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Save jeweltheme/e4b721aacdbdaaf8b2d3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* Font Awesome Icons Array (4.3.0)
* @author Monzurul Haque
* @author_uri
$icons_arr = array(
__("None", "fifothemes") => "none",
__("Adjust", "fifothemes") => "fa-adjust",
__("Adn", "fifothemes") => "fa-adn",
__("Align Center", "fifothemes") => "fa-align-center",
__("Align Justify", "fifothemes") => "fa-align-justify",
__("Align Left", "fifothemes") => "fa-align-left",
__("Align Right", "fifothemes") => "fa-align-right",
__("Ambulance", "fifothemes") => "fa-ambulance",
__("Anchor", "fifothemes") => "fa-anchor",
__("Android", "fifothemes") => "fa-android",
__("Angellist", "fifothemes") => "fa-angellist",
__("Angle Double Down", "fifothemes") => "fa-angle-double-down",
__("Angle Double Left", "fifothemes") => "fa-angle-double-left",
__("Angle Double Right", "fifothemes") => "fa-angle-double-right",
__("Angle Double Up", "fifothemes") => "fa-angle-double-up",
__("Angle Down", "fifothemes") => "fa-angle-down",
__("Angle Left", "fifothemes") => "fa-angle-left",
__("Angle Right", "fifothemes") => "fa-angle-right",
__("Angle Up", "fifothemes") => "fa-angle-up",
__("Apple", "fifothemes") => "fa-apple",
__("Archive", "fifothemes") => "fa-archive",
__("Area Chart", "fifothemes") => "fa-area-chart",
__("Arrow Circle Down", "fifothemes") => "fa-arrow-circle-down",
__("Arrow Circle Left", "fifothemes") => "fa-arrow-circle-left",
__("Arrow Circle O Down", "fifothemes") => "fa-arrow-circle-o-down",
__("Arrow Circle O Left", "fifothemes") => "fa-arrow-circle-o-left",
__("Arrow Circle O Right", "fifothemes") => "fa-arrow-circle-o-right",
__("Arrow Circle O Up", "fifothemes") => "fa-arrow-circle-o-up",
__("Arrow Circle Right", "fifothemes") => "fa-arrow-circle-right",
__("Arrow Circle Up", "fifothemes") => "fa-arrow-circle-up",
__("Arrow Down", "fifothemes") => "fa-arrow-down",
__("Arrow Left", "fifothemes") => "fa-arrow-left",
__("Arrow Right", "fifothemes") => "fa-arrow-right",
__("Arrow Up", "fifothemes") => "fa-arrow-up",
__("Arrows Alt", "fifothemes") => "fa-arrows-alt",
__("Arrows H", "fifothemes") => "fa-arrows-h",
__("Arrows V", "fifothemes") => "fa-arrows-v",
__("Arrows", "fifothemes") => "fa-arrows",
__("Asterisk", "fifothemes") => "fa-asterisk",
__("At", "fifothemes") => "fa-at",
__("Automobile", "fifothemes") => "fa-automobile",
__("Backward", "fifothemes") => "fa-backward",
__("Bank", "fifothemes") => "fa-bank",
__("Ban", "fifothemes") => "fa-ban",
__("Bar Chart O", "fifothemes") => "fa-bar-chart-o",
__("Bar Chart", "fifothemes") => "fa-bar-chart",
__("Barcode", "fifothemes") => "fa-barcode",
__("Bars", "fifothemes") => "fa-bars",
__("Bed", "fifothemes") => "fa-bed",
__("Beer", "fifothemes") => "fa-beer",
__("Behance Square", "fifothemes") => "fa-behance-square",
__("Behance", "fifothemes") => "fa-behance",
__("Bell O", "fifothemes") => "fa-bell-o",
__("Bell Slash O", "fifothemes") => "fa-bell-slash-o",
__("Bell Slash", "fifothemes") => "fa-bell-slash",
__("Bell", "fifothemes") => "fa-bell",
__("Bicycle", "fifothemes") => "fa-bicycle",
__("Binoculars", "fifothemes") => "fa-binoculars",
__("Birthday Cake", "fifothemes") => "fa-birthday-cake",
__("Bitbucket Square", "fifothemes") => "fa-bitbucket-square",
__("Bitbucket", "fifothemes") => "fa-bitbucket",
__("Bitcoin", "fifothemes") => "fa-bitcoin",
__("Bold", "fifothemes") => "fa-bold",
__("Bolt", "fifothemes") => "fa-bolt",
__("Bomb", "fifothemes") => "fa-bomb",
__("Bookmark O", "fifothemes") => "fa-bookmark-o",
__("Bookmark", "fifothemes") => "fa-bookmark",
