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Created September 12, 2013 11:08
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Useful tools related to testing

  • TestNG - test framework for Java

  • TestThat

    • test framework for R
  • Use mocks/stubs for isolating parts of your code in testing

    • Lots of mocking frameworks available (depends on your choice of language)
  • ioprofiler - parses and displays lists of system calls recorded by strace

  • Selenium - browser automation framework for integration/acceptance testing web apps

  • gcov - test coverage tool integrated with GCC (i.e. make sure you're testing every code path)

    • there are similar tools for other languages
  • Test-driven development (TDD) - more of a philosophy of describing expected behaviour as tests first, then writing the implementation code after

  • Vagrant - useful for isolating environments to figure out why tests are sometimes failing and sometimes passing

  • bisect - command in various version control systems (git, hg at least) that helps identifying the commit where a bug was introduced

  • Jenkins - service that automatically runs your tests (continuous integration) in various environments and tells you (e.g. by email) what's failed

    • Also look at TravisCI if your needs are quite simple
  • Trac - bug tracking/ticketing software

    • Other bug trackers are available: github has bug tracking and code-review features; even a board full of post-it notes can help

Cultural issues

  • Testing is regarded as tricky with research, because you don't necessarily know what the right output should be yet

    • Unit testing can help, because you should know what each individual part is meant to do
    • Test driven development (TDD) can be useful too, because it gives you a structure to think about what problem you're solving in a different way
  • Process of becoming a developer in research is often quite organic

    • Doing things in silico becomes interesting from a research perspective, so you teach yourself to code
    • As long as the results look reasonable, no-one questions the quality of the software
  • Precedents exist for how data/results are presented and published, but no such precedent exists for code

  • Software QA needs to become part of peer review

    • At publication

      • Are results scientifically valid without software QA
    • At grant application stage

      • How will you ensure your software does what it's meant to?
      • There isn't always acceptance by RCs reviewing project plans that softare QA is worth spending time on
        • I.e. they will see a bid including QA as being too long/expensive

Industry comparison

  • Testing is very rigorous and built into the process in industry

    • You cannot bid for work without a software development plan and quality plan
  • Tests are written before any application logic

Current practices

  • Regression testing (does new code produce the same results as old code) seems most common

  • Unit testing less common

    • Sometimes someone starts, but testing falls by the wayside
  • Retrospectively adding tests is really hard!

How to introduce testing

  • Introduce TDD to beginner programmers at the very beginning
    • Software Carpentry already does this

Making the case

  • Testing allows refactoring with confidence

    • Removes the problem of old code that people daren't touch
  • Would be good to share stories and evidence that testing is worth it

  • Weekly "come and share battle stories" sessions can work well

    • These can end up turning into standard seminar sessions, but can still be valuable

Simple tasks (baby steps) to get researchers started

  • Write one regression test

    • Does the code still do today what it did yesterday?
  • Write some high-level designs

    • Start with actually writing down what you want to achieve
  • Set up continuous integration

    • Simplest case - does the code actually build?

Legacy code

  • Massive time required to add testing to large extant codebases
  • Ways to start:
    • When you write new code, write tests for that first
    • When you find a bug, write a test for that first
      • Demand that bugs are not fixed without a test

Other interests

  • How do you QA third-party code to run on your platform?
  • Where do you start with an existing culture of not testing and a legacy codebase?
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