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Forked from aliles/
Created July 13, 2012 07:23
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PEP 302 import hook to reload modules on changes
# apkg/
# Empty. Nothing to see here.
# apkg/
from __future__ import print_function
print("HELLO WORLD")
"""PEP 302 import hook to reload modules on changes.
Implements an import hook using a finder and a loader class to load modules
from a filesystem path using the existing imp module. The modification time of
all Python source files are recorded. The modifiation times can then be used
later to generate a list of modified modules, unload modified modules or unload
all modules if any are modified.
To use, create an instance of ReloadingFinder and append it to sys.meta_path.
The search path used by ReloadingFinder can altered by passing an iterable of
path names to the instance when created.
Tested with Python 2.6, 2.7 and 3.2.
from __future__ import print_function
from collections import namedtuple
import imp
import os
import sys
# containers for common data sets
Location = namedtuple('Location', 'fobject pathname description')
Source = namedtuple('Source', 'pathname mtime')
class ReloadingLoader(object):
"""Import hook loader.
Used by the ReloadingFinder class. Implemented using the imp module.
def __init__(self, source):
self.source = source
def load_module(self, fullname):
"Import hook protocol."
# print('ReloadingLoader loading "{0}"'.format(fullname))
return imp.load_module(fullname, *self.source)
except Exception as err:
if hasattr(self.source.fobject, 'close'):
class ReloadingFinder(object):
"""Import hook loader.
Finds modules using the imp module. Records the modification time for
module source files. The default search path for modules is the current
directory. This can be over ridden by passing a iterable of paths name when
creating the instance.
Instances have the following properties.
- loaded
- modified
With the names of modules that have been loaded and modified since loaded.
Deleting this properties unloads the modules. Instances also have an
ismodified property that is True if there are modified modules.
def __init__(self, path=(os.path.abspath(os.curdir),)):
self._default = list(path)
self._mtimes = {}
def ismodified(self):
for _ in self._iter_modified():
return True
return False
def loaded(self):
return list(self._mtimes.keys())
def loaded(self):
for fullname in self.loaded:
del sys.modules[fullname]
del self._mtimes[fullname]
def modified(self):
return [module for module in self._iter_modified()]
def modified(self):
for fullname in self.modified:
del sys.modules[fullname]
del self._mtimes[fullname]
def _choose_path(self, pkgpath):
if pkgpath is None:
return self._default
return pkgpath
def _find_location(self, module, path):
# print('ReloadingFinder finding "{0}" in "{1}"'.format(module, path))
fobject, pathname, description = imp.find_module(module, path)
location = Location(fobject, pathname, description)
return location
def _iter_modified(self):
for fullname in self._mtimes:
location = self._mtimes[fullname]
stat = os.stat(location.pathname)
if stat.st_mtime > location.mtime:
yield fullname
def _module_name(self, fullname):
hierarchy = fullname.rsplit('.', 1)
return hierarchy[-1]
def _record_mtime(self, fullname, location):
stat = os.stat(location.pathname)
source = Source(location.pathname, stat.st_mtime)
self._mtimes[fullname] = source
def find_module(self, fullname, pkgpath=None):
"Import hook protocol."
module = self._module_name(fullname)
path = self._choose_path(pkgpath)
location = self._find_location(module, path)
self._record_mtime(fullname, location)
return ReloadingLoader(location)
except Exception as err:
# create and register the import hook
finder = ReloadingFinder()
if __name__ == '__main__':
# import 'apkg.hello' for the first time.
# will print 'HELLO WORLD' to standard out.
import apkg.hello
# import 'apkg.hello' for a second time.
# already imported so no side effect.
import apkg.hello
# no modules have been changed.
# two modules have been loaded
if finder.ismodified:
print('Modified,', finder.modified)
print('Loaded,', len(finder.loaded))
# unload modules that have been imported
# use 'finder.modified' to unload just modified
del finder.loaded
# now no modules have been loaded
print('Loaded,', len(finder.loaded))
# import 'apkg.hello' for the third time.
# it will again print 'HELLO WORLD"
import apkg.hello
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