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Created February 9, 2023 15:00
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  • Save jewilmeer/c1e5d3d1665d07e31423883828f0d4b7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jewilmeer/c1e5d3d1665d07e31423883828f0d4b7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
login: "Login"
submit: "Request"
forgot_your_password: "Forgot your password?"
submit: "Login"
title: "Login"
success: "Successfully logged into %{organization}"
end_date: End date
organization: Organisation
start_date: Start date
email: 'Email'
password: "Password"
mailing_frequency: E-Mail Frequency
failed: Failed
log: Log
original: Original
processed: Processed
validating: Validating
list: This lists candidate csv import files within the organization
title: Candidate CSV imports
title: Candidate CSV import
created: The enrolment link has been created
one: "The enrolment link has been created (%{costs} per enrolment due to 1 premium element)"
other: "The enrolment link has been created (%{costs} per enrolment due to %{count} premium elements)"
title: New enrolment link
deactivated: The enrolment link has been deactivated
deleted: The enrolment link has been deleted
explanation: Participants can use the link above to enrol in the selected process. You can share this link by email or via your website, for example. Please note that anyone can enrol if you make the link public.
link: Link
title: Edit enrolment link
explanation: Participants can use the link above to enrol in the selected process. You can share this link by email or via your website, for example. Please note that anyone can enrol if you make the link public.
actions: Actions
add: New enrolment link
coach: Coach
enrolments: Enrolments
list_of_enrollers: Here are all of your organisation's enrolment links
process: Proces
title: Enrolment links
show_default_explanation: By default, a short text is shown which explains how to enrol. Alternatively, you can provide your own text in the process's description.
title: New enrolment link
reactivated: The enrolment link has been reactivated
title: Edit enrolment link
updated: The enrolment link has been updated
title: Whitelabel settings
whitelabel_updated: The Whitelabel is updated
approval_request_send_reason: Send this reason
component_add: Add this element
component_delete: Delete this element
component_move: Move this element
component_settings: Open the element settings
details_collapse: Collapse the details
details_expand: Expand the details
document_delete: Delete this saved report
document_download: Download this saved report
document_save: Save this report
document_share: Share this saved report with the participant
document_unshare: Share the settings above with the participant
enrollment_page_print: Print this step
enrollment_page_requiring_action: Contains elements with additional setup
file_download: Download this file
filter_bar_collapse: Collapse the filters
filter_bar_expand: Expand the filters
interactive_results_agile_average: Chart with dashed line at %{percentage} percent from the right. The higher this percentage, the more agile you are.
interactive_results_agile_pillars: Chart displaying your subscores as clickable sectors of a pie chart. Power %{power}, Change %{change}, Growth %{growth}.
interactive_results_info_birthdate: Birth date
interactive_results_info_education: Education
interactive_results_info_email: Email address
interactive_results_information: Open the interpretation of the scores
interactive_results_intelligence_chart: Chart indicating your IQ score of %{iq} on a normal distribution. Dashed lines show the margins of error.
interactive_results_next: Next
interactive_results_paging: Page %{page} of %{pages}
interactive_results_previous: Previous
interactive_results_rating: "%{score} out of %{max} stars"
interactive_results_tip: Open the tip
ixly_test_download: Download this rapport
ixly_test_settings: Open the report settings
loading: Loading...
navbar_expand: Expand the navigation menu
notification_close: Close this task
notification_reopen: Reopen this task
organization_logo: Logo of %{name}
organization_logo_change: Logo of %{name} – click to change
organization_logo_home: Logo of %{name} – click for home
post_rule_delete: Delete this sharing rule
price_in_euros: in euros
program_page_delete: Delete this step
program_page_move: Move this step
program_page_settings: Open the step settings
program_settings: Open the process settings
quiz_correct: This answer is correct
quiz_incorrect: This answer is incorrect
quiz_selected: This answer is selected
saved: Your changes have been saved
saving: Your changes are being saved
template_column_delete: Delete this column
template_column_move: Move this column
template_column_settings: Open the column settings
template_element_delete: Delete this section
template_element_move: Move this section
template_element_settings: Open the section settings
template_element_variables: Open the variables settings
template_item_delete: Delete this item
template_row_delete: Delete this row
template_row_move: Move this row
template_zoom_in: Zoom in
template_zoom_out: Zoom out
top_step_delete: Delete this step group
top_step_insert: Insert a step group
user_avatar: Profile picture of %{name}
user_avatar_change: Profile picture of %{name} – click to change
view_switcher_cards: View as tiles
view_switcher_table: View as table
help_text: Here are all documents you have been requested to approve
- File
- Participant
- Process
- Status
- Reason
- Coach
title: Approval requests
add: "Add candidate"
added: "Added candidate %{name}."
remove: "Remove"
deactivate: "The candidate has been deactivated"
contact_persons: "Contact persons"
add: "Add Contact Person"
title: "Candidates"
reactivated: "The candidate has been reactivated"
selected: candidate(s) selected
updated: "Candidate updated"
upload_candidates: "Upload Candidates"
removed: "Contact person succesfully removed from the candidate"
new: "New contact person"
cannot_enroll: You cannot assign this process at the moment
add: "Add contactperson"
contact_persons: Contactpersons
add: "Add user"
list: "This lists all users within your organization"
title: "Users"
name: "Name"
roles: "Roles"
status: "Status"
type: "Type"
updated_at: "Updated at"
component_delete_confirm: Are you sure that you want to delete this element?
settings: Element settings
advisor_introduction: Coach introduction
advisor_introduction_tooltip: The coach can use this to introduce themselves to the participant
appointment: Meeting scheduler
appointment_tooltip: The coach and the participant can use this to arrange a (physical) meeting
blog: Blog
blog_tooltip: Blog with all posts that are shared with the participant
bov: BOV (Dutch)
bov_tooltip: The BOV allows the participant to search through a database of professions
checkboxes: Checkboxes
checkboxes_tooltip: Number of options from which to select multiple
consent: Consent
consent_tooltip: A yes-no question that the participant must answer to continue
custom_html: Custom HTML
custom_html_tooltip: Insert custom HTML code
date: Date input
date_tooltip: An input field for a date
document_approval: Document approval
document_approval_tooltip: The coach can use this to upload a file for the participant or contact person to approve
document_download: Document download
document_download_tooltip: The coach can use this to upload a file for the participant to download
document_upload: Document upload
document_upload_tooltip: The participant can use this to upload a file for the coach to download
docx_template: CV & letter builder (Word)
docx_template_tooltip: This can be used to upload a DOCX document template, which the participant can fill with personal information
fit: FIT (Dutch)
fit_tooltip: With the FIT, the participant can map out his limitations and orient himself on career opportunities
image: Image
image_tooltip: An image to view
input_text: Text input (short)
input_text_tooltip: An input field of one line, to be filled in by the participant
ixly_test: Ixly assessment
ixly_test_tooltip: The participant can use this to fill in a test or questionnaire and download a report afterwards
job_market_scan: Job market Opportunities (Dutch)
job_market_scan_en: Job market Opportunities
job_market_scan_en_tooltip: With Job market Opportunities the participant can calculate their position in the Dutch job market
job_market_scan_tooltip: With Job market Opportunities the participant can calculate their position in the Dutch job market
job_suggestions: Job Suggestions (Dutch)
job_suggestions_plus: Job Suggestions Plus (Dutch)
job_suggestions_plus_tooltip: With Job Suggestions Plus, the participant can discover suitable jobs, plus related training and vacancies
job_suggestions_tooltip: With Job Suggestions, the participant can discover suitable jobs
jobfeed: Jobfeed (Dutch)
jobfeed_tooltip: With Jobfeed the participant can search through all vacancies in the Netherlands
logbook: Logbook
logbook_tooltip: The participant can use this to record notes
no_premium_components_available_yet: (no premium elements are available at the moment)
pdf_template: CV & letter builder
pdf_template_tooltip: This can be used to compose templates for PDF documents, which the participant can fill with personal information
premium: Premium
premium_costs_are_per_assignment: (the prices above are per assignment of the process and excluding %{vat}% VAT)
quiz: Quiz
quiz_tooltip: The participant can use this to answer questions (open-ended or multiple choice) and check their answers afterwards
radio_buttons: Multiple choice
radio_buttons_tooltip: Number of options from which to select one (radio buttons)
search_job: Indeed job search
search_job_tooltip: Integrated job search using the Indeed database
selectbox: Selection
selectbox_tooltip: Number of options from which to select one (drop-down)
standard: Standard
text: Text
text_tooltip: Text to be read
textarea: Text input (long)
textarea_tooltip: An input field of multiple lines, to be filled in by the participant
title: Elements
vacancy: Vacancy manager
vacancy_tooltip: The participant can use this to log details of vacancies they are interested in
youtube_video: YouTube video
youtube_video_tooltip: A YouTube video to watch
page_delete_confirm: Are you sure you want to delete this step, including all of its elements?
settings: Step settings
new_page: New step
settings: Process settings
placeholder: Step group name...
add: Add
back: Back
cancel: Cancel
click_to_close_modal: (click here to close this window)
close: Close
complete_setup: Send invitation
copy: Copy
deactivate: Deactivate
delete: Delete
edit: Edit
filter: "Apply"
inspect: Inspect
invite: Invite
join: Join
publish: Publish
publish_as_template: Publish as template
reactivate: Reactivate
refresh: Refresh
reset: Reset
select: Select
test_results: Results
verify: Verify
view: View
withdraw: Withdraw
empty_list: "There are no new tasks assigned"
enrolment_link_alt_text: "Open %{title}"
finished_at: "Finished at"
not_started: "Not yet started"
started_at: "Started at"
finished: "finished"
not_started: "not started"
started: "started"
empty_list: "There are no finished tasks yet"
empty_list: "There are no started tasks"
title: "My tracks"
client_created: The client has been created
help_text: Create a new organisation client
title: New client
title: Edit client
labels: Labels
help_text: Here are all of your organisation's clients (companies)
new_button: New client
- Name
- Contact persons
- Participants
title: Clients
help_text: Create a new organisation client
title: New client
number_of_candidates: "%{number} active"
number_of_contact_persons: "%{number} active"
help_text: Here are all of your contact persons and participants from this client
new_button: New contact person
- Details
- Email address
- Status
client_updated: The client has been updated
title: Edit client
title: Message history
back: Back to process
report_visible_for_explanation: The report can still be made visible to their partner afterwards.
error: "The element could not be saved because:\n"
current: "Current"
filtered_from_after_count: results
filtered_from_before_count: filtered from
loading: Loading...
next: Next
previous: Previous
showing_page_after_count: of
showing_page_before_count: Page
zero_records: No results found
days: days
months: months
years: years
delimit_options_by_commas: Use a comma to separate different options (e.g. apple, pear, banana).
delimit_sections_by_commas: Use a comma to separate different sections.
invalid: "No account was found with the email and password combination you provided"
not_found_in_database: "No account was found with the email and password combination you provided"
organization_inactive: "Unable to login, the organization you belong to is not active"
unauthenticated: "You need to sign in before continuing"
user_status_created: "Your account has not been activated yet"
user_status_inactive: "Your account has not been activated"
user_status_invited: "Unable to login, please follow the intructions you received via email"
sign_out: "Sign out"
created: The discounts have been created
already_started: This discount has already started.
new_button: New discounts
- 'On'
- Percentage
- Start date
- End date
- Actions
title: Discounts
premium_components: Premium components
subscriptions: Subscriptions
title: New discounts for %{organization}
discount_delete: Are you sure you want to delete this discount?
cannot_enroll: You cannot enrol in this process at the moment
enrolled: Your are now participating in this process
cannot_enroll: You cannot enrol in this process at the moment
enrolled: Your are now participating in this process
enrolling_user_is_a_contact_person: As a contact person you are unable to participate in processes yourself
enrolling_user_is_enrollers_advisor: As the enrolment link's coach you are unable to participate in this process yourself
cannot_enroll: You cannot enrol in this process at the moment
accept: "I agree to "
and: " and "
participate: Participate
privacy_label: the <a class='btn-link' href='%{privacy_link}' target='_blank'>privacy statement</a>
terms_label: the <a class='btn-link' href='%{terms_link}' target='_blank'>terms and conditions</a>
deactivated: This enrolment link is no longer available
sign_in_or_sign_up: If you already have a Process-Toolkit account you need to <a class='btn-link' href='%{login_link}'>log in</a> to participate in this process. If you do not have an account yet you can create one using the form below.