__("Book", "fifothemes") => "fa-book",
__("Briefcase", "fifothemes") => "fa-briefcase",
__("Btc", "fifothemes") => "fa-btc",
__("Bug", "fifothemes") => "fa-bug",
__("Building O", "fifothemes") => "fa-building-o",
__("Building", "fifothemes") => "fa-building",
__("Bullhorn", "fifothemes") => "fa-bullhorn",
__("Bullseye", "fifothemes") => "fa-bullseye",
__("Bus", "fifothemes") => "fa-bus",
__("Buysellads", "fifothemes") => "fa-buysellads",
__("Cab", "fifothemes") => "fa-cab",
__("Calculator", "fifothemes") => "fa-calculator",
__("Calendar O", "fifothemes") => "fa-calendar-o",
__("Calendar", "fifothemes") => "fa-calendar",
__("Camera Retro", "fifothemes") => "fa-camera-retro",
__("Camera", "fifothemes") => "fa-camera",
__("Caret Down", "fifothemes") => "fa-caret-down",
__("Caret Left", "fifothemes") => "fa-caret-left",
__("Caret Right", "fifothemes") => "fa-caret-right",
__("Caret Square O Down", "fifothemes") => "fa-caret-square-o-down",
__("Caret Square O Left", "fifothemes") => "fa-caret-square-o-left",
__("Caret Square O Right", "fifothemes") => "fa-caret-square-o-right",
__("Caret Square O Up", "fifothemes") => "fa-caret-square-o-up",
__("Caret Up", "fifothemes") => "fa-caret-up",
__("Cart Arrow Down", "fifothemes") => "fa-cart-arrow-down",
__("Cart Plus", "fifothemes") => "fa-cart-plus",
__("Car", "fifothemes") => "fa-car",
__("Cc Amex", "fifothemes") => "fa-cc-amex",
__("Cc Discover", "fifothemes") => "fa-cc-discover",
__("Cc Mastercard", "fifothemes") => "fa-cc-mastercard",
__("Cc Paypal", "fifothemes") => "fa-cc-paypal",
__("Cc Stripe", "fifothemes") => "fa-cc-stripe",
__("Cc Visa", "fifothemes") => "fa-cc-visa",
__("Cc", "fifothemes") => "fa-cc",
__("Certificate", "fifothemes") => "fa-certificate",
__("Chain Broken", "fifothemes") => "fa-chain-broken",
__("Chain", "fifothemes") => "fa-chain",
__("Check Circle O", "fifothemes") => "fa-check-circle-o",
__("Check Circle", "fifothemes") => "fa-check-circle",
__("Check Square O", "fifothemes") => "fa-check-square-o",
__("Check Square", "fifothemes") => "fa-check-square",
__("Check", "fifothemes") => "fa-check",
__("Chevron Circle Down", "fifothemes") => "fa-chevron-circle-down",
__("Chevron Circle Left", "fifothemes") => "fa-chevron-circle-left",
__("Chevron Circle Right", "fifothemes") => "fa-chevron-circle-right",
__("Chevron Circle Up", "fifothemes") => "fa-chevron-circle-up",
__("Chevron Down", "fifothemes") => "fa-chevron-down",
__("Chevron Left", "fifothemes") => "fa-chevron-left",
__("Chevron Right", "fifothemes") => "fa-chevron-right",
__("Chevron Up", "fifothemes") => "fa-chevron-up",
__("Child", "fifothemes") => "fa-child",
__("Circle O Notch", "fifothemes") => "fa-circle-o-notch",
__("Circle O", "fifothemes") => "fa-circle-o",
__("Circle Thin", "fifothemes") => "fa-circle-thin",
__("Circle", "fifothemes") => "fa-circle",
__("Clipboard", "fifothemes") => "fa-clipboard",
__("Clock O", "fifothemes") => "fa-clock-o",
__("Close", "fifothemes") => "fa-close",
__("Cloud Download", "fifothemes") => "fa-cloud-download",
__("Cloud Upload", "fifothemes") => "fa-cloud-upload",
__("Cloud", "fifothemes") => "fa-cloud",
__("Cny", "fifothemes") => "fa-cny",
__("Code Fork", "fifothemes") => "fa-code-fork",
__("Codepen", "fifothemes") => "fa-codepen",
__("Code", "fifothemes") => "fa-code",
__("Coffee", "fifothemes") => "fa-coffee",
__("Cogs", "fifothemes") => "fa-cogs",
__("Cog", "fifothemes") => "fa-cog",
__("Columns", "fifothemes") => "fa-columns",
__("Comment O", "fifothemes") => "fa-comment-o",
__("Comments O", "fifothemes") => "fa-comments-o",
__("Comments", "fifothemes") => "fa-comments",
