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Created June 12, 2018 14:40
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This is heavily inspired by .
I had to modify the script for some college work at
import os
import exifread
import subprocess
def slug(str):
return str.replace(".", "_").replace("/", "_")
def fnumber(str):
if len(str.printable.split("/")) == 2:
zaehler, nenner = str.printable.split("/")
return slug("{:.1f}".format(float(zaehler) / float(nenner)))
return str.printable
photos = os.listdir(".") # here
photos = [ x for x in photos if x[-4:] == '.jpg' or x[-4:] == '.JPG' ]
for photo in photos:
f = open(photo, 'rb')
tags = exifread.process_file(f)
exptime = slug(tags["EXIF ExposureTime"].printable)
fn = fnumber(tags["EXIF FNumber"])
print photo
print "ExposureTime: %s" % slug(tags["EXIF ExposureTime"].printable)
print "FNumber: %s" % fnumber(tags["EXIF FNumber"])
subprocess.check_output(["convert", photo, "-resize", "400x400", "out/t%s_f%s.jpg" % (exptime, fn)])
print "Converted"
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