already_enrolled: "You are already participating in this process, continue from <a class='alert-link' href='%{link}'>%{text}</a>"
participate: Participate
participate_as: Using the button below you can participate in this process directly.
accept: "I agree to "
and: " and "
participate: Participate
privacy_label: the <a class='btn-link' href='%{privacy_link}' target='_blank'>privacy statement</a>
terms_label: the <a class='btn-link' href='%{terms_link}' target='_blank'>terms and conditions</a>
email_sent: Thank you for your participation. You will receive an email from with instructions on how to begin.
accept_page: Approve this step
back_to_tracks_as_advisor: Back to my participants
back_to_tracks_as_candidate: Back to my tracks
comments: Messages
finish_enrollment: Finish process
finish_enrollment_confirm: Are you sure you want to finish the process? A finished process can no longer be modified by the participant or coach.
finish_page: Finish this step
finish_page_and_next: Finish and next
next_page: Next step
next_page_unavailable: Next step not yet available...
reject_page: Reject this step
reopen_enrollment: Reopen process
reopen_enrollment_confirm: Are you sure you want to reopen the process? The participant will be able to make changes again.
submit_page: Submit this step
submit_page_and_next: Submit and next
cannot_enroll: You cannot insert this step at the moment
page_inserted: "The '%{page_title}' step has been inserted"
insert: Insert
is_optional: This step is currently not a part of this process, but it can still be inserted if required
original_page_deleted: This optional step can no longer be inserted, because the original has been deleted
page_insert_confirm_part_1: Insertion is irreversible
page_insert_confirm_part_2: Are you sure you want to insert this step at the designated spot in the process?
one: "and costs %{costs} due to 1 premium element"
other: "and costs %{costs} due to %{count} premium elements"
confirm_withdraw: Are you sure you want to withdraw this process?
candidate_double_invited: The participant has been invited and notified of the newly assigned process by email
candidate_invited: The participant has been notified of the newly assigned process by email
cannot_enroll: You cannot assign this process at the moment
candidate_enrollment_already_started: This process cannot be withdrawn as it has already been started
candidate_enrollment_destroyed: The process has been withdrawn
enrollment_finished: The process has been finished
finish_enrollment_failed: This process cannot be finished as it's not yet started or already finished
not_available_yet: Available after finishing preceding steps
help_text: Select one of your published processes to assign to the participant
- Process
- Actions
title: Process assignment
done: finished
rejected: again
submitted: submitted
enrollment_reopened: The process has been reopened
reopen_enrollment_failed: This process cannot be reopened as it's not yet finished
add: Assign
one: "The selected process contains 1 premium element, which costs %{costs}. Are you sure you want to assign it?"
other: "The selected process contains %{count} premium elements, with an aggregate cost of %{costs}. Are you sure you want to assign it?"
invite_later: Invite later
view: View
format: "%{attribute} %{message}"
already_passed: has already passed
attachment_size: "Should be less than 50MB"
before_start_date: must be after the start date
candidate_limit_reached: Your account cannot be activated because the maximum number of active participants has been reached
cannot_downgrade_before_year: must be at least a year after the start date of the previous subscription
cannot_have_multiple_roles: A user can only fulfill one role in the same track simultaneously
combination_should_be_unique: The selected participant already has a track with the selected coach
content_type_blacklist_error: SVG images are not supported
content_type_is_invalid: Only accept csv as content type
content_type_whitelist_error: The uploaded file is not an image
create_otp_organization_failed: A problem occurred when creating the organisation in the Test-Toolkit
current_included: cannot include itself
destroy_otp_organization_failed: A problem occurred when deleting the organisation in the Test-Toolkit
email_invalid: "must match the following format:"
free_included: cannot include a free subscription
incomplete_post_rule: The sharing rule below is incomplete
internet_explorer_error: The browser you are using (Internet Explorer) is no longer supported. Please use another browser.
invalid_annual_end_date: of %{subscription_type} must be a multiple of %{period_in_months} months after its start date (- 1 day)
invalid_annual_start_date: of %{subscription_type} must be a multiple of %{period_in_months} months before its end date (+ 1 day)
invalid_otp: "The supplied code incorrect"
invalid_subscription_type: changing to %{subscription_type} is not allowed
language_not_available: is not available in the organisation
login_not_allowed: Your organisation or account is not active
maximum_number_of_candidates_reached: It is not possible to add a new participant because the maximum number of participants has been reached
maximum_number_of_coaches_reached: It is not possible to add a new coach because the maximum number of coaches has been reached
mini_magick_processing_error: Failed to manipulate with MiniMagick
mollie_error: An error occurred at our payment service provider Mollie; please try again later
more_than_two_decimals: allows not more than two decimals
one_pending_subscription: is not allowed because a subscription is planned already
organization_must_be_ixly: It is not possible to create an Ixly Employee user outside of the Ixly Organization
overlaps_existing_dates: cannot overlap existing dates
password_set_link_missing: You cannot save a welcome email without a link to create a password
has_many: "Cannot delete record because dependent %{record} exist"
has_one: "Cannot delete record because a dependent %{record} exists"
subscriptions_attached: cannot be changed because there are subscriptions with this type
url_invalid: "must match the following format:"
user_limit_reached: Your account cannot be activated because the maximum number of coaches has been reached
body: "There were problems with the following fields:"
one: "1 error prohibited this %{model} from being saved"
other: "%{count} errors prohibited this %{model} from being saved"
all_advisors: 'All advisors'
all_contact_persons: 'All contact persons'
all_labels: 'All labels'
all_organizations: 'All organizations'
all_roles: 'All roles'
all_types: 'All types'
reset: 'reset filters'
title: "Filter"
assigning: The selected process will now be assigned to all selected participants; this can take a few minutes
candidates_blank: No participants were selected
help_text: Select a process and the participants to assign it to
program_blank: No process was selected
title: New group process
assign: Assign
help_text: Select a process and the participants to assign it to
title: New group process
all: (De)select all
prompt: please select
sr_only: select
create: Create
submit: "Save %{model}"
update: Save
impersonated_as: "You're logged in as %{name}."
impersonation_ended: "You are now logged in as yourself again."
current_template: Template
download_template: Download template
duplicate: Duplicate
email: "E-mail %{message}"
advisor: "Advisor %{message}"
language: "Language %{message}"
headers: "Kolomkoppen onjuist %{message}"
description: Labels
placeholder: Enter labels
loading: Loading...
processing: The file is being processed. You can close this page now.
errors: Problems
existed: Unchanged
invalid: Invalid
new: New
previous_data: Was previously
updated: Changed
store: Save
title: CSV import
upload: Upload CSV
error_occured: Something went wrong. Please forward this error message to your coach or organisation manager.
flagged_elements: Flagged pages contain flagged elements that require additional setup before the participant can begin the process.
no_results: 0 Results
no_results_found: No matches found
review_required: A review is required. The coach must assess the assessment before reporting options can be made available.
review_started: Finish the review in the other tab and refresh this page shortly thereafter.
verification_planned: The participant must start the verification test.
verification_required: Verification is required. The coach must check the assessment before reporting options can be made available.
verification_started: The participant must finish the verification test before new reports can be downloaded.
change_internal_limit: Internal limit adjustment
change_mandate: Authorisation payment
extra_external_credit: External credit increase
fixed_price: Finished assessments
frequent_credits: Credit use
incidental_credits: Credit bundle
initial_authorization: Initial authorisation
intensive_credits: Credit use
monthly_bill: Monthly debit
premium_components: Premium elements
canceled: cancelled
charged_back: charged back
closed: cancelled
expired: expired
failed: failed
open: open
paid: paid
processed: processed
refunded: refunded
revoked: cancelled
sent: sent
settled: settled
unconfirmed: unconfirmed
no_longer_unconfirmed: This order has already been confirmed
annual_fee: Periodic subscription fee
back_to_account: (click here to return to your billing)
change_internal_limit_explanation: "Internal limit adjustments only impact the current month's costs when the limit is raised above this month's previous highest limit. The difference between the new and the previous highest limit (%{previous_limit}) will then be settled in the next monthly bill, proportional to the number of days left in the current month."
confirm_direct_debit: "Debit from x-%{mandate_string}"
confirm_direct_invoice: Receive this invoice
confirm_direct_payment: To the payment screen
costs_next_months: Costs from next month onwards
costs_now: Immediate costs
credit_charge: Credits
external_user_spots: Active participants (monthly price)
one: Active participants (1 day)
other: Active participants (%{count} days)
internal_user_spots: Active coaches (monthly price)
one: Active coaches (1 day)
other: Active coaches (%{count} days)
internal_users: Internal user slots (monthly price)
monthly_bill: "Monthly bill for %{month} %{year}"
premium_components: "Assignment of premium elements: %{kind}"
premium_components_invoice: Assignment of premium elements
status_flash_part_1: This order was made by
status_flash_part_2: "and was %{status} on %{updated_at}"
system_initiated: the Process-Toolkit
- Date
- Product
- Cost centre
- Unit price
- Amount
- Cost
terms_and_services: by paying you automatically accept
terms_and_services_link: Ixly's terms and services
title: Confirm your order
total_with_vat: Total including VAT
total_without_vat: Total excluding VAT
vat: "%{vat}% VAT"
title: "All candidates"
title: "All candidates"
delete: Delete
delete_confirm: Are you sure you want to delete this import?
failed: Failed
original: Original
processed: Processed
title: Imported CSV files
title: Import CSV file
api_anonymous_explanation: If you select this option, user names will not be shared with the Test-Toolkit.
false: The connection with Test-Toolkit API failed, please contact the SD team if this problem persists
true: The organization has a working connection with the Test-Toolkit API
correct: The organization has an access token to connect with the Test-Toolkit API
incorrect: The organization is missing an access token to connect with the Test-Toolkit API, please contact SD
help_text: You can link your Test-Toolkit account by entering your Test-Toolkit API credentials below
title: Test-Toolkit integration
title: Ixly settings
title: Management overview
organization_created: The organisation has been created! <a class='alert-link' href='%{link}'>Please start a subscription</a> to enable its users to log in
title: New organisation
organization_deleted: The organisation has been deleted
organization_deletion_failed: The organisation could not be deleted
title: "Organizations"
title: New organisation
title: Users
before_unload: Your latest change has not been saved yet.
add_appointment: Add to calendar
avatar_placeholder: After assignment the coach's profile picture will be displayed here
biography_placeholder: The coach's personal description, which they can set on their profile page, will be displayed here.
default_biography: "%{advisor_first_name} will mentor you while you are following the track. Should you have any questions, they are here to answer them."
default_biography_explanation: (your participant currently sees the default text above, because you have not set a personal description on your profile page yet)
title_placeholder: "[coach's name]"
your_advisor: Your coach
accept: Accept
appointment: Meeting scheduler
appointment_accepted: Meeting accepted
appointment_cancelled: Meeting cancelled
appointment_created: Meeting created
appointment_declined: Meeting declined
appointment_submitted: Proposed meeting
at_time: at
back: Back
cancel: Cancel
date: Date
decline: Decline
delete: Delete
description: Description
description_placeholder: optional description
end_time: to
help_text: No meetings have been proposed yet.
join: Join call
location: Location
location_placeholder: meeting place
on_date: "on"
plan_appointment: Propose a meeting
propose: Propose
start_time: from
title: Title
title_placeholder: title for this meeting
help_text: Displays all blog posts that are shared with the participant.
manage: Manage posts
title: Blog
placeholder: message
send: Send message
step_unavailable: This step is currently unavailable to the participant. The participant will receive a notification about this comment once the step has become available.
0: 'No'
1: 'Yes'
question_placeholder: Open the element settings and enter the question
html_placeholder: Open the element settings and insert HTML code to create a custom element
approve: Approve
approved: Approved
candidate: the participant
contact_person: the contact person
no_file_uploaded: No file uploaded by the coach
no_file_uploaded_again: No new file uploaded by the coach
reason_placeholder: reason (optional)
reason_placeholder_table: Rejected? Please enter a reason
reject: Reject
rejected: Rejected
reset: Reset
status_message_responded: "%{action} on %{date} at %{time}"
status_message_submitted: "%{can_approve} has not yet responded to the approval request"
status_message_submitted_again: "%{can_approve} has not yet responded to the new approval request"
submitted: Submitted
upload_file: Upload file
upload_file_again: Upload new file
with_reason: "because of \"%{reason}\""
advisor: No file uploaded by the coach
candidate: No file uploaded by the participant
upload_file: Upload file
filter: Filter
records: Records
search: Search
sort: Sort
no_filters: all
ascending: ascending
default: Default
descending: descending
all: All
done: Done
label: Status
open: To-do
no_image_uploaded: No image uploaded
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- "You belong to the ‘early adopter’ category. You are open to changes and readily embrace them, even if it not yet clear what problems they may bring and what the consequences may be. You can deal well with changes and with a rapidly changing world. This makes you adaptable. \n\nOne of the risks here is that you are unable to properly judge the consequences of the changes. Try to take a step back every now and then, to listen to the ideas of others and to their 'ifs' and 'buts' about the changes. \n\nAgile working will suit you, as it fits well with your flexibility. It is, however, important not to always go along with every change but finish one project before starting on something new."
