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Created June 8, 2015 18:29
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Campeones - Erlang Dojo 2105
init (_) ->
process_flag(trap_exit, true),
{ok, []}.
terminate(R, S) ->
io:format("R = ~p, S = ~p~n", [R, S]),
handle_call(get, _F, S) ->
{reply, S, S};
handle_call(T, F, S) ->
io:format("T = ~p, F = ~p~n", [T, F]),
{noreply, S ++ [T]}.
handle_cast(R, S) ->
io:format("R = ~p~n", [R]),
{noreply, S ++ [R]}.
handle_info(I, S) ->
io:format("I = ~p~n", [I]),
{noreply, S ++ [I]}.
code_change(_, S, _) -> {ok, S}.
do() -> net_kernel:connect_node('gold_fever@'),
{ok, _MapaPid} = gen_server:start_link({local, mapa}, mapa, [], []),
P = spawn(fun larry/0),
erlang:register(larry, P).
mostrar() ->
receive X -> io:format("X = ~p~n", [X]), mostrar()
after 0 -> ok
ask (Kathy, Token) ->
L = gen_fsm:sync_send_event(Kathy, #{question => "flower color", token => Token}),
io:format("Color: ~p~n", [L]).
larry() ->
process_flag(trap_exit, true),
M = receive X -> X end,
io:format("Recibido mapa: ~p~n", [M]),
Kathy = maps:get(kathy, M),
Token = maps:get(token, M),
Kathy ! flower,
Kathy ! #{name => mapa, token => Token},
[L1, L2, L3] = gen_server:call(mapa, get),
Msg = lists:flatten(lists:map(fun erlang:tuple_to_list/1, lists:zip3(L2, L1 ++ " ", L3 ++ " "))),
io:format("Kathy dice: ~p~n", [Msg]),
{monitored_by, [Carlos]} = rpc:pinfo(Kathy, monitored_by),
exit(Carlos, kill),
ask(Kathy, Token),
ask(Kathy, Token),
ask(Kathy, Token),
ask(Kathy, Token),
ask(Kathy, Token),
Kathy ! kathy,
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