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Created April 24, 2018 01:49
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$resourceGroup = "hourfleet-tenants-ause"
$storageAccount = "hourfleettenant1"
$tableName = "useraccounts"
$saContext = (Get-AzureRmStorageAccount -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -Name $storageAccount).Context
#Next line is for 'classic' storage accounts
#$saContext = (New-AzureStorageContext -StorageAccountName $storageAccount -StorageAccountKey "PUTSTPORAGEACCOUNTKEYHERE").Context
$userAccountsTable = Get-AzureStorageTable -Name "useraccounts" -Context $saContext
$verificationsTable = Get-AzureStorageTable -Name "verifications" -Context $saContext
$userProfilesTable = Get-AzureStorageTable -Name "userprofiles" -Context $saContext
$userAccounts = Get-AzureStorageTableRowByCustomFilter -table $userAccountsTable -customFilter "(Roles eq 'clientapplication') or (Roles eq 'partnerapplication')"
foreach ($userAccount in ($userAccounts))
$accountId = $userAccount.Id
$resourceIdFilter = "(ResourceId eq '" + $accountId + "')"
$verifications = Get-AzureStorageTableRowByCustomFilter -table $verificationsTable -customFilter $resourceIdFilter
$verificationCount = 0
foreach ($verification in ($verifications))
$verificationCount = $verificationCount + 1
Remove-AzureStorageTableRow -table $verificationsTable –entity $verification
$accountId + " - Verifications: " + $verificationCount
$userProfileIdFilter = "(Id eq '" + $accountId + "')"
$userProfiles = Get-AzureStorageTableRowByCustomFilter -table $userProfilesTable -customFilter $userProfileIdFilter
$userProfilesCount = 0
foreach ($userProfile in ($userProfiles))
$userProfilesCount = $userProfilesCount + 1
Remove-AzureStorageTableRow -table $userProfilesTable –entity $userProfile
$accountId + " - UserProfiles: " + $userProfilesCount
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This is a reference for automating maintenance tasks in table storage

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