- "You belong to the ‘early adopter’ category. You are open to changes and readily embrace them, even if it not yet clear what problems they may bring and what the consequences may be. You can deal well with changes and with a rapidly changing world. This makes you adaptable. \n\nOne of the risks here is that you are unable to properly judge the consequences of the changes. Try to take a step back every now and then, to listen to the ideas of others and to their 'ifs' and 'buts' about the changes. \n\nAgile working will suit you, as it fits well with your flexibility. It is, however, important not to always go along with every change but finish one project before starting on something new."
- "You belong to the ‘early majority’. You are slightly more likely than average to go along with innovation, though you prefer to wait until the bugs have been ironed out. While you have a positive attitude toward change, you want to know how it will affect you. You’re more comfortable with plans, changes and new working methods if they have first been well tested. \n\nYou will function quite well with Agile and will appreciate that it also includes structured working methods. Do not, however, view the method as an objective in itself. Ultimately, the focus lies in the style of working and the realisation of suitable, new products and working methods."
- "You belong to the ‘early majority’. More often than not, you tend to go along with innovation, though you prefer to wait until the bugs have been worked out. While you have a positive attitude toward change, you want to know how it will affect you. You’re more comfortable with plans, changes and new working methods if they have been well tested. \n\nYou will function well with Agile working, and you will value its structured working methods. Do not, however, view the method as an objective in itself. Ultimately, the focus lies in the style of working and the realisation of suitable, new products and working methods."
- "You are an ‘innovator’ and forerunner. You often initiate change, contribute new ideas and are open to new ventures. You encourage others to go along with change processes. Agile working is particularly enjoyable for you as it provides a versatile way of working which accommodates innovation. You enjoy seeing results faster. As you primarily see the big picture, you may miss important details – be sure, therefore, to utilise the unique talents and strengths of others in your team. \n\nThere is a risk that you may, at times, move too quickly. Ensure that you don’t outrun your team and keep your plans realistic. Resistance and misunderstanding can irritate you. Reporting is also not really your strong point. This can lead to inaccuracies and make it difficult for others to follow your example."
- "You are an ‘innovator’ and clear forerunner. You initiate change, contribute new ideas and are open to new ventures. You encourage others to go along with change processes. Agile working is particularly enjoyable for you as it provides a versatile way of working which accommodates innovation. You enjoy seeing results faster. As you primarily work in broad lines, you may miss important details – be sure, therefore, to utilise the unique talents and strengths of others in your team. \n\nYou may be prone to proceeding too quickly. Ensure that you don’t outrun your team and keep your plans realistic. You find resistance and misunderstandings irritating. Reporting is also not really your strong point. This can lead to inaccuracies and make it difficult for others to follow your example."
- "You belong to the group of so-called ‘laggards’, the stragglers. During periods of change, you wait before taking any action and prefer to keep things the way they are. You need to be thoroughly convinced before accepting change and any changes must be implemented in small steps rather than large leaps. You are sceptical of change, sometimes rightly so. After all, not all change leads to improvement. Be wary of not falling too far behind and ending up clinging to what's familiar whatever the cost. The fact is that the world around us is changing rapidly. Occasionally, you will have to push yourself to learn and apply new methods of working. \n\nYou are able to contribute to innovations by providing attention to detail, in doing so ensuring quality of innovation processes. You can also assist in the practicalities of changes, ensuring that everything is developed and recorded to the last detail. \n\nYou are less suited to working in Agile Teams. You prefer to be part of a team with structured, more routine activities."
- "You belong to the group of so-called ‘laggards’, the stragglers. During periods of change, you tend to wait before taking any action. You often prefer to keep things the way they are. You need to be thoroughly convinced before accepting change and any changes must be implemented in small steps rather than large leaps. You are sceptical of change, sometimes rightly so. After all, not all change leads to improvement. Be wary of not falling too far behind and ending up clinging to what's familiar whatever the cost. The fact is that the world around us is changing rapidly. Occasionally, you will have to push yourself to learn and apply new methods of working. \n\nYou are able to contribute to innovations by providing attention to detail, in doing so ensuring quality of innovation processes. You can also assist in the practicalities of changes, ensuring that everything is developed and recorded to the last detail. \n\nWorking in Agile Teams may be less suitable for you. You prefer to work within a team with structured activities, potentially also of a more routine nature."
- "You belong to the group of so-called ‘laggards’, the stragglers. During periods of change, you tend to wait before taking any action. You often prefer to keep things the way they are. You need to be thoroughly convinced before accepting change and any changes must be implemented in small steps rather than large leaps. You are sceptical of change, sometimes rightly so. After all, not all change leads to improvement. Be wary of not falling too far behind and ending up clinging to what's familiar whatever the cost. The fact is that the world around us is changing rapidly. Occasionally, you will have to push yourself to learn and apply new methods of working. \n\nYou are able to contribute to innovations by providing attention to detail, in doing so ensuring quality of innovation processes. You can also assist in the practicalities of changes, ensuring that everything is developed and recorded to the last detail. \n\nWorking in Agile Teams may be less suitable for you. You prefer to work within a team with structured activities, potentially also of a more routine nature."
- "You belong to the ‘late majority’. You will eventually go along with change, but usually not wholeheartedly. It takes considerable energy for you to adapt. This is why you always first want to know what advantages the change will bring, its value and how it will personally benefit you. Ensure that you don’t develop a ‘fixed mindset’ and end up clinging to the familiar. You don’t want to fall too far behind. After all, the world is a dynamic place. \n\nYour contribution to the change process is your ability to effectively identify and communicate the concerns, the points for improvement, at an early stage. In this way, your critical attitude increases the innovation’s likelihood of success. \n\nWhether working in Agile Teams is suited to you is difficult to say. Your role within the team would most likely be that of controller or tester – someone who identifies the risks and raises concerns. A valuable role within teams!"
- "You belong to the ‘late majority’. You eventually go along with change, but not always wholeheartedly. It requires considerable energy for you to adapt. For this reason, you want to know what advantages are provided by the change, its value and how it personally benefits you. Ensure that you don’t develop a ‘fixed mindset’ and end up clinging to the familiar. You don’t want to fall too far behind. After all, the world is a dynamic place. \n\nYour contribution to the change process is your ability to effectively identify and communicate the concerns, the points for improvement, at an early stage. In this way, your critical attitude increases the innovation’s likelihood of success. \n\nWhether working in Agile Teams is suited to you is difficult to say. Your role within the team would most likely be that of controller or tester – someone who identifies the risks and raises concerns. A valuable role within teams!"
- You enjoy knowing exactly where you stand. You prefer things to stay unchanged and you have a certain routine in your activities. Working with a set range of tasks according to tested procedures is favourable to you. You prefer certainty rather than taking risks. You don’t necessarily see the point of innovations or changes, and you may experience the implementation of changes in your tasks as inconvenient. Others may view this as tiresome, as resistance. Try to see the positive aspects of what crosses your path. Take small steps but keep moving. Be sure that you don’t end up as one of the stragglers.
- You like things to remain the same, but you don’t object to small changes. You usually prefer to work on a set range of tasks according to tested procedures. While you enjoy knowing where you stand, you are occasionally interested in changes aimed at improvements. You won’t be a frontrunner of these changes as you prefer to limit risks, but you will conform to the innovations. On the other hand, you aren’t very quick at picking things up either.
- You have a neutral attitude toward change. While you enjoy having a set range of tasks, you also view variation in environment or tasks as positive. When a change takes place within your organisation, you won’t be directly responsible for initiating the change, but you will adapt to the new situation with relative ease. You don’t find it necessary to work according to set frameworks, though you also aren’t bothered by this. Moreover, you welcome new tasks which require further development.
- You enjoy regular changes in the workplace. You have little need for a set range of tasks and prefer a varied job. When completing set tasks, you think of new methods for approaching the work. You then find inflexible instructions and working methods demotivating. You are open to the initiation of changes, though you find that the accompanying risks must be limited.
- You embrace change. You often initiate change as well; new insights and experiments often present themselves to you. You would prefer every day to be different. You thoroughly enjoy challenging and varied tasks that you are free to to define yourself. Task procedures, routine and provisions are demotivating for you. You are often at the head of innovations, which you also often initiate. You are not daunted by risks as you consider innovation to be more important than certainty.
- You need certainty and routine. Ambition or comparing yourself to others is not stimulating for you but rather deters you. You have embraced and perfected various tasks and you don’t see the necessity for learning new skills. On the whole, you are satisfied with your current performance and you don’t feel any pressure to perform better than your colleagues. You avoid tasks you consider to be beyond your capacity as you prefer to limit errors. As you are so focused on quality, you often struggle personally when errors occur.
- You have a greater need for certainty than for development. You have embraced various tasks in which you excel, and you are satisfied with your current performance. You would, however, like to improve your performance of these tasks even further, though you see little need for mastering new tasks. You avoid tasks which you consider to be beyond your capacity as you prefer to limit errors. You may over-internalise professional feedback as you want to make a good impression on others.
- You have an average need for personal growth. You enjoy having several set tasks, but you are also open to learning new tasks. You also enjoy improving performance in your current tasks. You view your performance as a separate entity and are not inclined to comparing your performance to that of your colleagues. While you don’t like making errors, you understand that this is a component of the learning process of a larger challenging task.
- You have a high requirement for personal growth. Your objective is to learn continuously and improve in the tasks for which you are responsible. You would prefer to conduct your tasks more effectively and you accept more challenging tasks than your colleagues. You don’t mind making errors as you understand that this is part of the learning process. You have a resilient approach and aren’t easily held back. Lastly, you don’t mind having some tasks which do not accommodate further personal growth.
- You find personal growth immensely important. You have a great thirst for knowledge and you enjoy making progress. Routine tasks may irritate you as you prefer challenging work. Your objective is to learn continuously, and you don’t mind making mistakes. You view these mistakes as sources of information as these give you insight into areas for further development. You accept challenging tasks with enthusiasm. Wherever possible, you try to get the best out of yourself and you aim to be better than the rest.
- Based on your quality-oriented approach, you are focused on preserving what is good. You prefer to work on familiar projects or tasks requiring your well-developed skills, as you want to deliver flawless work. Initiating new projects or developing new tasks is less appealing to you as you dread making errors. Your preference, therefore, is for your well-developed projects. You are sceptical of changes; your scepticism can benefit the quality of these innovations. However, as you often identify concerns, you are prone to standing in the way of change. Changes can also demand too much energy from you. It is advisable for you to look into how you can strengthen your power, to ensure sufficient energy to enable you to secure your position in a dynamic world, and to provide a positive contribution.
- You have a penchant for delving into one topic. You prefer to work for a longer period on a project which increases your expertise rather than focusing on expansion. You also enjoy working on projects in which all processes are familiar and streamlined. Your preference, therefore, goes out to your well-developed tasks. You can become annoyed by bugs within new projects. This leads to a sceptical attitude toward innovation; this scepticism can benefit the quality of these changes. Ensure, however, that you do not allow yourself to be excessively limited by concerns as changes can also provide many positive effects. It is advisable for you to look into strengthening your power to ensure sufficient energy to enable you to secure your position in a dynamic world and to provide a positive contribution.
- You have sufficient energy to deal with change without playing an initiating role. On the one hand, you see the advantages of changes and on the other hand, you enjoy holding onto the familiar. You are open to new tasks and activities, though you prefer any changes to come gradually. The advantage of this variation is that it allows you the space required to identify potential bugs.
- You possess a high dose of energy for innovation. You have a high level of energy and dedication which allows you to deal with change well. You generally recognise the positive aspects of change, though you are occasionally troubled by the lack of process optimisation. You don't let this stop you, however, and you actively contribute to the improvement of change processes in the workplace.
