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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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(defn timeout-channel
"Creates a channel and a go block that takes from it. The go block keeps
an internal status with two possible values, `:wait` and `:receive`.
In ':wait' status, execution is blocked until there's a value available in the
channel, it then enters the ':receive' status, until the timeout wins.
Returns the channel where events need to be pushed."
[timeout-ms f]
(let [c (async/chan)]
(async/go-loop [status :wait
args nil]
(condp = status
(recur :receive (async/<! c))
(let [[_ ch] (async/alts! [c (async/timeout timeout-ms)])]
(if (= ch c)
(recur :receive args)
(async/thread (if (sequential? args) (apply f args) (f args)))
(recur :wait nil))))))
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