__("Comment", "fifothemes") => "fa-comment",
__("Compass", "fifothemes") => "fa-compass",
__("Compress", "fifothemes") => "fa-compress",
__("Connectdevelop", "fifothemes") => "fa-connectdevelop",
__("Copyright", "fifothemes") => "fa-copyright",
__("Copy", "fifothemes") => "fa-copy",
__("Credit Card", "fifothemes") => "fa-credit-card",
__("Crop", "fifothemes") => "fa-crop",
__("Crosshairs", "fifothemes") => "fa-crosshairs",
__("Css3", "fifothemes") => "fa-css3",
__("Cubes", "fifothemes") => "fa-cubes",
__("Cube", "fifothemes") => "fa-cube",
__("Cutlery", "fifothemes") => "fa-cutlery",
__("Cut", "fifothemes") => "fa-cut",
__("Dashboard", "fifothemes") => "fa-dashboard",
__("Dashcube", "fifothemes") => "fa-dashcube",
__("Database", "fifothemes") => "fa-database",
__("Dedent", "fifothemes") => "fa-dedent",
__("Delicious", "fifothemes") => "fa-delicious",
__("Desktop", "fifothemes") => "fa-desktop",
__("Deviantart", "fifothemes") => "fa-deviantart",
__("Diamond", "fifothemes") => "fa-diamond",
__("Digg", "fifothemes") => "fa-digg",
__("Dollar", "fifothemes") => "fa-dollar",
__("Dot Circle O", "fifothemes") => "fa-dot-circle-o",
__("Download", "fifothemes") => "fa-download",
__("Dribbble", "fifothemes") => "fa-dribbble",
__("Dropbox", "fifothemes") => "fa-dropbox",
__("Drupal", "fifothemes") => "fa-drupal",
__("Edit", "fifothemes") => "fa-edit",
__("Eject", "fifothemes") => "fa-eject",
__("Ellipsis H", "fifothemes") => "fa-ellipsis-h",
__("Ellipsis V", "fifothemes") => "fa-ellipsis-v",
__("Empire", "fifothemes") => "fa-empire",
__("Envelope O", "fifothemes") => "fa-envelope-o",
__("Envelope Square", "fifothemes") => "fa-envelope-square",
__("Envelope", "fifothemes") => "fa-envelope",
__("Eraser", "fifothemes") => "fa-eraser",
__("Euro", "fifothemes") => "fa-euro",
__("Eur", "fifothemes") => "fa-eur",
__("Exchange", "fifothemes") => "fa-exchange",
__("Exclamation Circle", "fifothemes") => "fa-exclamation-circle",
__("Exclamation Triangle", "fifothemes") => "fa-exclamation-triangle",
__("Exclamation", "fifothemes") => "fa-exclamation",
__("Expand", "fifothemes") => "fa-expand",
__("External Link Square", "fifothemes") => "fa-external-link-square",
__("External Link", "fifothemes") => "fa-external-link",
__("Eye Slash", "fifothemes") => "fa-eye-slash",
__("Eyedropper", "fifothemes") => "fa-eyedropper",
__("Eye", "fifothemes") => "fa-eye",
__("Facebook F", "fifothemes") => "fa-facebook-f",
__("Facebook Official", "fifothemes") => "fa-facebook-official",
__("Facebook Square", "fifothemes") => "fa-facebook-square",
__("Facebook", "fifothemes") => "fa-facebook",
__("Fast Backward", "fifothemes") => "fa-fast-backward",
__("Fast Forward", "fifothemes") => "fa-fast-forward",
__("Fax", "fifothemes") => "fa-fax",
__("Female", "fifothemes") => "fa-female",
__("Fighter Jet", "fifothemes") => "fa-fighter-jet",
__("File Archive O", "fifothemes") => "fa-file-archive-o",
__("File Audio O", "fifothemes") => "fa-file-audio-o",
__("File Code O", "fifothemes") => "fa-file-code-o",
__("File Excel O", "fifothemes") => "fa-file-excel-o",
__("File Image O", "fifothemes") => "fa-file-image-o",
__("File Movie O", "fifothemes") => "fa-file-movie-o",
__("File O", "fifothemes") => "fa-file-o",
__("File Pdf O", "fifothemes") => "fa-file-pdf-o",
__("File Photo O", "fifothemes") => "fa-file-photo-o",
__("File Picture O", "fifothemes") => "fa-file-picture-o",
__("File Powerpoint O", "fifothemes") => "fa-file-powerpoint-o",
__("File Sound O", "fifothemes") => "fa-file-sound-o",
__("File Text O", "fifothemes") => "fa-file-text-o",
__("File Text", "fifothemes") => "fa-file-text",
__("File Video