- You possess an immense dose of enthusiasm for innovation. This lends you the energy, dedication and attitude to handle change well. While innovations can have many positive outcomes, you will also encounter bugs and processes which haven’t yet been optimised. You understand that this is part of the process and can act accordingly. You’re not deterred by such obstacles and you continue to work with unhampered optimism. You are convinced that with hard work and perseverance, you can handle any challenge.
- While, rationally speaking, each change has its positive points and opportunities, you may often focus more on the accompanying risks and threats. During change processes, regularly ask yourself what can be concluded with certainty and what you have fabricated yourself. By becoming aware of the line between facts and your own interpretations, you can learn to take a more neutral approach to dealing with change. An alternate method for processing threats is to write down each of the identified risks and disadvantages. You can then force yourself to think of an equal number of advantages and new opportunities.
- While, rationally speaking, each change holds its positive points and opportunities, you may often focus more on the accompanying risks and threats. During change processes, regularly ask yourself what can be concluded with certainty and what you have fabricated yourself. By becoming aware of the line between facts and your own interpretations, you can learn to take a more neutral approach to handling change. An alternate method for processing threats is to write down each of the identified risks and disadvantages. You can then force yourself to think of an equal number of advantages and new opportunities.
- You adapt to changes fairly smoothly. However, you are not always likely to embrace changes with enthusiasm. Rationally speaking, each change holds its positive points and opportunities. To increase your enthusiasm for innovation, prepare a list of the advantages and new opportunities to be gained from the relative change. By making yourself aware of the change’s benefits, you can increase your enthusiasm.
- With your open attitude toward changes, you would be a good compass for Innovators, who may tend to go too far ahead of the group. Prepare an estimate of the risks accompanying the change and how realistic you consider these to be and discuss this with the Innovators.
- Ensure that you remain connected to the rest, don’t get too far ahead of the group. There’s no harm in investing in quality assurance.
- Look into which competences you would like to develop further, and which skills are beneficial to your employability. As you are focused on certainty and routine, you may place insufficient focus on competences which are interesting and relevant to your employer. Try to be aware of this and grasp opportunities to further develop competences which you consider useful.
- Look into which competences you would like to further develop, and which skills are useful for your employability. As you are focused on certainty and routine, you may place insufficient focus on competences which are interesting and relevant to your employer. Try to be aware of this by looking into which relevant competences you can master and take initiative in developing these skills.
- "You possess a good combination of attributes: you don’t mind conducting familiar tasks, but you also enjoy continued learning. Evaluate whether you are satisfied with your current balance. Are there any additional competences which you would like to master? What can you do to develop these skills? Try to take initiative and create opportunities."
- "You possess a good combination of qualities: you enjoy developing yourself in various areas, but you are also comfortable carrying out familiar tasks. Evaluate whether you are satisfied with your current balance. Are there any additional competences you would like to master? What can you do to develop these skills? Try to take initiative and create opportunities."
- You have a great thirst for knowledge and personal growth, a good quality in terms of innovation within organisations. Keep in mind, however, that everything can’t be changed simultaneously and that some routine tasks are simply part of your job. Don’t allow familiar tasks to influence your motivation and mood too much; with your openness for development, a more challenging task will inevitably come along.
- To reinforce your power, you can investigate what positive effects other people have experienced resulting from certain innovations. Try to also evaluate which changes have occurred in your own life or working environment and how you handled these. Focus primarily on the aspects which you handled well. Have there been moments in which you initiated change of your own accord? Which positive affects resulted from this? In focusing on these elements, you can increase your self-confidence in terms of handling change.
- To reinforce your power, you can investigate the positive impact on other people resulting from certain innovations. Try to also evaluate which changes have occurred in your own life or working environment and how you handled these. Focus primarily on the aspects which you handled well. Have there been moments in which you initiated change by your own accord? Which positive affects resulted from this? In focusing on these elements, you can increase your self-confidence in terms of handling change.
- "Spot your opportunity: You have an important role in the moderation of overly ambitious plans in which people take on too much at the same time. While you are open to change, you stand with both feet firmly on the ground. This attitude can have a sobering effect on the Innovators."
- "Spot your opportunity: You have an important role in the moderation of overly ambitious plans in which people take on too much at the same time. While you are highly open to change, you have a good eye for potential obstacles. Try to bring these to the attention of the Innovators and consider how you can resolve or prevent the obstacles."
- Handling change with a high level of energy is a positive attribute. Ensure, however, that you aren’t blinded by your enthusiasm, and listen to the concerns and wishes expressed by your colleagues. Take the potential obstacles seriously which they have brought to your attention and try to find a suitable solution. This will benefit the quality of the respective changes.
header: Agile mindset
tip: TIP!
early_adopter: Early adopter
early_majority: Early majority
innovator: Innovator
laggards: Laggards
late_majority: Late majority
change: Change
growth: Growth
power: Power
header: Behavioral characteristics
aanspreken: Is able to address and speak up
durft: Is daring
veranderbereid: Embraces and initiates change
header: Personal information
aansturenvangroepen: Is able to provide leadership to a group.
aansturenvanindividuen: Is able to give direction to an individual.
ambitie: Is ambitious, wants to achieve more than others.
assertiviteit: Is able to stand up for own opinions, even when under pressure from others.
besluitvaardigheid: Is able to make quick and effective decisions.
coachenvanmedewerkers: In managerial role is able to stimulate employees and guide them in their development.
delegeren: Is able to effectively delegate duties to others.
doorzettingsvermogen: Is focused, even when faced with setbacks, on finishing what has been started.
flexibiliteit: Is able to act purposefully and effectively under different and changing circumstances by changing behavioural style.
initiatief: Is able to take initiate, able to take efficient action on own accord.
inzet: Is able and willing to put in great effort over a longer period of time.
klantorientatie: Is able to empathise with and react to clients’ needs.
kwaliteitsgerichtheid: Is focused on delivering high quality and on perfection.
leerbereidheid: Is willing to develop and expand knowledge and skills through learning.
nauwkeurigheid: Is able to work precisely and has an eye for detail and context.
onderhandelen: Is able to sound out mutual interests and positions and use them to come to an agreement that is acceptable to all parties.
ondernemerschap: Is focused on gaining advantage by spotting and using business opportunities and taking calculated risks.
optreden: Makes a strong and professional impression on others.
organisatiesensitiviteit: Is able to recognise the influence and consequences of own decisions or activities on other parts of the organisation.
overtuigingskracht: Is able to persuade others to share point of view, proposal or idea.
plannenenorganiseren: Is able to plan and organise activities and duties.
relatiebeheer: Is able to constructively form and maintain relationships.
resultaatgerichtheid: Is driven to reach concrete goals and results.
samenwerking: Is able to achieve joint goals by working constructively with others.
sensitiviteit: Is able to read other people’s signals and adequately respond to them.
sociabiliteit: Is at ease and enjoys being in groups.
stressbestendigheid: Is able to function effectively in stressful situations.
voortgangscontrole: Is able to follow up on undertaken tasks, to check on their progress.
zelfstandigheid: Is able to work independently, set own goals and give them shape and substance.
header: Your top 5 competences
aansturenvangroepen: Manage groups
aansturenvanindividuen: Manage individuals
ambitie: Ambition
assertiviteit: Assertiveness
besluitvaardigheid: Decisiveness
coachenvanmedewerkers: Coaching employees
delegeren: Delegating
doorzettingsvermogen: Perseverance
flexibiliteit: Adaptability
initiatief: Initiative
inzet: Commitment
klantorientatie: Service orientation
kwaliteitsgerichtheid: Quality orientation
leerbereidheid: Willingness to learn
nauwkeurigheid: Precision
onderhandelen: Negotiation
ondernemerschap: Entrepreneurship
optreden: Presentation
organisatiesensitiviteit: Organisational sensitivity
overtuigingskracht: Influential capacity
plannenenorganiseren: Planning and organising
relatiebeheer: Management of business contacts
resultaatgerichtheid: Result orientation
samenwerking: Cooperation
sensitiviteit: Sensitivity
sociabiliteit: Sociability
stressbestendigheid: Stress resilience
voortgangscontrole: Progress control
zelfstandigheid: Independence
header: Development potential
ambitie: Ambition
growth: Personal growth
onafhankelijkheid: Independence
samenwerking: Teamwork
sociabiliteit: Sociability
date: Date
header: Documents (%{documents})
less: Show less
more: Show more
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description: Behavioral characteristics are the principles that form the basis for how we want to work together within NS
description: "In this widget you see two types of scores. On the first page your intelligence score is shown. A score of 100 is average in the Dutch workforce. \n\nOn the following pages your score is compared to reference groups of several educational levels. The numbers on these pages are sten scores, which we use to compare your result to the reference group. Scores like 5 or 6 are average and common. Scores like 1 and 10 are exceptional and uncommon."
description: The stars in this widget show how developable the competences are for you. The more stars are coloured yellow, the larger your aptitude is. This doesn't mean that the competence has already been developed and to what level.
description: The numbers in this widget are sten scores, which we use to compare your result to the Dutch workforce. Scores like 5 or 6 are average and common. Scores like 1 and 10 are exceptional and uncommon. Scores below or above average entail both qualities and pitfalls.
- Far below average
- Well below average
- Below average
- Just below average
- Average
- Average
- Just above average
- Above average
- Well above average
- Far above average
clear: Clear selection
empty: Please select up to 10 competences to see your results
header: Filter competences
closest_group: "Your score best matches reference group: "
description: In this chart you can see your score compared to the Dutch workforce. We can conclude with 80% certainty that your score is located between the dashed lines.
hbo_ba: HBO/Bachelor
mbo: MBO
mbo1: MBO1
mbo2: MBO2
mbo3: MBO3
mbo4: MBO4
vmbo: VMBO
wo_ma: WO/Master
header: Intelligence
abstract: Abstract
numeriek: Numerical
totaalscore: Total score
verbaal: Verbal
average: Average
high: Above average
low: Below average
- Your total score is far below average compared to a %{group} reference group
- Your total score is below average compared to a %{group} reference group
- Your total score is about average compared to a %{group} reference group
- Your total score is above average compared to a %{group} reference group
- Your total score is far above average compared to a %{group} reference group
title: Reference group %{group}
no_data: (no results are available yet)
no_relevant_data: (no results are available yet for which widgets exist)
competitie: Wanting to be better than others.
conformisme: Being able to adapt to the applicable standards and values. Respecting authority.
contactbehoefte: Being in need of company.
dominantie: Taking the lead. Playing a decisive role in the collaboration.
energie: Having the energy to do a lot.
frustratietolerantie: Being tolerant towards others.
hartelijkheid: Being nice, happy and cheerful towards others.
incasseringsvermogen: Having adequate ability to deal with criticism and setbacks.
nauwkeurigheid: Working with care, with an eye for detail.
onafhankelijkheid: Wanting to do business in own way.
ordelijkheid: Applying structure.
originaliteit: Coming up with new solutions. Being creative.
positivisme: Having a positive outlook on life.
regelmaat: Needing order and rules.
sociaal_ontspannen: Feeling relaxed in contact with others.
status: Wanting to achieve the best possible. Wanting to get higher up.
vernieuwing: Enjoying change and gaining new experiences.
vertrouwen: Believing in the good intentions of others.
volharding: Showing commitment. Taking tasks and agreements seriously and sticking to them.
weloverwogen: Thinking carefully before taking action.
zelfonthulling: Wanting to share one's own feelings with others.
zelfontwikkeling: Driven to make full use of his or her own qualities.
zelfvertoon: Like being the centre of attention.
zelfvertrouwen: Being self-confident.
zorgzaamheid: Feeling involved with others. Wanting to help others.
header: Personality
competitie: Competition
conformisme: Conformity
contactbehoefte: Need for contact
dominantie: Dominance
energie: Energy
frustratietolerantie: Frustration-tolerance
hartelijkheid: Friendliness
incasseringsvermogen: Resilience
nauwkeurigheid: Precision
onafhankelijkheid: Independence
ordelijkheid: Orderliness
originaliteit: Originality
positivisme: Optimism
regelmaat: Regularity
sociaal_ontspannen: Socially at ease
status: Status
vernieuwing: Need for variety
vertrouwen: Trust
volharding: Perseverance
weloverwogen: Deliberation
zelfonthulling: Self-disclosure
zelfontwikkeling: Personal growth
zelfvertoon: Self-presentation
zelfvertrouwen: Self-confidence
zorgzaamheid: Attentiveness
- Your most characteristic features
- Your characteristic features
- Your least characteristic features
title: Personal results overview
aandacht: You prefer to be in the background. You do not enjoy being in the limeligt.
