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Created March 29, 2014 14:24
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#enhancement gittip discussion
<patcon> honestbleeps: sorry for unceremoniously janking out of there yesterday, but again, thanks so much for the help with babelext
<patcon> and as for your having gittip's and being totally unaware, yeah, there's an issue for that, whicH i just added you as a +1 to:
<patcon> :)
<andytuba> haha nice patcon
<SirCmpwn> one of the gittip guys got in touch and convinced us to add gittip donations to mediacrush
<andytuba> although you'd barely know it from looking at your donate page
<patcon> andytuba: heh i'd stumbled across that early on, but forgot. i should ask chad about it?
<patcon> oops. ignore that "?"
<andytuba> : In-joke unclear, please add clarifying commit message =p
<SirCmpwn> andytuba: at some point we'll make that better, we just aren't trying very hard :P
<honestbleeps> huh...
<honestbleeps> includeS IE.
<honestbleeps> wish the readme had more info on how it works tho
<patcon> yeah, it's interesting. seems it used to be propreitary, but they realize it wasn't a good business model, and so open sourced
<andytuba> well that's cool. wonder if it's easier to integrate than … that thing i was gonna work with last year
<honestbleeps> the downside is it seems kind of abandonware-ish
<honestbleeps> like "this failed, so fuck it, here's the code", but it hasn't been updated recently at all
<andytuba> whomp whomp
<honestbleeps> and by "failed" i really mean "failed to make money", maybe it's great as a product
<patcon> honestbleeps: are you a python guy? looks like they're looking for a maintainer. i know it's probably premature to suggest, given i haven't dug in yet, but might be interesting to merge efforts if at all possible
<honestbleeps> i'm not a python guy at all
<honestbleeps> i know enough to be dangerous
<honestbleeps> i'm definitely interested in just having a better solution
<patcon> ah ok, that's super-important. nm then
<patcon> haha
<andytuba> i probably know a bit more than that but can't commit time
<honestbleeps> it doesn't have to bE My solution
<patcon> so you still interested in it, even if it's in python?
<honestbleeps> my requirements:
<patcon> honestbleeps: i like your style
<honestbleeps> 1) easy to work with
<SirCmpwn> remember when there were a dozen "We open-sourced our failed startup" posts oN HN
<honestbleeps> 2) see #1.
<SirCmpwn> i posted "We open-sourced our successful startup" that day to great acclaim
<patcon> SirCmpwn: heg
<patcon> *heh
<honestbleeps> 3) maintained with some level of attention / regularity because extension frameworks change
<honestbleeps> i would personallY prefer it use something like node/grunt/gulp only because those requirements/preqreqs are more "web developer friendly"
<honestbleeps> buT i'm not really hung up on that notion
<patcon> SirCmpwn: curious -- where do you work?
<patcon> honestbleeps: ditto on node/grunt/blah
<honestbleeps> just a matter of personal taste... current webdev trend is going the way of node/npm + grunt or gulp, so having those as prereqs is less of a barrier to entry
<honestbleeps> plus, iF i'm building a javascript addon in the first place... just sayin' it'd be nice for my tooling to also be done in javascript
<patcon> i was actually starting to think on how babelext could just use a yeoman generator to scaffold and update, and the main babelext lib might make sense as a bower package or whatever
<honestbleeps> dudE i'd be all for that
<honestbleeps> and we could even get into things thaT babElext doesn't address right now
<andytuba> ?
<patcon> but the fact the browser-extension iS SO HUGe makes me think i don't know how much i don't know :P
<honestbleeps> like babelext add toolbar-button [name] [img url]
<honestbleeps> and that updates the manifest.json, info.plist etc
<andytuba> +1
<honestbleeps> what browser extension is so huge? babelext?
<honestbleeps> it's pretty compact, really
<honestbleeps> <650 LoC
<patcon> honestbleeps: no no i mean that tool
<honestbleeps> ohhh yeah
<honestbleeps> that thing is gimungous
<patcon> honestbleeps: but +1 to everything you said
<patcon> :)
<honestbleeps> so the only reaosN i'd reject without having tried it yet is really "why not have a sensible workflow that doesn't require people to learn a 2nd language?"
<honestbleeps> but maybe it just _uses_ python and doesn't require you to know any? i haven't tried it yet
<patcon> honestbleeps: so yeah, so almost want to jump in and see what makes it so huge.
<patcon> honestbleeps: on the other hand, polyglot tools mean that there's something for everyone to dive in and help with :) (being a devil's advocate)
<andytuba> options are great, requirements suck
<honestbleeps> there is an IE Pr for babelext too that i ahven't gotten to use yet
<honestbleeps> sO babElext could conceivably supporT IE
<patcon> andytuba: how so? i think i get ya, but can you clarify?
<honestbleeps> btw andytuba if you are not familiar, patcon is from gittip!
<andytuba> eg if you can say "grunt add-image keyname url" or "forge add-image keyname url" that's nice
<andytuba> hi patcon!
<andytuba> but if you have to install both grunt and forge and python and blah blah just to get a build oF RES running, bleh
<honestbleeps> yeah that'd stink
<andytuba> actually my first idea is a bad contrived example because parallel workflows are yuck
<andytuba> bc maintenance costs
<patcon> andytuba: heyo! i feel likE i'm going down a rabbithole with this browser ext stuff, but yes, i'm technically working on gittip :)
<andytuba> hehe it's nice to hear suggestions from somebody else in a slightly different part of the industry
<SirCmpwn> patcon: is the "startup" in question
<patcon> andytuba: ah yeah, gotcha. you're right :)
<SirCmpwn> "startup" is a little bit of a stretch
<patcon> im not a big fan of python myself. but since gittip is all python, i find myself thinking on the value of a project not putting all its eggs in on language
<SirCmpwn> oh, hey, clone1802 convinced us to use gittip recently
<patcon> i would love it if we have some javascript or ruby pieces in our infra :)
<honestbleeps> i would <3 if gittip notified me when someone tips me, btw :)
<patcon> SirCmpwn: thx!
<SirCmpwn> honestbleeps++
<honestbleeps> hm. what dO i become after being incremented by 1?
<SirCmpwn> honestbleept
<andytuba> lol
<patcon> SirCmpwn: nice! i'm glad you were enchanted by clone1802's wizard words
<patcon> SirCmpwn honestbleep: lol
<SirCmpwn> patcon: we were more enchanted by the fact that it became our largest source of donations
<SirCmpwn> those servers are expensive ;_;
<patcon> SirCmpwn: actually, if you wouldn't mind copying it into a public gist and pasting the link here, that'd be rad:
<honestbleeps> haha nice
<patcon> SirCmpwn: thanks buddy :)
<patcon> anyhow, gonna go mess with that trigger-io thing for a bit
<patcon> later cats
<andytuba> cya patcon
<honestbleeps> would love to hear your thoughts on it patcon! thanks
<patcon> oh hey, and because someone mentioned thE READMe being bad, i guess this is where all the goods live:
<patcon> is actually gtfo'ing
<honestbleeps> oy
<honestbleeps> i'd be happy to 'borrow' their helpers foR Ie if the ones contributed to babelext (thaT i haven't had time to test) are inferior
<honestbleeps> but.. yea...
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