<!DOCTYPE html> |
<html> |
<head> |
<meta charset="utf-8"> |
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> |
<title>d3-voronoi-treemap usage</title> |
<meta name="description" content="d3-voronoi-treemap plugin to remake 'The Costs of Being Fat, in Actual Dollars'"> |
<script src="//d3js.org/d3.v4.min.js" charset="utf-8"></script> |
<script src="https://raw.githack.com/Kcnarf/d3-weighted-voronoi/master/build/d3-weighted-voronoi.js"></script> |
<script src="https://raw.githack.com/Kcnarf/d3-voronoi-map/master/build/d3-voronoi-map.js"></script> |
<script src="https://raw.githack.com/Kcnarf/d3-voronoi-treemap/master/build/d3-voronoi-treemap.js"></script> |
<style> |
svg { |
background-color: rgb(250,250,250); |
} |
#title { |
letter-spacing: 4px; |
font-weight: 700; |
font-size: x-large; |
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text.tiny { |
font-size: 10pt; |
} |
text.light { |
fill: lightgrey |
} |
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stroke: lightgrey; |
stroke-width: 4px; |
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stroke: white; |
stroke-width: 1px; |
} |
.label { |
text-anchor: middle; |
fill: white; |
} |
.label>.name { |
dominant-baseline: text-after-edge; |
} |
.label>.value { |
dominant-baseline: text-before-edge; |
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fill: transparent; |
stroke: white; |
stroke-width:0px; |
} |
.hoverer:hover { |
stroke-width: 3px; |
} |
.legend-color { |
stroke-width: 1px; |
stroke:darkgrey; |
} |
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</head> |
<body> |
<svg></svg> |
<script> |
//begin: constants |
var _2PI = 2*Math.PI; |
//end: constants |
//begin: layout conf. |
var svgWidth = 960, |
svgHeight = 500, |
margin = {top: 10, right: 10, bottom: 10, left: 10}, |
height = svgHeight - margin.top - margin.bottom, |
width = svgWidth - margin.left - margin.right, |
halfWidth = width/2, |
halfHeight = height/2, |
quarterWidth = width/4, |
quarterHeight = height/4, |
titleY = 20, |
legendsMinY = height - 20, |
treemapRadius = 205, |
treemapCenter = [halfWidth, halfHeight+5]; |
//end: layout conf. |
//begin: treemap conf. |
var _voronoiTreemap = d3.voronoiTreemap(); |
var hierarchy, circlingPolygon; |
//end: treemap conf. |
//begin: drawing conf. |
var fontScale = d3.scaleLinear(); |
//end: drawing conf. |
//begin: reusable d3Selection |
var svg, drawingArea, treemapContainer; |
//end: reusable d3Selection |
d3.json("globalEconomyByGDP.json", function(error, rootData) { |
if (error) throw error; |
initData(); |
initLayout(rootData); |
hierarchy = d3.hierarchy(rootData).sum(function(d){ return d.weight; }); |
_voronoiTreemap |
.clip(circlingPolygon) |
(hierarchy); |
drawTreemap(hierarchy); |
}); |
function initData(rootData) { |
circlingPolygon = computeCirclingPolygon(treemapRadius); |
fontScale.domain([3, 20]).range([8, 20]).clamp(true); |
} |
function computeCirclingPolygon(radius) { |
var points = 60, |
increment = _2PI/points, |
circlingPolygon = []; |
for (var a=0, i=0; i<points; i++, a+=increment) { |
circlingPolygon.push( |
[radius + radius*Math.cos(a), radius + radius*Math.sin(a)] |
) |
} |
return circlingPolygon; |
}; |
function initLayout(rootData) { |
svg = d3.select("svg") |
.attr("width", svgWidth) |
.attr("height", svgHeight); |
drawingArea = svg.append("g") |
.classed("drawingArea", true) |
.attr("transform", "translate("+[margin.left,margin.top]+")"); |
treemapContainer = drawingArea.append("g") |
.classed("treemap-container", true) |
.attr("transform", "translate("+treemapCenter+")"); |
treemapContainer.append("path") |
.classed("world", true) |
.attr("transform", "translate("+[-treemapRadius,-treemapRadius]+")") |