analyseren: You find analysing problems demotivating, and you prefer not to do it.
autonomie: You are not particularly autonomous and independent. You prefer to consult with others and let them make decisions for you.
beinvloeden: You do not like having to influence others.
carriere: You may be averse to status and the need to achieve. Being asked to focus on these factors will probalby have a demotivating effect on you.
concrete_resultaten: Having to achieve concrete results is more likely to demotivate than stimulate you. You are more process-driven than result-driven.
creatief_denken: You find the need to be creative demotivating rather than stimulating.
financiele_beloning: Financial targets can demotivate you. You have no interest whatsoever in financial matters so may feel demotivated if required to deal with them.
fysiek_actief_zijn: You prefer to avoid physical activity at work. You experience too much physical activity at work negatively.
hectiek: You prefer a quiet environment where you know what to expect and where you can quietly get on with your work.
hulp_verlenen: Giving directly help to others demotivates you.
kwaliteit: You are more focused on the big picture than on the details. You may resent high quality requirements.
ondernemen: You are quite happy leaving the initiative to others. People should not expect you to take the initiative, you find it demotivating.
ontwikkelen: You do not feel the need to develop further. You do not particularly enjoy doing so. Maybe you think the skills you already have are good enough.
samenwerking: You prefer to work alone than with others. Having to work with others, particularly having to coordinate with them, frustrates you rather than giving you any pleasure.
taakuitdaging: New or difficult challenges demotivate you. You prefer knowing you are up to dealing with your tasks.
waardering_en_erkenning: You are not sensitive to praise and recognition. They are more likely to put you off.
zekerheid_en_stabiliteit: Security and stability demotivate you. You prefer not knowing exactly where you stand and you like surprises.
zinvolle_bijdrage: You are not an idealist. In fact, you would probably find it demotivating to work for a social organisation.
aandacht: You are not on the lookout for opportunities to stand in the limelight. On the contrary, you do not mind at all when not all eyes are focussed on you.
analyseren: Intellectual challenges or intricate problems do not motivate you much but you are not put off by them.
autonomie: Independence and autonomy in your work do not motivate you very much. You do not mind having to answer to others.
beinvloeden: "You do not find it very important to be influential: You are happy to be led by others."
carriere: Status and having a career only stimulate you to a limited extent. You are not particularly interested in reaching a senior position.
concrete_resultaten: You do not find it necessary to work towards clear or tangible results. You are also happy to be more process-oriented.
creatief_denken: You do not feel the need to be creative or to be a creative thinker in your work.
financiele_beloning: You appreciate financial rewards but they are not your main interest.
fysiek_actief_zijn: You do not mind physical activity in your work.
hectiek: You are not particularly motivated by dynamic situations. You prefer to have the time to finish your business and to focus on your work.
hulp_verlenen: Providing others with help does not particularly motivate you. You do not actively look for it.
kwaliteit: You are not particularly motivated by quality norms. The demand for high standards does not challenge you.
ondernemen: You do not always need the space to take initiative.
ontwikkelen: Being able to develop further is not particularly important to you at the moment. You are more likely to want to make use of your present skills and knowledge.
samenwerking: You do not mind having to work with others. You could be a member of a team, but you could also work very well on your own. You do not have the express need to belong somewhere or to work in a team.
taakuitdaging: Challenging work is not a particularly strong motivating factor for you. You do not necessarily want to be regularly challenged in your work.
waardering_en_erkenning: Although praise and recognition are nice, they only motivate you to a limited extent. You are probably more sensitive to your own opinion of your actions than to that of others.
zekerheid_en_stabiliteit: Security and stability are not that important to you. You do not mind not knowing where you stand.
zinvolle_bijdrage: Making a useful contribution to society does not particularly motivate you. It is not important to you whether or not your work is meaningful to others.
aandacht: You like being in the limelight and in the centre of attention. You like people to look up to you. You would like a job with a certain amount of status. A danger here is that you demand too much of the limelight or do not give others the space they need.
analyseren: You find analysing and contemplating issues and problems motivating. You enjoy brain teasers and having to think things through. A danger here is that you may over-think things and get stuck into a problem for too long.
autonomie: You enjoy autonomy and being able to determine for yourself how you do your work. You find freedom and independence very stimulating. Being monitored closely or told what to do can irritate you. A danger here is that others may find you too independent and stubborn. Being well-embedded in an organisation is important to you. Working completely independently may be an option for you.
beinvloeden: You find it motivating to be able to influence others. You like seeing your views reflected in decisions and in how things are done. Convincing and motivating others appeals to you. The danger is that you are less receptive to the opinions of others or that you are too dominant.
carriere: It is important to you to be an achiever, to get ahead in your job. Status and prestige play a role in this. You are quite competitive, with yourself and with others. There is a risk that you focus too much on appearance; make sure that your ambition does not get the better of you and that you can also find intrinsic motivation.
concrete_resultaten: You like to work towards a clear and concrete goal. You find it stimulating to have a clear end result in which your direct contribution is visible. You risk getting lazy if you do not regularly achieve concrete results.
creatief_denken: You want to use your creativity, generate ideas and think out of the box. To this end you look for new solutions. A danger here may be that you have too many ideas to be able to carry them all out, or that your ideas may not always be practical.
financiele_beloning: You are motivated by a good financial reward. You are especially stimulated by financial incentives such as targets and variable remuneration. This is just as relevant if you are achieving financial results for your employer or for a contracting agent. A danger here is that you will take on work that you probably should not, for example because it is less satisfying in other areas, merely because of the financial incentive.
fysiek_actief_zijn: You like to be physically active. You find physical activity and sports stimulating. This means that you enjoy physical work. Because that is not always possible, you will need to satify this need in your private life by, for example, taking up a sport. There is a risk that you may be too restless for an office job.
hectiek: "You like to be surrounded by action and movement: you find a hectic environment stimulating. You like to keep busy. If things are quiet at work you may slacken and lose concentration."
hulp_verlenen: You find it very satisfying to be of service to others or to offer them concrete help. You are thus very focused on others' well-being. A danger here is that you may go too far and fail to protect your own boundaries.
kwaliteit: You find it stimulating to provide good quality. Good is not always good enough for you, you want to meet to high standards. The danger is that there is not always enough time for that or that others do not meet you very high quality standards.
ondernemen: You want to be enterprising. You enjoy taking initiatives and making the most of opportunities. You can do this as a private entrepreneur but also within an organisation which offers space for entrepreneurship. A disadvantage of this motivating factor is that you may be overly optimistic and take too many risks.
ontwikkelen: You find it important to develop and gain new knowledge and skills. In your book, standing still is the same as taking a step backwards. You will often also enjoy helping others to develop themselves further. There is a danger that you quickly lose interest in things and want to move on to something new.
samenwerking: You find it important to work with others. You enjoy being in direct contact with others and to work together on a common project or towards a common goal. The danger is that you may slacken when you work independently or alone.
taakuitdaging: You find challenging tasks which ask a lot of you stimulating. You want to get the best out of yourself. There is a danger that you quickly need to move onto something new. You may also take on too much, thus running the risk that things will not go well.
waardering_en_erkenning: You are very motivated by praise and recognition. You find compliments and the gratitude of others encouraging and stimulating. There is a danger that you may become too dependent on appreciation. Make sure you continue to get satisfaction from the work itself.
zekerheid_en_stabiliteit: You like security and stability. You like to know where you stand. At work you like to have a clearly defined set of tasks so that you know what is expected of you. There is a danger that you may not be able to deal well with change and insecurity.
zinvolle_bijdrage: You like to make a useful contribution to society or to charities. It is important to you that your work is useful to others. This can be achieved via your job or the organisation for which you work. There is a danger that you are too idealistic and therefore less realistic or that you put your own interests to one side.
aandacht: You like being in the limelight and being the centre of attention. You like people to look up to you.
analyseren: You find analysing and contemplating issues and problems motivating. You enjoy brain teasers and having to think things through.
autonomie: You enjoy autonomy and being able to determine for yourself how you do your work. You find freedom and independence very stimulating.
beinvloeden: You find it motivating to be able to influence others. You like seeing your views reflected in decisions and in how things are done. Convincing and motivating others appeals to you.
carriere: It is important to you to be an achiever, to get ahead in your job. Status and prestige play a role in this. You are quite competitive, with yourself and with others.
concrete_resultaten: You like to work towards a clear and concrete goal. You find it stimulating to have a clear end result in which your direct contribution is visible.
creatief_denken: You want to use your creativity, generate ideas and think out of the box. To this end you look for new solutions.
financiele_beloning: You are motivated by a good financial rewards. You are especially stimulated by financial incentives such as targets and variable remuneration. This is just as relevant if you are achieving financial results for your employer or for a contracting agent.
fysiek_actief_zijn: You like to be physically active. You find physical activity and sports stimulating. This means that you enjoy physical work. Because that is not always possible, you will need to satify this need in your private life by, for example, taking up a sport.
hectiek: "You like to be surrounded by action and movement: you find a hectic environment stimulating. You like to keep busy."
hulp_verlenen: You find it very satisfying to be of service to others or to offer them concrete help. You are thus very focused on others' well-being.
kwaliteit: You are motivated by providing good quality. Good is not always good enough for you, you want to meet to high standards.
ondernemen: You want to be enterprising. You enjoy taking initiatives and making the most of opportunities. You can do this as a private entrepreneur but also within an organisation which offers space for entrepreneurship.
ontwikkelen: You find it important to develop and gain new knowledge and skills. In your book, standing still is the same as taking a step backwards. You will often also enjoy helping others to develop themselves further.
samenwerking: You find it important to work with others. You enjoy being in direct contact with others and to work together on a common project or towards a common goal.
taakuitdaging: You find challenging tasks which ask a lot of you stimulating. You want to get the best out of yourself.
waardering_en_erkenning: You are very motivated by praise and recognition. You find compliments and the gratitude of others encouraging and stimulating.
zekerheid_en_stabiliteit: You like security and stability. You like to know where you stand. At work you like to have a clearly defined set of tasks so that you know what is expected of you.
zinvolle_bijdrage: You like to make a useful contribution to society or to charities. It is imprtant to you that your work is useful to others. This can be achieved via your job or the organisation for which you work.
header: Career values
aandacht: Exposure
analyseren: Analysing
autonomie: Autonomy
beinvloeden: Influencing
carriere: Career
concrete_resultaten: Tangible results
creatief_denken: Creative thinking
financiele_beloning: Financial reward
fysiek_actief_zijn: Being physically active
hectiek: Dynamism
hulp_verlenen: Helping others
kwaliteit: Quality
ondernemen: Enterprising
ontwikkelen: Developing
samenwerking: Cooperation
taakuitdaging: Challenging tasks
waardering_en_erkenning: Praise and recognition
zekerheid_en_stabiliteit: Security and stability
zinvolle_bijdrage: Useful contribution
demotivators: What are your demotivating factors?
neutral_motivators: What are your neutral motivators?
primary_motivators: What are your primary motivators?
secondary_motivators: What are your secondary motivators?
calculating_result: Result is being calculated...
component: Element
document_option_for: "Document options for "
download_modal_header: Report download
download_report: Download report
generating_report: Report is being generated...
make_visible_confirm: This action can not be reversed. Are you sure you want to continue?
no_test_selected_desc: Open the element settings and select an assessment
no_test_selected_title: No assessment selected
norm_group_for: Available norm groups
payment_required: Your organisation has insufficient credits to download this report.
report_name: Report Name
report_visible_for_advisor: Result visible to coach
report_visible_for_both: Result visible to both
report_visible_for_candidate: Result visible to participant
resume_test: Resume the assessment
save_date: Date Saved
select_document_option_placeholder: "Please select the desired document option for this report:"
select_norm_group_placeholder: "Please select the desired norm for this report:"
settings_modal_header: Report settings
skip_verification: Skip
start_review: Begin the review
start_test: Start the assessment
start_verification: Start
start_verification_test: Begin the verification
task: Task
test_completed: Finished
test_inprogress: Started
test_pending: Not yet started
test_reviewrequired: Review required
test_verificationrequired: Verification required
verification_completed: The verification test has been finished.
verification_restart: Restart
verification_skipped: Verification has been skipped. You can however restart verification using the button.
verification_skipped_processing: Verification has been skipped. You can however restart verification using the button, after the report has been generated.
view_results: View results
waiting_verification_start: The participant has not yet started the verification test; verification can still be skipped.
