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Created September 8, 2010 18:45
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# This program was written for the purpose of testing an XML RPC system.
# Copyright 2010 Barry County Services Company
use common::sense;
use CGI;
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request::Common;
my $cgi = CGI->new;
my @cookies;
push @cookies,
map {$cgi->cookie(-expire=>'+1y', -name=>$_->[0], -value=>$_->[1])}
grep { $_->[1] }
map {[$_, $cgi->param($_)]}
qw(url encoding content-type)
if $cgi->param("send");
print $cgi->header(-cookie=>\@cookies);
print $cgi->h3("request");
print $cgi->start_form;
print $cgi->start_table;
print $cgi->Tr($cgi->td(["URL:", $cgi->textfield({name=>"url", value=>$cgi->cookie('url')})]));
print $cgi->Tr($cgi->td(["encoding:", $cgi->textfield({name=>"encoding", value=>$cgi->cookie('encoding')||"UTF-8"})]));
print $cgi->Tr($cgi->td(["content-type:", $cgi->textfield({name=>"content-type", value=>$cgi->cookie("content-type")||"application/xml"})]));
print $cgi->Tr($cgi->td({colspan=>2}, $cgi->textarea({name=>"xml", cols=>65, rows=>7})));
print $cgi->Tr($cgi->td({colspan=>2}, $cgi->submit("send"), $cgi->submit("show_req")));
print $cgi->end_table;
print $cgi->end_form;
if( ($cgi->param("send") or $cgi->param("show_req")) and (my $url = $cgi->param("url"))) {
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(agent => 'BCSC XML CNP');
my $encoding = $cgi->param("encoding");
my $content = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='$encoding'?>\n\n" . ($cgi->param("xml")||"<pfft/>");
my $request = POST($url, content_type=>($cgi->param("content_type")||"text/xml"), content=>$content);
my $response = $ua->request($request);
print $cgi->style(qq( { color: red }
p.res { font-family: monospace; }
if( $cgi->param("show_req") ) {
print $cgi->h1("response");
print $cgi->p({class=>"res"}, $cgi->pre($cgi->escapeHTML($request->as_string)));
} else {
print $cgi->h1("response");
print $cgi->p({class=>"fail"}, $response->error_as_HTML) unless $response->is_success;
print $cgi->p({class=>"res"}, $cgi->pre($cgi->escapeHTML($response->as_string)));
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