O", "fifothemes") => "fa-file-video-o",
__("File Word O", "fifothemes") => "fa-file-word-o",
__("File Zip O", "fifothemes") => "fa-file-zip-o",
__("Files O", "fifothemes") => "fa-files-o",
__("File", "fifothemes") => "fa-file",
__("Film", "fifothemes") => "fa-film",
__("Filter", "fifothemes") => "fa-filter",
__("Fire Extinguisher", "fifothemes") => "fa-fire-extinguisher",
__("Fire", "fifothemes") => "fa-fire",
__("Flag Checkered", "fifothemes") => "fa-flag-checkered",
__("Flag O", "fifothemes") => "fa-flag-o",
__("Flag", "fifothemes") => "fa-flag",
__("Flash", "fifothemes") => "fa-flash",
__("Flask", "fifothemes") => "fa-flask",
__("Flickr", "fifothemes") => "fa-flickr",
__("Floppy O", "fifothemes") => "fa-floppy-o",
__("Folder Open O", "fifothemes") => "fa-folder-open-o",
__("Folder Open", "fifothemes") => "fa-folder-open",
__("Folder O", "fifothemes") => "fa-folder-o",
__("Folder", "fifothemes") => "fa-folder",
__("Font", "fifothemes") => "fa-font",
__("Forumbee", "fifothemes") => "fa-forumbee",
__("Forward", "fifothemes") => "fa-forward",
__("Foursquare", "fifothemes") => "fa-foursquare",
__("Frown O", "fifothemes") => "fa-frown-o",
__("Futbol O", "fifothemes") => "fa-futbol-o",
__("Gamepad", "fifothemes") => "fa-gamepad",
__("Gavel", "fifothemes") => "fa-gavel",
__("Gbp", "fifothemes") => "fa-gbp",
__("Gears", "fifothemes") => "fa-gears",
__("Gear", "fifothemes") => "fa-gear",
__("Genderless", "fifothemes") => "fa-genderless",
__("Ge", "fifothemes") => "fa-ge",
__("Gift", "fifothemes") => "fa-gift",
__("Git Square", "fifothemes") => "fa-git-square",
__("Github Alt", "fifothemes") => "fa-github-alt",
__("Github Square", "fifothemes") => "fa-github-square",
__("Github", "fifothemes") => "fa-github",
__("Gittip", "fifothemes") => "fa-gittip",
__("Git", "fifothemes") => "fa-git",
__("Glass", "fifothemes") => "fa-glass",
__("Globe", "fifothemes") => "fa-globe",
__("Google Plus Square", "fifothemes") => "fa-google-plus-square",
__("Google Plus", "fifothemes") => "fa-google-plus",
__("Google Wallet", "fifothemes") => "fa-google-wallet",
__("Google", "fifothemes") => "fa-google",
__("Graduation Cap", "fifothemes") => "fa-graduation-cap",
__("Gratipay", "fifothemes") => "fa-gratipay",
__("Group", "fifothemes") => "fa-group",
__("H Square", "fifothemes") => "fa-h-square",
__("Hacker News", "fifothemes") => "fa-hacker-news",
__("Hand O Down", "fifothemes") => "fa-hand-o-down",
__("Hand O Left", "fifothemes") => "fa-hand-o-left",
__("Hand O Right", "fifothemes") => "fa-hand-o-right",
__("Hand O Up", "fifothemes") => "fa-hand-o-up",
__("Hdd O", "fifothemes") => "fa-hdd-o",
__("Header", "fifothemes") => "fa-header",
__("Headphones", "fifothemes") => "fa-headphones",
__("Heart O", "fifothemes") => "fa-heart-o",
__("Heartbeat", "fifothemes") => "fa-heartbeat",
__("Heart", "fifothemes") => "fa-heart",
__("History", "fifothemes") => "fa-history",
__("Home", "fifothemes") => "fa-home",
__("Hospital O", "fifothemes") => "fa-hospital-o",
__("Hotel", "fifothemes") => "fa-hotel",
__("Html5", "fifothemes") => "fa-html5",
__("Ils", "fifothemes") => "fa-ils",
__("Image", "fifothemes") => "fa-image",
__("Inbox", "fifothemes") => "fa-inbox",
__("Indent", "fifothemes") => "fa-indent",
__("Info Circle", "fifothemes") => "fa-info-circle",
__("Info", "fifothemes") => "fa-info",
__("Inr", "fifothemes") => "fa-inr",
__("Instagram", "fifothemes") => "fa-instagram",
__("Institution", "fifothemes") => "fa-institution",
__("Ioxhost", "fifothemes") => "fa-ioxhost",
__("Italic", "fifothemes") => "fa-italic",
__("Joomla", "fifothemes") => "fa-joomla",
__("Jpy", "fifothemes") => "fa-jpy",