compare: Compare jobs
description_created: Job market Opportunities calculates your current and future position in the Dutch job market. After filling in some information about your current education and job, a score will be given between 1 (very bad) and 99 (very good). At the end a report with detailed results can be downloaded.
description_finished: Job market Opportunities is finished! All results have been calculated. Click the 'Download' button to download the report (again) as a PDF document.
description_in_progress: Job market Opportunities has not been fully finished yet. This is required to generate the report. Click the button below to continue.
download: Download
download_alert: Job market Opportunities was finished over 6 months ago; no new reports can be generated.
download_description_1: Download all saved reports below
download_description_2: to generate a new report with updated vacancies, educations and courses (available for 6 months)
download_link_text: Or click here
download_title: Downloads reports
resume: Resume
start: Start
terms_and_conditions: I accept the terms and conditions
title: Job market Opportunities Dutch version
title_finished: Results
working: Working...
title: Job market Opportunities
title_finished: Results
back: Back
content_placeholder: the content goes here
delete: Delete
help_text: You can use your logbook to record pages with notes.
logbook: Logbook
new_page: New page
title_placeholder: logbook page title
add_answer: Add answer
answer_correct: Correct
answer_incorrect: Incorrect
answer_placeholder: Enter an answer here
answer_placeholder_viewer: The participant enters an answer here
answer_text_placeholder: Enter answer %{index} here
back_current: Previous
back_started: Back
correct_placeholder: Enter the correct answer here
delete: Delete
next_add: Add question
next_check: Check
next_current: Next
question_of: QUESTION %{index} OF %{length}
question_text_placeholder: Enter the question here
question_type_choice: Multiple choice
question_type_open: Open-ended
selections_number: Number of selections
selections_to: to
start_text_checking: View answers
start_text_resume: Resume
start_text_set_up: Set up
start_text_start: Start
start_text_viewer: View questions
both: The report is now available to the participant. The permission for the participant to download/view the report can be withdrawn by deactivating the slider on the right.
self: The report is not yet available to the participant. By activating the slider on the right, you give the participant permission to download and view the report.
both: The report is now available to the coach. The permission for the coach to download/view the report can be withdrawn by deactivating the slider on the right.
self: The report is not yet available to the coach. By activating the slider on the right, you give the coach permission to download and view the report.
delete: Delete
favorite: Favourite
favorites: Favourites
location: Where?
no_favorites_chosen: (no favourites chosen)
no_jobs_found: (no jobs found)
query: What?
search: Search
view: View
add: Add
add_template: Add template
added: Selectable
add_column: Add column
add_element: Add section
add_row: Add row
block: Block
circle: Circle
D: day number (1 or 2 digits)
DD: day number (2 digits)
M: month nummer (1 or 2 digits)
MM: month number (2 digits)
MMM: month name (abbreviated)
MMMM: month name
YY: year (2 digits)
YYYY: year (4 digits)
ddd: day name (abbreviated)
dddd: day name
description: Description
destroy_confirm_column: Are you sure you want to delete this column?
destroy_confirm_element: Are you sure you want to delete this section?
destroy_confirm_row: Are you sure you want to delete this row?
global: For all organisations?
header: Header
header_font_size: Header font size
height: Height
hide_borders: Hide borders
hide_preview: Hide preview
margin_from_top: Top margin
optional: Optional
padding: Padding
shape: Shape
show_borders: Show borders
show_header: Show header
show_icon: Show icon
show_preview: Show preview
square: Square
title: Title
type: Section type
variable_add_option: Add option
variable_date: Date
variable_date_format: Format
variable_dropdown: Selection
variable_help_text: Help text
variable_options: Options
variable_text: Text
variable_type: Variable type
width: Width
change_template: Change template
default: Selected
delete: Delete
deselect: Deselect
destroy_confirm: Are you sure you want to delete this template?
documentation: (click here for documentation on the CV & letter builder)
edit: Edit
edit_replacements: Edit help texts
add_item: Add item
add_optional: Add this section to the document
change: Change
crop_and_save: Crop & Save
download_docx: Download DOCX
download_pdf: Download PDF
remove: Remove
remove_optional: Remove this section from the document
upload_image: Select an image
image: Image
list: List
no_template_selected: No template selected
not_ready_yet_text: Not ready yet
open: Open
remove: Remove
remove_template: Remove template
select: Select
select_template: Select a template
switch_template: Template selection
text: Text
placeholder: Click here to enter text (highlight text for extra styling options)
action: Action
action_deadline: Action deadline
action_placeholder: apply, prepare first interview...
back: Back
before: before
delete: Delete
help_text: You can use the vacancy manager to log details of vacancies you are interested in and to plan follow-up actions.
new_vacancy: New vacancy
next_action: "Below, the next action and its deadline can be set:"
notes: Notes
notes_placeholder: additional notes
status: Status
created: Created
first_interview: First interview
hired: Hired
interested: Interested
letter_sent: Letter sent
other: Other
rejected: Rejected
second_interview: Second interview
title: Title
title_placeholder: Barista at Starbucks
vacancy_link: Vacancy link
vacancy_link_placeholder: add vacancy link
vacancy_manager: Vacancy Manager
view_vacancy: view vacancy
both: The document is now available to the participant. The permission for the participant to download/view the document can be withdrawn by deactivating the slider on the right.
self: The document is not yet available to the participant. By activating the slider on the right, you give the participant permission to download and view the document.
both: The document is now available to the coach. The permission for the coach to download/view the document can be withdrawn by deactivating the slider on the right.
self: The document is not yet available to the coach. By activating the slider on the right, you give the coach permission to download and view the document.
url_placeholder: Open the element settings and enter the full URL of a YouTube video
number_of_users: "%{number} active"
editable_empty: (none)
one: 1 step
other: "%{count} steps"
editable: Editable
hidden: Deleted
published: Published
template: Template
browser_unsupported: This browser is not supported. Use a modern browser such as Chrome or Firefox.
default_local_display_name: me
default_remote_display_name: Anonymous
search: "Search"
logout: "Log out"
notifications: "Notifications"
profile: "Profile"
select_language: "Select language"
switch_account: "Switch to another account"
title: Test-Toolkit invoice
subject: "Process invitation: %{program_title}"
text: "Hello %{user_name}, \n\nYou have been invited to the '%{program_title}' process by %{advisor_name} from %{organization_name}. \n\nClick <a href='%{root_link}'>here</a> to log in."
subject: Overview of used LDC elements %{month} %{year}
subject: You have received new notifications
text: "Hello %{user_name}, <br><br> You have new notifications waiting for you! <br> <u>Notifications(%{notifications_count})</u>: <br>%{messages}<br> Click <a href='%{notices_link}'>here</a> to view more details. <br><br>Kind regards, <br>%{organization_name}"
subject: Overview of used elements %{month} %{year} %{organization}
subject: Task overview
text_part_1: "Hello %{user_name}, <br><br>Please review your new tasks:<br>"
text_part_2: "<br>If you want to take any action based on the list above, you can click <a href='%{root_link}'>here</a> to log in. <br><br>Kind regards, <br>%{organization_name}"
subject: Payment error
text: "Hello Ixly administrator, <br><br>Payment <strong>%{mollie_id}</strong> of <strong>%{organization_name}</strong> has just received the <strong>%{status}</strong> status. <br><br>Click <a href='%{invoice_link}'>here</a> to view the order in more detail."
subject: Welcome
text: "Hello %{user_name}, \n\nA new account has been created for you; click <a href='%{password_set_link}'>here</a> to create your password. \n\nKind regards, \n%{organization_name}"
empty_shared_with_list: There is nobody to share a media item with
deleted: "Media item sharing was successfully deleted."
failed_create: "The media item was not shared."
success_create: "The media item was successfully shared."
add: "+ Add file"
allowed_formats: "Allowed file-formats:"
created: "Created"
deleted: "Media item was successfully deleted."
failed_upload: "File size is too big (maximum is 50 MB)"
files: "My files"
shared_by: "Shared by"
shared_with: "Shared with"
shared_with_me: "Shared with me"
success_upload: "Media item was successfully created."
title: "Documents & Media library"
upload_title: "Choose file"
send_welcome: Welcome emails are send
password_has_been_updated: "Your password has been updated"
credit_limit_reached_notification: Purchase more to keep generating reports
track_joined_notification_advisor: "%{sender} has assigned you as the coach of %{name}"
track_joined_notification_coadvisor: "%{sender} has assigned you as the co-coach of %{name}'s track"
track_joined_notification_contact_person: "%{sender} has assigned you as contact person of %{name}'s track"
track_joined_notification_premium_candidate: "%{sender} has assigned you as candidate of %{name}'s track"
date_and_time: 'Date & time'
details: 'Details'
sender: 'Sender'
AppointmentAcceptedNotification: Meeting accepted
AppointmentCancelledNotification: Meeting cancelled
AppointmentDeclinedNotification: Meeting declined
AppointmentSubmittedNotification: Meeting proposed
CommentCreatedNotification: New message
CreditLimitReachedNotification: Few credits left
DocumentApprovedNotification: Document approved
DocumentRejectedNotification: Document rejected
DocumentSubmittedNotification: New approval request
DocumentUploadedNotification: File uploaded
EnrollerJoinedNotification: New enrolment
EnrollmentCoachActionNotification: Report selection required
EnrollmentCreatedNotification: Newly assigned process
PageAcceptedNotification: Step approved
PageComponentActionNotification: Action required
PageDoneNotification: Step finished
PageRejectedNotification: Step rejected
PageSubmittedNotification: Step submitted
PostAddedNotification: New blog post
TestFinishedNotification: Assessment finished
TrackJoinedNotification: Added to track
comment_notification: New message
approved_notification: Document approved
rejected_notification: Document rejected
submitted_notification: New approval request
uploaded_notification: File uploaded
inactive_recipient: "We're sorry, something went wrong with provided email: %{email}. Please contact our customer support team at with details of the issue."
invalid_address: "We're sorry, the provided email %{email} is incorrect. Please contact our customer support team at with details of the issue."
unable_to_deliver: "Unable to deliver email notification"
what: 'What'
who: 'Who'
earlier_this_month: earlier this month
earlier_this_week: earlier this week
over_a_year_ago: over a year ago
previous_month: last month
previous_week: last week
today: today
yesterday: yesterday
help_text: Here is an overview of all of your tasks
no_notifications: (you currently have no open tasks)
title: Tasks
organization: Organisation
created: The modules have been added to the organisation
already_started: This module has already started.
from_subscription: From subscription
new_button: Add modules
- Name
- Start date
- End date
- Actions
title: Modules
title: Add modules to %{organization}
product_delete: Are you sure you want to remove this module from the organisation?
active: Active
created: Created
deleted: Deleted
inactive: Inactive
help_text: You can set the default report per available assessment below
- Name
- Key
- Module
- Language
- Credits
- Price
- Default report
title: Assessments and reports
in_use: This cost centre still has active users.
new_button: New cost centre
- Name
- Description
- Users
- Actions
title: Cost centres
organization: Organisation
title: Details
help_text: Here is an overview of your subscription, usage, invoices and details
legacy_invoices: Test-Toolkit invoices
no_orders: (no orders have been made yet)
previous_orders: Previous orders
title: Invoices
invoice: "Your credit increase has been processed! An invoice will be sent. You now have %{count} credits"
open: "Your credit increase has been processed! The amount will be debited automatically. You now have %{count} credits"
paid: "Your credit increase has been processed! You now have %{count} credits"
change_html: <a href='%{link}' data-method='post'>Click here to authorise a new account with a payment of %{price}</a>.
credit_card: " the credit card with number XXXX XXXX XXXX %{number}. "
direct_debit: " the IBAN account with number %{number}. "
not_valid_html: Your users can only log in after an authorisation payment. This authorises Ixly to set up a direct debit for the subscription. <a class='alert-link' href='%{link}' target='_blank'>Our terms and services</a> apply.
open: The authorisation payment is still being processed; refresh the page for an update
paid: The authorisation payment was successful! From now on your subscription will be debited from %{number}
valid: Your costs are debited automatically from
not_active: Your organisation has no active subscription
canceled: The payment was cancelled
active_candidates_title: Active participants
active_users_title: Active coaches
already_started: This subscription has already started.
