( $i=0; $i < count($strArr); $i++ ) {
$binarytoDec += $strArr[$i] * pow(2, $i);
return $binarytoDec;
function ThirdGreatest($strArr) {
$sorter = array();
foreach ( $strArr as $word ) {
$length = strlen($word);
$sorter[$length][] = $word;
$max = 0;
$count = 0;
for ( $i=0; $i < count($strArr); $i++ ) {
$max = max(array_keys($sorter));
foreach ($sorter[$max] as $word) {
if ($count == 3) {
return $word;
function DivisionStringified($num1,$num2) {
$number = round( ( $num1/$num2 ), 0 );
if ( strlen($number) > 3 ) {
$number = number_format($number, 0, '', ',');
return "$number";
return "$number";
function ThreeFiveMultiples($num) {
$numbers = array();
for ( $i=3; $i < $num; $i++ ) {
if ( $i % 3 == 0 ) {
$numbers[] = $i;
} elseif ( $i % 5 == 0 ) {
$numbers[] = $i;
return array_sum($numbers);
function AdditivePersistence($num) {
$counter = 0;
while ( $num > 9 ) {
$num = array_sum(str_split($num));
return $counter;
function MultiplicativePersistence($num) {
$counter = 0;
while ( $num > 9 ) {
$num = array_product(str_split($num));
return $counter;
function StringScramble($str1,$str2) {
$str1 = str_split($str1);
$str2 = str_split($str2);
$counter = 0;
foreach ( $str2 as $letter ) {
if ( in_array($letter, $str1) ){
$checked_letter = array_search($letter, $str1);
if ( $counter == count($str2) ) {
return 'true';
return 'false';
function OverlappingRectangles($strArr) {
$strArr = preg_split('/(?<=\)),/', $strArr[0] );
$strArr = preg_replace('/\(|\)/', '', $strArr);
$strArrA = array_slice($strArr, 0, 4);
$strArrB = array_slice($strArr, 4, 4);
$rectA = array();
$rectB = array();
for ( $i = 0; $i < 4; $i++ ) {
$rectA[] = explode( ',' , $strArrA[$i] );
$rectB[] = explode( ',' , $strArrB[$i] );
for ( $i = 0; $i < 4; $i++ ) {
$rectA['x'][] = $rectA[$i][0];
$rectA['y'][] = $rectA[$i][1];
$rectB['x'][] = $rectB[$i][0];
$rectB['y'][] = $rectB[$i][1];
//Rectangle A min-max xy
$minRectAx = min($rectA['x']);
$maxRectAx = max($rectA['x']);
$minRectAy = min($rectA['y'] );
$maxRectAy = max($rectA['y'] );
//Rectangle B min-max xy
$minRectBx = min($rectB['x']);
$maxRectBx = max($rectB['x']);
$minRectBy = min($rectB['y']);
$maxRectBy = max($rectB['y']);
// Get min max values for both rectangles
$maxABx = max( $minRectAx, $minRectBx );
$maxABy = max( $minRectAy, $minRectBy );
$minABx = min( $maxRectAx, $maxRectBx );
$minABy = min( $maxRectAy, $maxRectBy );
if ( $maxABx - $minABx == 0 || $maxABy - $minABy == 0 ) {
return 0;
$RectAwidth = abs($maxRectAx - $minRectAx);
$RectAheight = abs($maxRectAy - $minRectAy);
$rectAtotal = $RectAwidth * $RectAheight;
$overlapWith = abs($minABx - $maxABx);
$overlapHeight = abs($minABy - $maxABy);
$overlapTotal = $overlapWith * $overlapHeight;
if( ( $overlapWith / 2) < $overlapHeight || ($RectAheight) < $overlapHeight) {
return round( $rectAtotal/$overlapTotal );
function TripleDouble( $num1, $num2 ) {
$num1 = array_count_values(str_split($num1));
$num2 = array_count_values(str_split($num2));
$num1_key = array_keys( $num1, max($num1) );
for ( $i=0; $i < count($num1); $i++) {
if ( isset( $num1[$num1_key[$i]] ) && ( $num1[$num1_key[$i]] >= 3 ) ) {
if ( isset($num2[$num1_key[$i]] ) && $num2[$num1_key[$i]] >= 2 ) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
function RunLength($str) {
$strArr = str_split($str);
$last_letter = '';
$new_letter = '';
$old_key = '';
$newArr = array();
$counter = 0;
for ( $i= 0; $i < count($strArr); $i++ ) {
$new_letter = $strArr[$i];
if ( isset( $newArr[$old_key] ) && $last_letter == $new_letter ) {
$newArr[$old_key][$new_letter] = $counter;
} elseif ( $last_letter != $new_letter ) {
$counter = 1;
$newArr[$i][$new_letter] = $counter;
$old_key = $i;
$last_letter = $new_letter;
$encrypted = '';
foreach ( $newArr as $repeat ) {