__("Jsfiddle", "fifothemes") => "fa-jsfiddle",
__("Keyboard O", "fifothemes") => "fa-keyboard-o",
__("Key", "fifothemes") => "fa-key",
__("Krw", "fifothemes") => "fa-krw",
__("Language", "fifothemes") => "fa-language",
__("Laptop", "fifothemes") => "fa-laptop",
__("Lastfm Square", "fifothemes") => "fa-lastfm-square",
__("Lastfm", "fifothemes") => "fa-lastfm",
__("Leaf", "fifothemes") => "fa-leaf",
__("Leanpub", "fifothemes") => "fa-leanpub",
__("Legal", "fifothemes") => "fa-legal",
__("Lemon O", "fifothemes") => "fa-lemon-o",
__("Level Down", "fifothemes") => "fa-level-down",
__("Level Up", "fifothemes") => "fa-level-up",
__("Life Bouy", "fifothemes") => "fa-life-bouy",
__("Life Buoy", "fifothemes") => "fa-life-buoy",
__("Life Ring", "fifothemes") => "fa-life-ring",
__("Life Saver", "fifothemes") => "fa-life-saver",
__("Lightbulb O", "fifothemes") => "fa-lightbulb-o",
__("Line Chart", "fifothemes") => "fa-line-chart",
__("Linkedin Square", "fifothemes") => "fa-linkedin-square",
__("Linkedin", "fifothemes") => "fa-linkedin",
__("Link", "fifothemes") => "fa-link",
__("Linux", "fifothemes") => "fa-linux",
__("List Alt", "fifothemes") => "fa-list-alt",
__("List Ol", "fifothemes") => "fa-list-ol",
__("List Ul", "fifothemes") => "fa-list-ul",
__("List", "fifothemes") => "fa-list",
__("Location Arrow", "fifothemes") => "fa-location-arrow",
__("Lock", "fifothemes") => "fa-lock",
__("Long Arrow Down", "fifothemes") => "fa-long-arrow-down",
__("Long Arrow Left", "fifothemes") => "fa-long-arrow-left",
__("Long Arrow Right", "fifothemes") => "fa-long-arrow-right",
__("Long Arrow Up", "fifothemes") => "fa-long-arrow-up",
__("Magic", "fifothemes") => "fa-magic",
__("Magnet", "fifothemes") => "fa-magnet",
__("Mail Forward", "fifothemes") => "fa-mail-forward",
__("Mail Reply All", "fifothemes") => "fa-mail-reply-all",
__("Mail Reply", "fifothemes") => "fa-mail-reply",
__("Male", "fifothemes") => "fa-male",
__("Map Marker", "fifothemes") => "fa-map-marker",
__("Mars Double", "fifothemes") => "fa-mars-double",
__("Mars Stroke H", "fifothemes") => "fa-mars-stroke-h",
__("Mars Stroke V", "fifothemes") => "fa-mars-stroke-v",
__("Mars Stroke", "fifothemes") => "fa-mars-stroke",
__("Mars", "fifothemes") => "fa-mars",
__("Maxcdn", "fifothemes") => "fa-maxcdn",
__("Meanpath", "fifothemes") => "fa-meanpath",
__("Medium", "fifothemes") => "fa-medium",
__("Medkit", "fifothemes") => "fa-medkit",
__("Meh O", "fifothemes") => "fa-meh-o",
__("Mercury", "fifothemes") => "fa-mercury",
__("Microphone Slash", "fifothemes") => "fa-microphone-slash",
__("Microphone", "fifothemes") => "fa-microphone",
__("Minus Circle", "fifothemes") => "fa-minus-circle",
__("Minus Square O", "fifothemes") => "fa-minus-square-o",
__("Minus Square", "fifothemes") => "fa-minus-square",
__("Minus", "fifothemes") => "fa-minus",
__("Mobile Phone", "fifothemes") => "fa-mobile-phone",
__("Mobile", "fifothemes") => "fa-mobile",
__("Money", "fifothemes") => "fa-money",
__("Moon O", "fifothemes") => "fa-moon-o",
__("Mortar Board", "fifothemes") => "fa-mortar-board",
__("Motorcycle", "fifothemes") => "fa-motorcycle",
__("Music", "fifothemes") => "fa-music",
__("Navicon", "fifothemes") => "fa-navicon",
__("Neuter", "fifothemes") => "fa-neuter",
__("Newspaper O", "fifothemes") => "fa-newspaper-o",
__("Openid", "fifothemes") => "fa-openid",
__("Outdent", "fifothemes") => "fa-outdent",
__("Pagelines", "fifothemes") => "fa-pagelines",
__("Paint Brush", "fifothemes") => "fa-paint-brush",
__("Paper Plane O", "fifothemes") => "fa-paper-plane-o",
__("Paper Plane", "fifothemes") => "fa-paper-plane",
__("Paperclip", "fifothemes") => "fa-paperclip",
