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Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
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HTTP Serpents

RESTful API for Serpents


POST /api/games/:game_id/serpents

To create a serpent (i.e. join a game)


All parameters are required

{"name": [SERPENT-NAME]}
  • 404 Not Found if the game was not found
  • 400 Bad Request with a descriptive message
  • 201 Created with
{ "name": [NAME]
, "token": [TOKEN]
, "body": [ [[HEAD-ROW#],[HEAD-COL#]]
          , [[ROW#],[COL#]]
          , [[ROW#],[COL#]]
, "direction": [DIRECTION]
, "status": [STATUS]
  • [CONTENT] can be
    • "fruit", in which case [VALUE] will be the amount of food it provides
    • "wall", in which case "value" will not be there
  • [ROW#] and [COL#] are 1-based
  • [DIRECTION] can be "up", "down", "left" or "right"
  • [TOKEN] is unique per serpent, do not share it

PUT /api/games/:game_id/serpents/:token

To change the direction of the serpent


All parameters are required

{"direction": [DIRECTION]}
  • 404 Not Found if the game was not found
  • 400 Bad Request with a descriptive message
  • 403 Forbidden with the text "Forbidden"
  • 200 OK with the same json object as POST /games/:game_id/serpents

GET /api/games/:game_id/news

This endpoint returns a general state of the game as a first event and, if the caller keeps the connection open, it will keep sending new events through it as they happen. This endpoint implements Server Sent Events protocol for that purpose.

  • 200 OK with content-type: text/event-stream and the body of that response will be a stream of events, with the following format for each event:
event: [EVENT-NAME]
data: [EVENT-DATA]

In that structure:

  • EVENT-NAME will be a one of the valid Events
  • EVENT-DATA will be a json structure like the ones you can see in the examples below

The currently supported events are:


The event data is a json representation of a game (see below)


The event data is a json representation of a serpent (see below)


The event data is a json representation of a game (see below)


The event data is a json representation of a game (see below)


The event data is a json representation of a game (see below)


The event data is a json representation of a serpent (see below)


The event data is a json representation of a game (see below)

{ "id": [ID]
, "rows": [#-OF-ROWS]
, "cols": [#-OF-COLS]
, "countdown": [#-OF-COUNTDOWN-TICKS]
, "rounds": [MAX-#-OF-GAME-TICKS]
, "initial_food": [INITIAL-FOOD-COUNT]
, "flags": [LIST-OF-FLAGS]
, "max_serpents": [MAX-#-OF-SERPENTS]
, "serpents": [{}, {}]
, "state": [STATE]
, "cells": [ {"row": [ROW#], "col": [COL#], "content": [CONTENT], "value": [VALUE]}
           , {"row": [ROW#], "col": [COL#], "content": [CONTENT]}
  • [STATE] can be "created", "countdown", "started" or "finished"
  • [CONTENT] can be
    • "fruit", in which case [VALUE] will be the amount of food it provides
    • "wall", in which case "value" will not be there
  • [ROW#] and [COL#] are 1-based
  • [FLAGS] can include walls, random_food and/or increasing_food
{ "name": [NAME]
, "body": [ [[HEAD-ROW#],[HEAD-COL#]]
          , [[ROW#],[COL#]]
          , [[ROW#],[COL#]]
, "status": [STATUS]
  • [STATUS] can be "dead" or "alive"
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