foreach ($repeat as $letter => $count ) {
$encrypted .= $count.$letter;
return $encrypted;
function Consecutive($arr) {
$max = max($arr);
$min = min($arr);
$range = range($min, $max);
return count($range) - count($arr);
function FormattedDivision($num1,$num2) {
$number = round( ( $num1/$num2 ), 4 );
$number = number_format($number, 4, '.', ',');
return "$number";
function DashInsertII($num) {
$numbers = str_split( $num );
$last_odd = array();
$last_even = array();
$hyphend = '';
for ( $i=0; $i < count($numbers); $i++ ) {
if ( $numbers[$i] % 2 != 0 && $numbers[$i] != 0 ) {
if ( isset( $last_odd[$i-1] ) && $last_odd[$i-1] == 'odd' ) {
$numbers[$i] = '-' . $numbers[$i];
$last_odd[$i] = 'odd';
if ( $numbers[$i] % 2 == 0 && $numbers[$i] != 0 ) {
if ( isset( $last_even[$i-1] ) && $last_even[$i-1] == 'even' ) {
$numbers[$i] = '*' . $numbers[$i];
$last_even[$i] = 'even';
$hyphend .= $numbers[$i];
return $hyphend;
function MeanMode($arr) {
$mean = array_sum($arr) / count($arr);
$mode = array_count_values($arr);
$mode = array_search(max($mode), $mode);
if ( $mean == $mode ) {
return '1';
return '0';
function ABCheck($str) {
if ( preg_match( '/a.{3,3}b/', $str) ) {
return 'true';
return 'false';
function LetterCountI($str) {
$str = explode( ' ', $str);
$LetterCount = array();
for ( $i=0; $i < count($str); $i++) {
$letters = str_split($str[$i]);
$LetterCount[$str[$i]] = array_count_values($letters);
foreach ( $LetterCount as $word => $letters ) {
foreach (array_keys($letters, 1, true ) as $key) {
$LetterCount = array_filter($LetterCount);
if ( $LetterCount ) {
$word = array_keys( $LetterCount, max($LetterCount) );
return $word[0];
} else {
return -1;
function factor_array($number) {
$factors = array();
for ( $i=1; $i <= $number; $i++ ) {
if ( $number % $i == 0 ) {
$factors[] = $i;
return $factors;
function Division($num1,$num2) {
$num1 = factor_array($num1);
$num2 = factor_array($num2);
$num1 = array_reverse($num1);
$num2 = array_reverse($num2);
foreach ( $num1 as $number ) {
if ( in_array( $number, $num2 ) ) {
return $number;
function SecondGreatLow($arr) {
$arr = array_unique($arr);
$max = $arr;
$min = $arr;
$max_val = max($max);
$min_val = min($min);
if ( 1 == count($arr) ) {
return $min_val . ' ' . $max_val;
$max_key = array_search($max_val, $max);
$min_key = array_search($min_val, $min);
$max_val = max($max);
$min_val = min($min);
return $min_val . ' ' . $max_val;
function DistinctList($arr) {
return count($arr) - count(array_unique($arr) );
function LongestWord($sen) {
$sen = preg_replace('/[^a-z|A-Z1-9\s]/', '', $sen);
$sen = explode( ' ' , $sen );
$wordCounter = array();
foreach ( $sen as $word ) {
$wordCounter[$word] = strlen($word);
return array_search( max($wordCounter), $wordCounter );
function Palindrome($str) {
$str = preg_replace('/[^a-z|A-Z|1-9]/', '', $str);
$reverse = strrev($str);
if ($reverse === $str) {
return 'true';
return 'false';
function PalindromeTwo($str) {
$str = preg_replace('/[^a-z|A-Z|1-9]/', '', strtolower($str));
$reverse = strrev(strtolower($str));
if ($reverse == $str) {
return 'true';
return 'false';
function TimeConvert($num) {
$hours = floor($num / 60);
$minutes = ($num % 60);
return $hours.':'. $minutes;
function SimpleSymbols($str) {
$letters = preg_replace("/[^a-z|A-Z]/", "", $str);
$letters = str_split($letters);
$counter = 0;
foreach ( $letters as $letter ) {
if ( preg_match( '/\+'.$letter.'\+/', $str ) ) {
if ( $counter != count($letters) ) {
return 'false';
return 'true';
function FibonacciChecker($num) {
$x = 0;
$y = 1;
$z = 0;
$fibonaci = array();
while( $z < $num ) {
$z = $x + $y;
$x = $y;
$y = $z;
$fibonaci[] = $z;
if (in_array( $num, $fibonaci )) {
return 'yes';
return 'no';
function NumberSearch( $str ) {
