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Created June 5, 2015 12:57
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Multi-Player Game on top of HDP protocol

The Protocol

The HDP protocol consists on 5 different messages types that share a common header with some basic user information. The protocol is defined with BNFs where ALL_CAPS_IMPLY_CONSTANTS, camelCaseImplyPrimitives and the '&' is used to denote "bitwise or" (super intuitive right?) while '|' denotes that one of multiple options can be chosen.

The Client Message Header

Prefixes all client originated messages

ClientHeader => Flags MessageID UserTime UserId Message
Flags => uchar => MessageType
MessageType => PING | INFO | JOIN | ACTION
PING => 1
INFO => 2
JOIN => 3
MessageID => ushort
UserTime => ushort
UserId => ushort
Message => PingRequest | GamesInfoRequest | GameInfoRequest
Field Description
Flags For now, only used to specify the message type
MessageID If the command requires a reply, the game will resend this ID to the client. During the game, this ID is expected to be the current tick of the client's game
UserTime The game will return this value as is on every response
UserId The UserId the game provides when joining a game, 0 otherwise

The Server Message Header

Prefixes all server messages, both server originated and the replies.

ServerHeader => Flags MessageID Time Message
Flags => uchar => Success & MessageType
ERROR => 0
MessageID => uint
Time => ushort
Message => PingResponse | GamesInfoResponse | GameInfoResponse
Field Description
Flags For now, only used to specify the message type
MessageID The same message ID the user sent if a reply or an unique server generated ID
Time In the case of a response, the value sent by the client, otherwise, this is the current tick

Ping Request

The most simple message there is, it's just the header with no message at all.

PingRequest => Ø

Ping Response

Also just a header.

PingResponse => Ø

Game Info Request

If no game is specified, returns a list of the current games being played with some basic information, if a GameId is specified, it returns more information about that specific game.

GamesInfoRequest => Ø
  • An empty message will return information about all games.

    GameInfoRequest => GameId GameId => ushort

Field Description
GameId The GameId to request info from

Games Info Response

Returns information of all current games.

GamesInfoResponse => GameCount [GameInfo]
GameCount => ushort
GameInfo => GameId TickRate CurrentPlayers MaxPlayers
GameId => ushort
TickRate => uchar
CurrentPlayers => uchar
MaxPlayers => uchar
Field Description
GameCount The amount of running games
GameId The game's id
TickRate The game's tick rate
CurrentPlayers How many players are currently in the game
MaxPlayers The maximum amount of players allowed in this game

Game Info Response

Returns information on a single game.

GameInfoResponse => GameId TickRate Cols Rows CurrentPlayers MaxPlayers [Player]
GameId => ushort
TickRate => uchar
Cols => uchar
Rows => uchar
CurrentPlayers => uchar
MaxPlayers => uchar
Player => PlayerId Name
PlayerId => uint
Name => StringSize bytes
StringSize => uchar
Field Description
GameId The game's id
TickRate The game's tick rate
Cols/Rows Indicate the size of the map
CurrentPlayers How many players are currently in the game
MaxPlayers The maximum amount of players allowed in this game
Name Any string, this is the player's self chosen name

Join Request

Joins a game.

JoinRequest => GameId Name
GameId => ushort
Name => StringSize bytes
StringSize => uchar
Field Description
GameId The game's id
Name Any string, this is the player's self chosen name

Join Response

Returns either an error or the game info if the join was successful. Note that this relies on the SUCCEEDED flag in the header to help with parsing. If this is not received, the client will still receive the game updates and it's up to the client to request the game info again.

JoinResponse => Error | Success
Error => GameId Reason
GameId => ushort
Reason => StringSize bytes
StringSize => uchar
Success => PlayerID GameInfoResponse
PlayerID => uint
Field Description
GameId The game's id
Reason Any string, this is basically a small user friendly description of the error (usually "full" or "started")
PlayerId The ID the game assigned to the client
GameInfoResponse The exact same format as the Game Info Response

Client Update

Notifies the server that the player moved and that the last update was received.

ClientUpdate => LastServerUpdate Action
LastServerUpdate => ushort
Action => uchar
Field Description
LastServerUpdate Should be the last tick received from the server
Action A direction change, set the char to 1 for left, 2 for right, 4 for up and 8 for down, any other value is ignored

Server Update

Sent every server tick (50 times per second) with any updates the game had. There is a guarantee that the events will be in chronological order.

ServerUpdate => NumEvents [Event]
NumEvents => uchar
Event => Tick EventType EventData
Tick => ushort
EventData => Left | Joined | DirectionChanged | Died | GameStart | Turn | Countdown
Left => PlayerId
PlayerId => uint
Joined => PlayerId Name
Name => StringSize bytes
StringSize => uchar
DirectionChanged => PlayerId Direction
Direction => uchar
Died => PlayerId
GameStart => Walls
Walls => Cells
Turn => Fruits Occupied
Fruits => Cells
Occupied => Cells
Cells => NumCells [Cell]
NumCells => ushort
Cell => Status X Y
Status => uchar => ADDED | REMOVED
ADDED => 1
Countdown => TurnsToGo
TurnsToGo => uchar
Field Description
NumEvents The amount of events, this value can be 0
Time The tick in which the event happened
EventType The type of event is indicated by uchar
Direction The direction, in the same format as in the client update Action
Turn Notifies the user that the server has executed a turn
Cells A list of cells expressed as a diff
TurnsToGo Used on the countdown, used clientside to predict when the game will start
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