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Created June 14, 2009 12:23
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Save jezdez/129656 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This is a plugin for Colloquy (trunk/nightly) that creates a status menu bar item with some helpful entries.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import objc
from Foundation import *
from AppKit import *
from sys import *
# the NSStatusItem we'll create
statusItem = 0
inactiveIcon = 0
activeIcon = 0
isActive = 0
myApp = 0
# called on load and reload
def load( scriptFilePath ):
global statusItem, inactiveIcon, activeIcon, myApp
myApp = NSApplication.sharedApplication()
# create a new NSStatusItem
thickness = NSStatusBar.systemStatusBar().thickness()
statusItem = NSStatusBar.systemStatusBar().statusItemWithLength_(thickness)
statusItem.setToolTip_("Colloquy Status")
bundle = NSBundle.mainBundle()
path = bundle.pathForImageResource_("newHighlightMessage.png")
activeIcon = NSImage.alloc().initWithContentsOfFile_(path)
path = bundle.pathForImageResource_("newMessage.png")
inactiveIcon = NSImage.alloc().initWithContentsOfFile_(path)
menu = NSMenu.alloc().init()
# # Sync event is bound to sync_ method
# menuitem = NSMenuItem.alloc().initWithTitle_action_keyEquivalent_('Bring to front', 'arrangeInFront:', '')
# menu.addItem_(menuitem)
# Default event
menuitem = NSMenuItem.alloc().initWithTitle_action_keyEquivalent_(
u'Buddy List', 'showBuddyList:', '')
menuitem = NSMenuItem.alloc().initWithTitle_action_keyEquivalent_(
u'New Connection…', 'newConnection:', '')
menuitem = NSMenuItem.alloc().initWithTitle_action_keyEquivalent_(
u'Join Chat Room…', 'joinRoom:', '')
seperator = NSMenuItem.separatorItem()
menuitem = NSMenuItem.alloc().initWithTitle_action_keyEquivalent_(
u'Preferences…', 'showPreferences:', '')
menuitem = NSMenuItem.alloc().initWithTitle_action_keyEquivalent_(
u'Quit Colloquy…', 'terminate:', '')
# Bind it to the status item
# called on unload and relead
def unload():
global statusItem
if statusItem != 0:
# return an array of NSMenuItems that should be dispalyed for 'item' associated with 'view'
def contextualMenuItems( item, view ):
global inactiveIcon, myApp
if inactiveIcon != 0 and myApp.isActive():
# return an array of toolbar item identifier strings that can be associated with 'view'
def toolbarItemIdentifiers( view ):
# return an NSToolbarItem for 'identifier' associated with 'view'
def toolbarItem( identifier, view, willBeInserted ):
# perform the action associated with 'toolbarItem' for 'view'
def handleClickedToolbarItem( toolbarItem, view ):
# process the command and return true if you handle it or False to pass on to another plugin
def processUserCommand( command, arguments, connection, view ):
# return true if the command was handled or to prevent other plugins or Colloquy from handling it
return False
# handle a ctcp request and return true if you handle it or False to pass on to another plugin
def processSubcodeRequest( command, arguments, user ):
# return true if the command was handled or to prevent other plugins or Colloquy from handling it
return False
# handle a ctcp reply and return true if you handle it or False to pass on to another plugin
def processSubcodeReply( command, arguments, user ):
# return true if the command was handled or to prevent other plugins or Colloquy from handling it
return False
# called when 'connection' connects
def connected(connection):
# called when 'connection' is disconnecting
def disconnecting( connection ):
# perform a notification
def performNotification( identifier, context, preferences ):
# called when an unhandled URL scheme is clicked in 'view'
def handleClickedLink( url, view ):
# return true if the link was handled or to prevent other plugins or Colloquy from handling it
return False
# called for each incoming message, the message is mutable
def processIncomingMessage( message, view ):
global activeIcon
if activeIcon != 0:
# called for each outgoing message, the message is mutable
def processOutgoingMessage( message, view ):
# called when a member joins 'room'
def memberJoined( member, room ):
# called when a member parts 'room'
def memberParted( member, room, reason ):
# called when a member is kicked from 'room' for 'reason'
def memberKicked( member, room, by, reason ):
# called when the local user joins 'room'
def joinedRoom( room ):
# called when the local user is parting 'room'
def partingFromRoom( room ):
# called when the local user is kicked from 'room' for 'reason'
def kickedFromRoom( room, by, reason ):
# called when the topic changes in 'room' by 'user'
def topicChanged( topic, room, user ):
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