$numbers = preg_split( '/[^\d]/', $str ); // Use PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY flag if supported
$numbers = array_sum(array_filter( $numbers )); // Unnecessary if flags are supported for preg_split()
$letters = strlen( preg_replace( '/[^a-z|A-Z]/', '', $str ) );
return (int) round( $numbers / $letters, 0 );
function MostFreeTime($strArr) {
$event_times = array();
for ( $i=0; $i < count($strArr); $i++ ) {
$times = explode( '-', $strArr[$i] );
$time1 = minute_of_the_day( $times[0] );
$time2 = minute_of_the_day( $times[1] );
$event_times[$i]['start'] = $time1;
$event_times[$i]['end'] = $time2;
$freeTimes = array();
$events_count = count($event_times);
for ( $i=0; $i < $events_count-1; $i++ ) {
$arr_key = array_search(min($event_times), $event_times);
$end_time = $event_times[$arr_key]['end'];
$arr_key = array_search(min($event_times), $event_times);
$start_time = $event_times[$arr_key]['start'];
$freeTimes[] = $start_time - $end_time;
return date('H:i', mktime(0, max($freeTimes)));
function LetterChanges($str) {
$alphabetLow = range('a','z');
$vovels = array("a", "e", "i", "o", "u");
$letterChanges = array();
foreach ( str_split($str) as $letter ) {
$arr_key = array_search( $letter, $alphabetLow );
if ( isset($arr_key) && false !== $arr_key ) {
$letter = ( $letter == 'z' ) ? $alphabetLow[$arr_key-25] : $alphabetLow[$arr_key+1];
$letter = ( in_array( $letter, $vovels) ? strtoupper($letter) : $letter );
$letterChanges[] = $letter;
return implode($letterChanges);
function BracketMatcher($str) {
$bracketClose = strlen( preg_replace( '#[^)]#', '', $str ) );
$bracketOpen = strlen( preg_replace( '#[^(]#', '', $str ) );
return $bracketOpen - $bracketClose == 0 ? 1 : 0;
function PermutationStep($num) {
$numArr = str_split($num);
$arrCount = count($numArr);
$highestFound = false;
$numArr = array_reverse($numArr);
for ( $i=0; $i < $arrCount; $i++ ) {
if( isset($numArr[$i+1]) && $numArr[$i] > $numArr[$i+1] && $highestFound == false ) {
$highest_found = $numArr[$i+1];
$numArr[$i+1] = $numArr[$i];
$numArr[$i] = $highest_found;
$highestFound = true;
$left_side = array_slice( array_reverse($numArr), 0, $i+2 );
$right_side = array_slice($numArr, 0, $arrCount - count($left_side) );
if ($i != 0 ) {
for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $right_side ); $i++ ) {
if( isset($right_side[$i+1]) && $right_side[$i] < $right_side[$i+1] ) {
$lowest = $right_side[$i+1];
$right_side[$i+1] = $right_side[$i];
$right_side[$i] = $lowest;
$left_side = array_reverse($left_side);
if ( isset($right_side) && isset($left_side ) ) {
$numArr = array_reverse(array_merge( $right_side, $left_side ));
if ( is_array($numArr) && !empty($numArr ) ) {
return implode($numArr);
return -1;
function OffLineMinimum($strArr) {
$newArr = array();
$lowest = array();
foreach ( $strArr as $number ) {
if ( $number === 'E' && !empty( $newArr ) ) {
$min_value = min($newArr);
$lowest[] = $min_value;
$min_key = array_keys( $newArr, $min_value );
unset( $newArr[$min_key[0]] );
if ( $number !== 'E' ) {
$newArr[] = $number;
return implode( ',', $lowest );
function SwapII($str) {
$strArr = str_split($str);
$upstr = '';
foreach ( $strArr as $character ) {
if ( ctype_upper( $character ) ) {
$upstr .= strtolower($character);
} elseif ( ctype_lower($character ) ) {
$upstr .= strtoupper($character);
} else {
$upstr .= strtoupper($character);
$result = array();
$newArr = explode( ' ', $upstr );
foreach ( $newArr as $word ) {
if( preg_match( "/\d+[a-zA-Z]+\d+/", $word ) == true ){
$wordArr = str_split($word);
$firstNumber = false;
for ( $i=0; $i < count($wordArr); $i++ ) {
if ( ctype_digit( $wordArr[$i] ) ) {
if ( $firstNumber === false ){
$number1 = $wordArr[$i];