.attr("d", "M"+circlingPolygon.join(",")+"Z"); |
drawTitle(); |
drawFooter(); |
drawLegends(rootData); |
} |
function drawTitle() { |
drawingArea.append("text") |
.attr("id", "title") |
.attr("transform", "translate("+[halfWidth, titleY]+")") |
.attr("text-anchor", "middle") |
.text("Energy used by the water sector (175,950 GWh)") |
} |
function drawFooter() { |
drawingArea.append("text") |
.classed("tiny light", true) |
.attr("transform", "translate("+[0, height]+")") |
.attr("text-anchor", "start") |
.text("Remake of HowMuch.net's article 'The Global Economy by GDP'") |
drawingArea.append("text") |
.classed("tiny light", true) |
.attr("transform", "translate("+[halfWidth, height]+")") |
.attr("text-anchor", "middle") |
.text("by @_Kcnarf") |
drawingArea.append("text") |
.classed("tiny light", true) |
.attr("transform", "translate("+[width, height]+")") |
.attr("text-anchor", "end") |
.text("bl.ocks.org/Kcnarf/fa95aa7b076f537c00aed614c29bb568") |
} |
function drawLegends(rootData) { |
var legendHeight = 13, |
interLegend = 4, |
colorWidth = legendHeight*6, |
continents = rootData.children.reverse(); |
var legendContainer = drawingArea.append("g") |
.classed("legend", true) |
.attr("transform", "translate("+[0, legendsMinY]+")"); |
var legends = legendContainer.selectAll(".legend") |
.data(continents) |
.enter(); |
var legend = legends.append("g") |
.classed("legend", true) |
.attr("transform", function(d,i){ |
return "translate("+[0, -i*(legendHeight+interLegend)]+")"; |
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legend.append("rect") |
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.attr("width", colorWidth) |
.attr("height", legendHeight) |
.style("fill", function(d){ return d.color; }); |
legend.append("text") |
.classed("tiny", true) |
.attr("transform", "translate("+[colorWidth+5, -2]+")") |
.text(function(d){ return d.name; }); |
legendContainer.append("text") |
.attr("transform", "translate("+[0, -continents.length*(legendHeight+interLegend)-5]+")") |
.text("Sector"); |
} |
function drawTreemap(hierarchy) { |
var leaves=hierarchy.leaves(); |
var cells = treemapContainer.append("g") |
.classed('cells', true) |
.attr("transform", "translate("+[-treemapRadius,-treemapRadius]+")") |
.selectAll(".cell") |
.data(leaves) |
.enter() |
.append("path") |
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.attr("d", function(d){ return "M"+d.polygon.join(",")+"z"; }) |
.style("fill", function(d){ |
return d.parent.data.color; |
}); |
var labels = treemapContainer.append("g") |
.classed('labels', true) |
.attr("transform", "translate("+[-treemapRadius,-treemapRadius]+")") |
.selectAll(".label") |
.data(leaves) |
.enter() |
.append("g") |
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.attr("transform", function(d){ |
return "translate("+[d.polygon.site.x, d.polygon.site.y]+")"; |
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.style("font-size", function(d){ return fontScale(d.data.weight); }); |
labels.append("text") |
.classed("name", true) |
.html(function(d){ |
return (d.data.weight<1)? d.data.code : d.data.name; |
}); |
labels.append("text") |
.classed("value", true) |
.text(function(d){ return d.data.weight+"%"; }); |
var hoverers = treemapContainer.append("g") |
.classed('hoverers', true) |
.attr("transform", "translate("+[-treemapRadius,-treemapRadius]+")") |
.selectAll(".hoverer") |
.data(leaves) |
.enter() |
.append("path") |
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.attr("d", function(d){ return "M"+d.polygon.join(",")+"z"; }); |
hoverers.append("title") |
.text(function(d) { return d.data.name + "\n" + d.value+"%"; }); |
} |
</script> |
</body> |
</html> |