__("Paragraph", "fifothemes") => "fa-paragraph",
__("Paste", "fifothemes") => "fa-paste",
__("Pause", "fifothemes") => "fa-pause",
__("Paw", "fifothemes") => "fa-paw",
__("Paypal", "fifothemes") => "fa-paypal",
__("Pencil Square O", "fifothemes") => "fa-pencil-square-o",
__("Pencil Square", "fifothemes") => "fa-pencil-square",
__("Pencil", "fifothemes") => "fa-pencil",
__("Phone Square", "fifothemes") => "fa-phone-square",
__("Phone", "fifothemes") => "fa-phone",
__("Photo", "fifothemes") => "fa-photo",
__("Picture O", "fifothemes") => "fa-picture-o",
__("Pie Chart", "fifothemes") => "fa-pie-chart",
__("Pied Piper Alt", "fifothemes") => "fa-pied-piper-alt",
__("Pied Piper", "fifothemes") => "fa-pied-piper",
__("Pinterest P", "fifothemes") => "fa-pinterest-p",
__("Pinterest Square", "fifothemes") => "fa-pinterest-square",
__("Pinterest", "fifothemes") => "fa-pinterest",
__("Plane", "fifothemes") => "fa-plane",
__("Play Circle O", "fifothemes") => "fa-play-circle-o",
__("Play Circle", "fifothemes") => "fa-play-circle",
__("Play", "fifothemes") => "fa-play",
__("Plug", "fifothemes") => "fa-plug",
__("Plus Circle", "fifothemes") => "fa-plus-circle",
__("Plus Square O", "fifothemes") => "fa-plus-square-o",
__("Plus Square", "fifothemes") => "fa-plus-square",
__("Plus", "fifothemes") => "fa-plus",
__("Power Off", "fifothemes") => "fa-power-off",
__("Print", "fifothemes") => "fa-print",
__("Puzzle Piece", "fifothemes") => "fa-puzzle-piece",
__("Qq", "fifothemes") => "fa-qq",
__("Qrcode", "fifothemes") => "fa-qrcode",
__("Question Circle", "fifothemes") => "fa-question-circle",
__("Question", "fifothemes") => "fa-question",
__("Quote Left", "fifothemes") => "fa-quote-left",
__("Quote Right", "fifothemes") => "fa-quote-right",
__("Random", "fifothemes") => "fa-random",
__("Ra", "fifothemes") => "fa-ra",
__("Rebel", "fifothemes") => "fa-rebel",
__("Recycle", "fifothemes") => "fa-recycle",
__("Reddit Square", "fifothemes") => "fa-reddit-square",
__("Reddit", "fifothemes") => "fa-reddit",
__("Refresh", "fifothemes") => "fa-refresh",
__("Remove", "fifothemes") => "fa-remove",
__("Renren", "fifothemes") => "fa-renren",
__("Reorder", "fifothemes") => "fa-reorder",
__("Repeat", "fifothemes") => "fa-repeat",
__("Reply All", "fifothemes") => "fa-reply-all",
__("Reply", "fifothemes") => "fa-reply",
__("Retweet", "fifothemes") => "fa-retweet",
__("Rmb", "fifothemes") => "fa-rmb",
__("Road", "fifothemes") => "fa-road",
__("Rocket", "fifothemes") => "fa-rocket",
__("Rotate Left", "fifothemes") => "fa-rotate-left",
__("Rotate Right", "fifothemes") => "fa-rotate-right",
__("Rouble", "fifothemes") => "fa-rouble",
__("Rss Square", "fifothemes") => "fa-rss-square",
__("Rss", "fifothemes") => "fa-rss",
__("Ruble", "fifothemes") => "fa-ruble",
__("Rub", "fifothemes") => "fa-rub",
__("Rupee", "fifothemes") => "fa-rupee",
__("Save", "fifothemes") => "fa-save",
__("Scissors", "fifothemes") => "fa-scissors",
__("Search Minus", "fifothemes") => "fa-search-minus",
__("Search Plus", "fifothemes") => "fa-search-plus",
__("Search", "fifothemes") => "fa-search",
__("Sellsy", "fifothemes") => "fa-sellsy",
__("Send O", "fifothemes") => "fa-send-o",
__("Send", "fifothemes") => "fa-send",
__("Server", "fifothemes") => "fa-server",
__("Share Alt Square", "fifothemes") => "fa-share-alt-square",
__("Share Alt", "fifothemes") => "fa-share-alt",
__("Share Square O", "fifothemes") => "fa-share-square-o",
__("Share Square", "fifothemes") => "fa-share-square",
__("Share", "fifothemes") => "fa-share",
__("Shekel", "fifothemes") => "fa-shekel",
__("Sheqel", "fifothemes") => "fa-sheqel",