$firstNumber = true;
$arr_key = $i;
if ( $firstNumber !== false ) {
$number2 = $wordArr[$i];
$wordArr[$i] = $number1;
$wordArr[$arr_key] = $number2;
$result[] = implode($wordArr);
} else {
$result[] = $word;
return implode( ' ', $result);
function CaesarCipher($str,$num) {
$alphabetLow = range('a', 'z');
$alphabetHigh = range('A', 'Z');
$strArr = str_split($str);
$letterMap = array();
for ( $i = 0; $i < count($strArr); $i++ ) {
if ( in_array( $strArr[$i], $alphabetLow ) ) {
$arr_key = array_search( $strArr[$i], $alphabetLow );
$arr_key = $arr_key + $num > 25 ? $arr_key + $num - 26 : $arr_key + $num;
$letterMap[] = $alphabetLow[$arr_key];
} elseif ( in_array( $strArr[$i], $alphabetHigh ) ) {
$arr_key = array_search( $strArr[$i], $alphabetHigh );
$arr_key = ( $arr_key + $num > 25 ) ? $arr_key + $num - 26 : $arr_key + $num;
$letterMap[] = $alphabetHigh[$arr_key];
} else {
$letterMap[] = $strArr[$i];
return implode($letterMap);
function CoinDeterminer( $num ) {
if ( in_array( $num, array( 11, 9, 7, 5, 1 ) ) ) {
return 1;
$counter = 0;
while ( $num > 0 ) {
switch ( $num ) {
case $num == 15:
$num -= 5;
case $num == 14:
$num -= 9;
case $num >= 11:
$num -= 11;
case $num >= 9:
$num -= 9;
case $num >= 7:
$num -= 7;
case $num >= 5:
$num -= 5;
case $num >= 1:
$num -= 1;
return $counter;
function StringReduction($str) {
$strArr = str_split($str);
$count = array_count_values($strArr);
$count['a'] = isset($count['a']) ? $count['a'] : $count['a'] = 0;
$count['b'] = isset($count['b']) ? $count['b'] : $count['b'] = 0;
$count['c'] = isset($count['c']) ? $count['c'] : $count['c'] = 0;
$nullCount = 0;
$evenCount = 0;
$oddCount = 0;
foreach ($count as $val) {
if ( $val == 0 ) {
if ( odd_even($val) == 'even' ){
if ( odd_even($val) == 'odd' ){
if ( $nullCount > 2 ) {
return strlen($str);
if ( $evenCount === 3 || $oddCount === 3 ) {
return 2;
return 1;
function odd_even( $num ) {
if( ($num & 1 ) == 0) {
return 'even';
} else {
return 'odd';
function GasStation($strArr){
$gasStations = $strArr[0];
$new_num_array = array();
$i = 1;
foreach ( $strArr as $station ){
$station = explode(':', $station);
$station = $station[0] - $station[1];
$new_num_array[$i] = $station;
$allStations = array();
$i = 2;
foreach ( $new_num_array as $key => $val ) {
if ( $i > $gasStations ) {
$i -= $gasStations;
$new_num_array[$key] = $val;
$allStations[$i] = $new_num_array;
$i = 1;
for ( $i = 1; $i < $gasStations+1; $i++) {
if ( $allStations[$i][$i] <= 0 ) {
$total = 0;
foreach ( $allStations[$i] as $station ) {
$total += $station;
if ( $total >= 0 ) {
return $i;
return 'impossible';
function BlackjackHighest($strArr){
$result = '';
$values = array(
'two' => 2,
'three' => 3,
'four' => 4,
'five' => 5,
'six' => 6,
'seven' => 7,
'eight' => 8,
'nine' => 9,
'ten' => 10,
'jack' => 10,
'queen' => 10,
'king' => 10,
'ace' => 11
$rank = array(
'two' => 0,
'three' => 1,
'four' => 2,
'five' => 3,
'six' => 4,
'seven' => 5,
'eight' => 6,
'nine' => 7,
'ten' => 8,
'jack' => 9,
'queen' => 10,
'king' => 11,
'ace' => 12
$total = array();
foreach ( $strArr as $card ) {
if ( isset( $total[$card] ) ) {
$total[$card] += $values[$card];
} else {
$total[$card] = $values[$card];
if ( array_sum($total) > 21 && array_key_exists( 'ace', $total ) ) {
$total['ace'] = 1;
$highCard = array();
foreach ( $total as $card => $val ) {
if (isset($rank[$card]) ) {
$highCard[$card] = $rank[$card];
$highCard = array_keys( $highCard, max($highCard));
switch ( $total ) {
case array_sum( $total ) < 21 :
$result = 'below ' . $highCard[0];
case array_sum( $total ) > 21 :
$result = 'above ' . $highCard[0];
case array_sum( $total ) == 21 :
$result = 'blackjack ' . $highCard[0];
return $result;
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