credits: "Credits: "
downgrade: Downgrade
downgrades: Downgrades
incidental_subscription_credits_left: If any credits are left over when the new subscription starts, they will be used first
new_button: New subscription
prices: Prices
purchase: Purchase
settings: Specifications
- Name
- Start date
- End date
- Actions
title: Subscriptions
total_candidates: "(of %{max_candidates})"
total_candidates_title: "All participants"
total_users: "(of %{max_users})"
total_users_title: "All coaches"
upgrade: Upgrade
upgrades: Upgrades
user_counts: User counts
title: Subscription
title: Billing
prepaid: prepaid
- Participant
- Activated at
- Price
title: Active participants
- Coach
- Activated at
- Price
title: Active coaches
- Participant
- Valid for
- Price
title: Participants with started assessments
- Assessment
- Report
- Participant
- Generated at
- Credits
- Price
title: Generated reports
period: Period
- Element
- Participant
- Started at
- Price
title: Started premium components
title: Usage
total_with_vat: "Total costs including %{vat}% VAT: %{price}"
advisor_deactivation_period_explanation: The period of inactivity after which coaches will be deactivated.
available_languages_confirm: You are about to disable languages that are used by your users. Their language will be changed to your organisation's default language. Are you sure?
candidate_deactivation_period_explanation: The period of inactivity after which participants will be deactivated.
explanation: The selected language will be the default setting for all new organisation users.
impersonation_explanation: By selecting this option you enable any users within your organisation with impersonation rights to impersonate all of your organisation's users. You also give the Ixly helpdesk and IT team the ability to impersonate your users when solving issues that you have reported via the helpdesk.
logo: Logo
title: Organisation settings
two_factor_explanation: The selected user roles will be required to log in with two-step verification.
upload_logo: Click here to upload a logo
new_button: New organisation
statistics_button: Usage
- Name
- Subscription
- Users
- Processes
- Status
- Actions
title: All organisations
help_text: You can change the site's colour scheme for all users by using the fields below
reset: Reset default scheme
title: Colour scheme
help_text: You can constrain which user roles have access to which parts of the application below
title: User permissions
impersonate: Log in as
organization_delete: Are you sure you want to delete this organisation?
default_text: ""
help_text: You can customise the profile picture disclaimer for your organisation below
title: Profile picture disclaimer
title: Texts
help_text: You can customise the welcome emails for new organisation users below
title: Welcome emails
organization_updated: The organisation has been updated
cancel_otp: "Cancel the authenticator process"
input_the_code: "Enter the code provided by the authenticator app"
scan_the_code: "Scan the code with an authenticator app such as %{app_1} or %{app_2}."
seen: Unread
set: Open
submit: Open
seen: Seen
set: Finished
submit: Approved
hidden: Hidden
optional: Optional
submit: Again
submit: Submitted
label: Select an image
description: Assessment description
label: Assessment name
label: Label
title: Quiz
title: CV & Letter Builder
accounts_already_linked: These accounts are already linked
accounts_have_been_linked: Your accounts were linked and you have logged in successfully at %{organization_name}
password_incorrect: Incorrect password
help_text: "This first time only, you need to prove that you have access to <strong>%{user_name}</strong> in <strong>%{organization_name}</strong>"
title: Link your accounts
help_text: Enter your email address to request a new password
request: Request
title: Forgot your password?
button: Change
help_text: Enter your new password and confirm it
invalid_link: "Your reset link has either already been used, has expired or is invalid: please request a new one"
title: Change password
help_text: Within a few minutes you will receive an email link to create a new password
title: Password reset email sent
unknown_email: Unknown email address
invalid_link: "Your reset link has either already been used, has expired or is invalid: please request a new one"
password_has_been_reset: Your password was changed and you have logged in successfully
password_is_of_insufficient_length: The new password must be at least 10 characters
passwords_dont_match: Password and confirmation do not match
search: "Search"
available_locales: Available languages
destroyed: The post has been deleted
destroy_confirm: Are you sure you want to delete this post?
edit: Edit post
edit_rules: Edit sharing rules
empty: (no posts have been added yet)
help_text: Manage these posts and their sharing rules
hide_more: Hide
title: Blog posts
new: New post
open: Open
add: Add a sharing rule
private: (no-one yet)
multiple: ", who are assigned to <strong>processes with labels %{list}</strong>"
single: ", who are assigned to <strong>processes with label %{list}</strong>"
multiple: ", who are assigned to <strong>processes %{list}</strong>"
single: ", who are assigned to <strong>process %{list}</strong>"
public: (visible to everyone)
accountmanagers: account managers
advisors: advisors
all_internal_users: coaches
all_users: users
coachs: coaches
contact_persons: contact persons
ixly_admins: Ixly administrators
ixly_employees: Ixly employees
organization_managers: organisation managers
selected: All <strong>%{list}</strong>
selected_advisor: " with <strong>coach %{author_name}</strong>"
selected_global: " from <strong>all organisations</strong>"
users: participants
multiple: " with <strong>labels %{list}</strong>"
single: " with <strong>label %{list}</strong>"
multiple: "Users <strong>%{names}</strong>"
single: "User <strong>%{names}</strong>"
certain: Share with specific users
filters: Share with roles, labels and processes
public: Public
private: Private
published_by: Published by
shared: Shared
shared_with: "This post is shared with:"
show_more: Show more
advisor: For your own participants
global: For all organisations
organization: For %{organization_name}
shared: Shared with you
status: Status
title: Title
updated: The sharing rules have been updated
active: Active
bov: BOV price
cannot_modify_expired: You cannot edit active or expired price lists
created_by: Created by
does_not_exist: Price list not found
edit: Edit price list
effective_from: Effective from
expired: Expired
external_user: Monthly fee per participant
fit: FIT price
internal_user: Monthly fee per coach
job_market_scan: Job market Opportunities price
job_suggestions: Job Suggestions price
jobfeed: Jobfeed price
new: New price list
pending: Pending
price_created: The price list has been created
price_updated: The price list has been updated
something_went_wrong: Something went wrong
status: Status
active: Active
deactivated: Deactivated
created: The assessments have been added to the module
product_tasks_blank: No assessments were selected
deactivated: The connection with the assessment has been deactivated
task_destroyed: The assessment has been removed from the module
title: Add assessments to %{product}
reactivated: The connection with the assessment has been reactivated
task_delete: Are you sure you want to remove this assessment from the module?
product_created: The module has been created
title: New module
deactivated: The module has been deactivated
deleted: The module has been deleted
title: Edit module
new_button: New module
- Name
- Status
- Status changed at
- Actions
title: Modules
title: New module
reactivated: The module has been reactivated
product_delete: Are you sure you want to delete this module?
new_button: Add assessments
organizations: Organisations
product_tasks: Assessments
- Name
- Key
- Language
- Credits
- Status
- Connection
- Actions
status: Status
subscription_types: Subscription types
product_updated: The module has been updated
title: Edit module
extra_info: Info
from: From ip
title: Audit history
what: Event
when: When
who: Who
current_sign_in_at: "Successful login attempt"
audit_history: "Audit history"
personal_information: "Personal information"
settings: "Settings"
updated: "Your personal information has been updated"
allowed_formats: "Allowed file formats: JPG, PNG"
upload: 'Upload Photo'
updated: Profile image updated
change: Change
save: Save
title: Change profile picture
upload: Upload
title: "Notifications"
title: Notification E-Mail Frequency
updated: "Your personal settings has been updated"
sent: "You'll receive an email with instructions on how to reset your password"
instructions: If you want to change your password, we'll send you an email with instructions to reset it.
request: Request
title: Change password
profile_image: 'Profile image'
title: "Your info"
activate: "Activate"
inactive: "2FA has not been activated yet"
active: "2FA is active"
deactivate: "Deactivate"
disabled: "The use of two-step verification has been required by the organization"
title: "2-Factor Authentication"
title: "My profile"
destroyed: "2FA is deactivated"
tfa_required: "2FA can't be deactivated"
updated: "Your personal information has been updated"
accept: Accept
cancel: Cancel
title: Profile picture disclaimer
drop: Drag elements here
default_page_title: New step
not_editable: This process has been published and can therefore be assigned, but it cannot be edited until it is withdrawn
not_editable_advisor: As an advisor you are unable to edit this process, yet you can still view it (all settings included)
not_editable_deleted: This process has been deleted and can therefore no longer be edited or assigned
not_editable_template: You can view this template or copy it to your organisation's own processes
destroyed: "The '%{program_title}' process has been deleted"
duplicate_prefix: "Copy: "
program_duplicated: "The '%{program_title}' process has been copied"
template_duplicated: "The '%{program_title}' process has been copied to your organisation's own processes"
invite_mail: Invitation email
invite_mail_documentation: (click here for documentation on invitation emails)
labels: Labels
options: Options
title_placeholder: Choose a title
your_labels: Your labels
help_text: Design, edit or view your organisation's processes
new_button: New process
own_programs: Own processes
- Status
- Details
- Length
- Actions
templates: Templates
title: Process development
default_program_title: Process
all_pages_invisible: You cannot publish this process because none of its steps are set as visible to the participant
published: "The '%{program_title}' process has been published"
published_as_template: "The '%{program_title}' process has been published as template"
update_failed: The process could not be updated
updated: The process has been updated
withdrawn: "The '%{program_title}' process has been withdrawn"
cost_center_delete_confirm: Are you sure you want to delete this cost centre?
file_remove_confirm: Are you sure you want to delete this file?
program_delete_confirm: Are you sure you want to delete this process, including all of its steps and elements?
room_delete_confirm: Are you sure you want to delete this video call?
subscription_delete_confirm: Are you sure you want to delete this subscription?
subscription_upgrade_confirm: Are you sure you want to upgrade your subscription? You cannot downgrade within a year after the new subscription starts.
edit: "Edit"
impersonate: Log in as
new_enrollment: "Add enrollment"
AccountManager: Account manager
Coach: Coach
IxlyAdmin: Ixly administrator
OrganizationManager: Organisation manager
created: The video call has been created
help_text: Create a new organisation video call
title: New video call
destroyed: The video call has been deleted
title: Edit video call
end_to_end_explanation: This extra layer of protection only works on newer browsers with support for Insertable Streams. This prevents joining from most browsers.
help_text: Here are all of your organisation's video calls
new_button: New video call
- Subject
- Participants
- Actions
title: Video calls
help_text: Create a new organisation video call
title: New video call
participants_present: "%{number} present"
cannot_join: This video call is currently closed
title: Edit video call
updated: The video call has been updated
combination_does_not_exist: Incorrect email address or password
logout: You have logged out successfully
forgot_your_password: Forgot your password?
help_text: Welcome to the login page of the Process-Toolkit
new_login: Log in
title: Login
invalid: The provided code was incorrect
unconfirmed_email: "The emailaddress will be changed to: "
unconfirmed_email_explanation: "The owner should confirm the emailaddress via a link. After confirmation the changed emailaddress will be used."