__("Shield", "fifothemes") => "fa-shield",
__("Ship", "fifothemes") => "fa-ship",
__("Shirtsinbulk", "fifothemes") => "fa-shirtsinbulk",
__("Shopping Cart", "fifothemes") => "fa-shopping-cart",
__("Sign In", "fifothemes") => "fa-sign-in",
__("Sign Out", "fifothemes") => "fa-sign-out",
__("Signal", "fifothemes") => "fa-signal",
__("Simplybuilt", "fifothemes") => "fa-simplybuilt",
__("Sitemap", "fifothemes") => "fa-sitemap",
__("Skyatlas", "fifothemes") => "fa-skyatlas",
__("Skype", "fifothemes") => "fa-skype",
__("Slack", "fifothemes") => "fa-slack",
__("Sliders", "fifothemes") => "fa-sliders",
__("Slideshare", "fifothemes") => "fa-slideshare",
__("Smile O", "fifothemes") => "fa-smile-o",
__("Soccer Ball O", "fifothemes") => "fa-soccer-ball-o",
__("Sort Alpha Asc", "fifothemes") => "fa-sort-alpha-asc",
__("Sort Alpha Desc", "fifothemes") => "fa-sort-alpha-desc",
__("Sort Amount Asc", "fifothemes") => "fa-sort-amount-asc",
__("Sort Amount Desc", "fifothemes") => "fa-sort-amount-desc",
__("Sort Asc", "fifothemes") => "fa-sort-asc",
__("Sort Desc", "fifothemes") => "fa-sort-desc",
__("Sort Down", "fifothemes") => "fa-sort-down",
__("Sort Numeric Asc", "fifothemes") => "fa-sort-numeric-asc",
__("Sort Numeric Desc", "fifothemes") => "fa-sort-numeric-desc",
__("Sort Up", "fifothemes") => "fa-sort-up",
__("Sort", "fifothemes") => "fa-sort",
__("Soundcloud", "fifothemes") => "fa-soundcloud",
__("Space Shuttle", "fifothemes") => "fa-space-shuttle",
__("Spinner", "fifothemes") => "fa-spinner",
__("Spoon", "fifothemes") => "fa-spoon",
__("Spotify", "fifothemes") => "fa-spotify",
__("Square O", "fifothemes") => "fa-square-o",
__("Square", "fifothemes") => "fa-square",
__("Stack Exchange", "fifothemes") => "fa-stack-exchange",
__("Stack Overflow", "fifothemes") => "fa-stack-overflow",
__("Star Half Empty", "fifothemes") => "fa-star-half-empty",
__("Star Half Full", "fifothemes") => "fa-star-half-full",
__("Star Half O", "fifothemes") => "fa-star-half-o",
__("Star Half", "fifothemes") => "fa-star-half",
__("Star O", "fifothemes") => "fa-star-o",
__("Star", "fifothemes") => "fa-star",
__("Steam Square", "fifothemes") => "fa-steam-square",
__("Steam", "fifothemes") => "fa-steam",
__("Step Backward", "fifothemes") => "fa-step-backward",
__("Step Forward", "fifothemes") => "fa-step-forward",
__("Stethoscope", "fifothemes") => "fa-stethoscope",
__("Stop", "fifothemes") => "fa-stop",
__("Street View", "fifothemes") => "fa-street-view",
__("Strikethrough", "fifothemes") => "fa-strikethrough",
__("Stumbleupon Circle", "fifothemes") => "fa-stumbleupon-circle",
__("Stumbleupon", "fifothemes") => "fa-stumbleupon",
__("Subscript", "fifothemes") => "fa-subscript",
__("Subway", "fifothemes") => "fa-subway",
__("Suitcase", "fifothemes") => "fa-suitcase",
__("Sun O", "fifothemes") => "fa-sun-o",
__("Superscript", "fifothemes") => "fa-superscript",
__("Support", "fifothemes") => "fa-support",
__("Tablet", "fifothemes") => "fa-tablet",
__("Table", "fifothemes") => "fa-table",
__("Tachometer", "fifothemes") => "fa-tachometer",
__("Tags", "fifothemes") => "fa-tags",
__("Tag", "fifothemes") => "fa-tag",
__("Tasks", "fifothemes") => "fa-tasks",
__("Taxi", "fifothemes") => "fa-taxi",
__("Tencent Weibo", "fifothemes") => "fa-tencent-weibo",
__("Terminal", "fifothemes") => "fa-terminal",
__("Text Height", "fifothemes") => "fa-text-height",
__("Text Width", "fifothemes") => "fa-text-width",
__("Th Large", "fifothemes") => "fa-th-large",
__("Th List", "fifothemes") => "fa-th-list",
__("Thumb Tack", "fifothemes") => "fa-thumb-tack",
__("Thumbs Down", "fifothemes") => "fa-thumbs-down",
__("Thumbs O Down", "fifothemes") => "fa-thumbs-o-down",
__("Thumbs O Up", "fifothemes") => "fa-thumbs-o-up",
__("Thumbs Up", "fifothemes") => "fa-thumbs-up",
__("Th", "fifothemes") => "fa-th",
__("Ticket", "fifothemes") => "fa-ticket",
__("Times Circle O", "fifothemes") => "fa-times-circle-o",
__("Times Circle", "fifothemes") => "fa-times-circle",
__("Times", "fifothemes") => "fa-times",
__("Tint", "fifothemes") => "fa-tint",
__("Toggle Down", "fifothemes") => "fa-toggle-down",
__("Toggle Left", "fifothemes") => "fa-toggle-left",
__("Toggle Off", "fifothemes") => "fa-toggle-off",
__("Toggle On", "fifothemes") => "fa-toggle-on",
__("Toggle Right", "fifothemes") => "fa-toggle-right",
__("Toggle Up", "fifothemes") => "fa-toggle-up",
__("Train", "fifothemes") => "fa-train",
__("Transgender Alt", "fifothemes") => "fa-transgender-alt",
__("Transgender", "fifothemes") => "fa-transgender",
__("Trash O", "fifothemes") => "fa-trash-o",
__("Trash", "fifothemes") => "fa-trash",
__("Tree", "fifothemes") => "fa-tree",
__("Trello", "fifothemes") => "fa-trello",
__("Trophy", "fifothemes") => "fa-trophy",
__("Truck", "fifothemes") => "fa-truck",
__("Try", "fifothemes") => "fa-try",
__("Tty", "fifothemes") => "fa-tty",
__("Tumblr Square", "fifothemes") => "fa-tumblr-square",
__("Tumblr", "fifothemes") => "fa-tumblr",
__("Turkish Lira", "fifothemes") => "fa-turkish-lira",
__("Twitch", "fifothemes") => "fa-twitch",
__("Twitter Square", "fifothemes") => "fa-twitter-square",
__("Twitter", "fifothemes") => "fa-twitter",
__("Umbrella", "fifothemes") => "fa-umbrella",
__("Underline", "fifothemes") => "fa-underline",
__("Undo", "fifothemes") => "fa-undo",
__("University", "fifothemes") => "fa-university",
__("Unlink", "fifothemes") => "fa-unlink",
__("Unlock Alt", "fifothemes") => "fa-unlock-alt",
__("Unlock", "fifothemes") => "fa-unlock",
__("Unsorted", "fifothemes") => "fa-unsorted",
__("Upload", "fifothemes") => "fa-upload",
__("Usd", "fifothemes") => "fa-usd",
__("User Md", "fifothemes") => "fa-user-md",
__("User Plus", "fifothemes") => "fa-user-plus",
__("User Secret", "fifothemes") => "fa-user-secret",
__("User Times", "fifothemes") => "fa-user-times",
__("Users", "fifothemes") => "fa-users",
__("User", "fifothemes") => "fa-user",
__("Venus Double", "fifothemes") => "fa-venus-double",
__("Venus Mars", "fifothemes") => "fa-venus-mars",
__("Venus", "fifothemes") => "fa-venus",
__("Viacoin", "fifothemes") => "fa-viacoin",
__("Video Camera", "fifothemes") => "fa-video-camera",
__("Vimeo Square", "fifothemes") => "fa-vimeo-square",
__("Vine", "fifothemes") => "fa-vine",
__("Vk", "fifothemes") => "fa-vk",
__("Volume Down", "fifothemes") => "fa-volume-down",
__("Volume Off", "fifothemes") => "fa-volume-off",
__("Volume Up", "fifothemes") => "fa-volume-up",
__("Warning", "fifothemes") => "fa-warning",
__("Wechat", "fifothemes") => "fa-wechat",
__("Weibo", "fifothemes") => "fa-weibo",
__("Weixin", "fifothemes") => "fa-weixin",
__("Whatsapp", "fifothemes") => "fa-whatsapp",
__("Wheelchair", "fifothemes") => "fa-wheelchair",
__("Wifi", "fifothemes") => "fa-wifi",
__("Windows", "fifothemes") => "fa-windows",
__("Won", "fifothemes") => "fa-won",
__("Wordpress", "fifothemes") => "fa-wordpress",
__("Wrench", "fifothemes") => "fa-wrench",
__("Xing Square", "fifothemes") => "fa-xing-square",
__("Xing", "fifothemes") => "fa-xing",
__("Yahoo", "fifothemes") => "fa-yahoo",
__("Yelp", "fifothemes") => "fa-yelp",
__("Yen", "fifothemes") => "fa-yen",
__("Youtube Play", "fifothemes") => "fa-youtube-play",
__("Youtube", "fifothemes") => "fa-youtube"
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