hide_password: "hide password"
show_password: "Show password"
admin: Administrator
all_organizations: All organisations
all_users: All users
approval_requests: Approval requests
blog: Blog
candidates: Participants
clients: Clients
enrollers: Enrolment links
login: Login
organization: Organisation
prices: Prices
products: Modules
programs: Process development
rooms: Video calls
settings: Settings
subscription_types: Subscription types
tasks: Tasks
tracks: Tracks
translations: Translations
users: Users
log_in_as: "Log in as:"
log_in_at: "Log in at:"
logout: Log out
my_tracks: My tracks
profile: Profile
help_text: "Filter your list of tasks using the options below:"
title: Filters
clients_help_text: "Filter your list of clients using the options below:"
labels: Labels
programs_help_text: "Filter your list of processes using the options below:"
title: Filters
users_help_text: "Filter your list of users using the options below:"
your_own_organization: Your organisation
advisor: Coach
candidate: Participant
coadvisor: Co-coach
comments: Messages
contact_person: Contact person
room: Video call
track: Track
client: From client
label: Labels
process: Processes
role: Your role within the track
status: Status
help_text: "Filter your participants using the options below:"
title: Filters
my_track: My track
new_track: Create track
show_deactivated: Show deactivated
track_of: "Track of %{name}"
track_with: "Track with %{name}"
close: "Close sidebar"
default_message: "Please review the problems listed below:"
account_email: Email address
advisor: Advisor
contact_person_ids: Contact persons
first_name: First name
labels: Labels
language: Language
last_name: Surname
alt_text: Description of the image for screen readers
bov_editable_by: BOV can be started by
can_approve: To be approved by
cc_load_policy: Show (localised) closed captions by default
controls: Show the video player controls below the video
description_finished: Extra description after finishing
editable_by: Can be answered by
html: HTML code
iframe_title: Title of the video for screen readers
label: Label for this field
max_selections: Maximum number of selections
options: Options
question: Question
rel: Show related videos from other channels as well
report_visible_for: Result visible to
required: Must be answered with 'Yes' to continue
sections: Sections
task_key: Selected assessment
template_can_be_switched_by: Template can be switched by
url: YouTube video URL
visible_for: Document visible to
visible_to_candidate: Make the element visible to the participant as well
identifier: Name
advisor_id: Coach
candidate_id: Participant
client_id: Client
coadvisor_id: Co-coach
contact_person_id: Contact person
description: Description
email: Email address
end_date: End date
first_name: First name
language: Application language
last_name: Surname
name: Name
organization_id: Organisation
password: Password
product_id: Modules
program_id: Process
start_date: Start date
title: Title
two_factor: Two-step verification
kind: 'On'
percentage: Percentage
advisor: Coach
advisor_id: Coach
allow_repeated: Allow repeated enrolments
link: Link
program: Process
program_id: Process
show_default: Show default text
coadvisor_id: Cocoach
invite_immediately: Invite immediately
program_id: Process
candidate_ids: Participants
candidate_label_ids: All participants with label
invite_immediately: Invite the selected participants immediately
created_at: Created
imported_rows: imported rows
name: Name
organization: organization
state: state import
total_rows: total rows
type: Type
created_at: Created
download_example: Download exampe file
imported_rows: imported rows
name: Name
organization: organization
state: state import
total_rows: total rows
type: Type
display_name: Display name
start_hidden: Start hidden
start_muted: Start muted
share_with: Share with
account_manager_id: Account manager
active_link_color: Active link colour
address: Address
advisor_clients_permission: Advisors can view clients
advisor_deactivation_period: Automatic deactivation
advisor_enrollers_permission: Advisors can view enrolment links
advisor_prices_permission: Advisors can see prices
advisor_rooms_permission: Advisors can view video calls
advisor_users_permission: Advisors can manage users
allow_impersonation: Allow log in as
api_anonymous: API anonymous
api_key: API key
api_organization_id: Test Toolkit organisation uuid
api_user: API user email
available_languages: Available languages
button_color: Button colour
button_text_color: Button text colour
city: City
country: Country
credit_bundle: Bundle
default_language: Default language
header_color: Navigation colour
header_text_color: Navigation text colour
interactive_button_color: Button colour
interactive_header_color: Secondary colour
interactive_primary_color: Primary colour
invoice_email: Billing email address
name: Name
payment_type: Payment type
postal_code: Postal code
primary_color: Header colour
privacy_link: Privacy
profile_picture_disclaimer: Disclaimer text
remove_logo: Remove logo
show_interactive_results: Show Results
show_posts: Show Blog
terms_link: Terms
vat_number: VAT identification number
welcome_mail_subject: Welcome email subject
welcome_mail_text: Welcome email text
whitelabeled: White labeled
label_ids: Labels
program_ids: Processes
roles: User roles
ids: Assessments
invite_mail_subject: Invitation email subject
invite_mail_text: Invitation email text
step_order: Step order
approve_by: Approval by
has_comments: Enable comments to be displayed below the step
hidden_for_candidate: Hide the step from the participant
optional: Make the step optional (insertable after assignment)
end_to_end_encryption: End-to-end encryption
everyone_starts_hidden: Everyone starts hidden
everyone_starts_muted: Everyone starts muted
link: Link
only_managers_can_join: Only organisation managers can join
only_managers_can_kick: Only organisation managers can kick others
only_managers_can_mute: Only organisation managers can mute others
subject: Subject
subscription_type: Subscription type
subscription_type_id: Subscription type
annual_price: Annual subscription fee
can_downgrade_to: Can downgrade to subscription type
can_upgrade_to: Can upgrade to subscription type
candidate_price: Annual fee per participant for unlimited assessments
credit_price: Price per credit
credits_notice: Few credits left notice at
external_user: Monthly fee per participant
internal_user: Monthly fee per coach
invoice_line_type: Category for accounting
max_candidates: Maximum number of active participants
max_coaches: Maximum number of active coaches
max_users: Maximum number of active coaches
month_price: Monthly subscription fee
payment_period: Payment period
prepay: Prepaid
prepay_credits: Available credit bundles
type: Category
identifier: Identifier
avatar: Profile picture
biography: Personal description
can_impersonate: Can log in as another user
consent_given: Consent
cost_center_id: Cost centre
current_password: Current password
first_name: First name
invite_immediately: Send a welcome email immediately
language: Language
last_name: Surname
mailing_frequency: Email frequency
new_password: New password
organization_language: Organisation language
organization_name: Organisation name
otp_code: Code
privacy_accepted: Terms / Privacy
remove_avatar: Remove this picture
role_types: Role
type: User Type
domain: Domain
subdomain: Subdomain
both: Both (the coach can start only after the participant has started)
candidate: The participant
candidate: The participant
contact_person: The contact person
advisor: The coach
both: Both
candidate: The participant
advisor: The coach
both: Both
candidate: The participant
advisor: The coach
both: Both
candidate: The participant
creator: No one
advisor: The coach
both: Both
candidate: The participant
bov: BOV price
candidate_price: Annual fee per participant for unlimited assessments
credit_price: Price per credit
external_user: Monthly fee per participant
fit: FIT price
internal_user: Monthly fee per coach
job_market_scan: Job market Opportunities price
job_suggestions: Job Suggestions price
jobfeed: Jobfeed price
month_price: Monthly subscription fee
never: Never
automatic: Automatic
invoice: Invoice
Advisor: Advisor
ContactPerson: Contact person
OrganizationManager: Organisation manager
User: Participant
approval: The participant can continue after approval of the current step
free: The participant may follow the steps in any order
submission: The participant can continue after submitting the current step
none: The step does not have to be approved
seen: The step is approved automatically when the participant views it
set: Both the coach and the participant may choose to approve the step
submit: The coach approves the step manually after submission by the participant
frequent: Frequent
intensive: Intensive
month: Month
quarter: Quarter
year: Year
AllYouCanSubscription: All-you-can-report
AnnualSubscription: Annual
DemoSubscription: Demo
IncidentalSubscription: Incidental
ManualSubscription: Manual
ResearchSubscription: Research
StandardSubscription: Standard
TestSubscription: Test
every_morning: Receive just one task overview email each morning
immediately: Receive an instant email notification for each new task
never: Never receive emails about new tasks (not recommended)
once_an_hour: Only receive new task overview emails hourly
AccountManager: Account manager
Coach: Coach
IxlyAdmin: Ixly administrator
OrganizationManager: Organisation manager
Advisor: Advisor
ContactPerson: Contact person
IxlyEmployee: Ixly employee
User: Participant
search_by_name: Search by name
search_by_title: Search by title
biography: text entered here will be publicly displayed on your profile page
mark: "*"
text: This is a required field
skiplink: Skip to main content
created_at: "Created"
date_and_time: "Date & time"
file_ext: "File extension"
last_activity: "Last activity"
name: "Name"
nr_of_items: "Items"
organization_name: "Organization name"
program: "Proces"
status: "Status"
type: "Type"
updated_at: "Updated at"
users_ascending: "Users - ascending"
users_descending: "Users - descending"
active: Active
deactivated: Deactivated
created: The modules have been added to the subscription type
products_blank: No modules were selected
deactivated: The connection with the module has been deactivated
deleted: The module has been removed from the subscription type
- Name
- Connection
- Actions
title: Add modules to %{subscription_type}
reactivated: The connection with the module has been reactivated
product_delete: Are you sure you want to remove this module from the subscription type?
active: Active
deactivated: Deactivated
subscription_type_created: The subscription type has been created
title: New subscription type
deactivated: The subscription type has been deactivated
deleted: The subscription type has been deleted
title: Edit subscription type
new_button: New subscription type
- Name
- Status
- Status changed at
- Active subscriptions
- Category
- Actions
title: Subscription types
title: New subscription type
reactivated: The subscription type has been reactivated
subscription_type_delete: Are you sure you want to delete this subscription type?
disabled: 'No'
enabled: 'Yes'
product_new_button: Add modules
status: Status
subscription_type_updated: The subscription type has been updated
title: Edit subscription type
last_word_connector: " and "
two_words_connector: " and "
words_connector: ", "
document: document
date_with_day: "%A, %e %B %Y"
date_with_time: "%e %B %Y, %H:%M"
date_with_time_short: "%e %b %Y, %H:%M"
date_without_day: "%e %B %Y"
date_without_day_and_year: "%d %b"
date_without_time: "%d-%m-%Y"
time_only: "%H:%M"
time_with_date: "%H:%M (%e %B %Y)"
existing_user_link: (click here if you want to select one of the existing users)
new_user_link: (click here if you want to create a new user)
created: The track has been created
help_text: Select the users for the new track
title: New participant
title: Edit track
track_add_second_contact_person: (click here to add a second contact person)
track_hide_second_contact_person: (click here to remove the second contact person)
track_organization_explanation: (this way Ixly administrators can choose which organisation is billed for the potential costs)
help_text: Here are all of the processes assigned to participants coached by you
title: Participants
help_text: Select one of the processes assigned to you
title: My tracks
help_text: Here are all of the processes assigned to participants co-coached by you
title: Participants
help_text: Here are your participants' progresses with the processes they are assigned to
title: Participants
help_text: Here are all of the processes assigned to participants (co-)coached by you
title: Participants
group_new_button: New group process
new_button: Add participant
- Details
- Progress
- Actions
help_text: Select the users for the new track
title: New participant
advisor: Coach
continue: Continue
hide_more_enrollments: (hide older processes)
one: (show 1 more process)
other: (show %{count} more processes)
start: Begin
track: Track
add_enrollment: Add a process
advisor: Coach
candidate: Participant
coadvisor: Co-coach
contact_person: Contact person
help_text: The bundling of all processes between this participant and coach
name: Name
role: Role
title: Track
title: Edit track
updated: The track has been updated
actions: Actions
edit: Edit translation
new: New translation
show: View translation
source: Source
translation_created: The translation has been created
translation_destroyed: The translation has been deleted
translation_updated: The translation has been updated
activate_help_text: Scan this QR code with the authenticator app of your choice (e.g. Google Authenticator or Authy) and enter the code to activate two-step verification.
title: Two-step verification
verify_help_text: Please enter the code from your authenticator app
Advisor: Advisor
Candidate: Candidate
ContactPerson: Contact person
IxlyEmployee: Ixly employee
PremiumCandidate: Candidate
User: Participant
all: You do not have the right permissions to do this
active: Active
created: Created
inactive: Inactive
invited: Invited
new_button: New user
- Name
- Organisation
- Type
- Roles
- Status
- Cost centre
title: All users
privacy_accepted_label: "I accept the <a href='%{terms_url}' target='_blank' class='underline hover:text-blue-light'>terms and conditions</a> and the <a href='%{privacy_statement_url}' target='_blank' class='underline hover:text-blue-light'>privacy statement</a>"
submit: "Continue"
already_confirmed: "<span class='font-medium'>Attention,</span> an account with this email address already exists. For your new account you can use the same password to log in."
title: "Create an account"
confirmed: "Your account has been created, log into your new account here"
created: The user has been created
created_and_invited: The user has been created and was sent a welcome email
help_text: Create a new organisation user
more_information: More information
title: New user
user_deactivated: The user has been deactivated
title: Edit user
impersonation_explanation: If you select this option, you enable this user with impersonation rights.
labels: Labels
upload_avatar: Click the image to upload your own picture
user_type_documentation: (click here for documentation on user roles)
your_labels: Your labels
help_text: Here are all of your organisation's users
import: CSV import
new_button: New user
title: Users
help_text: Create a new organisation user
title: New user
title: Change password
user_reactivated: The user has been reactivated
sent: The password reset email has been sent
one: 1 process
other: "%{count} processes"
bulk_button: Invite
welcome_mail_sent: The welcome email has been sent
account_manager: Account manager of
advisor: Coach
biography: Personal description
candidate_overview: Participant overview
client: Client
cost_center: Cost centre
created_at: Created on
disabled: Disabled
email: Email address
enabled: Enabled
impersonate: Log in as
organization: Organisation
resend_welcome_email: Resend welcome email
reset_password: Reset password
send_welcome_email: Send welcome email
status: Status
two_factor: Two-step verification
type: Role
user_overview: User overview
title: Edit user
updated: The user has been updated
minlength_10: "at least ten characters."
next_label: "Next &#8594;"
page_gap: "&hellip;"
previous_label: "&#8592; Previous"
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