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Created September 8, 2009 14:09
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- (void)addLocation {
if (!locations) {
locations = [[CPArray alloc] init];
loc = [[Location alloc] init];
[loc setDescription:@""];
[loc setPosition:([locations count] + 1)];
[locations addObject:loc];
[locationListView setContent:locations];
[locationListView reloadContent];
[locationListView setSelectionIndexes:[CPIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:([locations count] - 1)]];
- (void)removeLocation {
if (![self selectedLocation]) {
if (confirm('Are you sure?'))
if ([[self selectedLocation] isNewRecord]) {
[self removeSelectedLocation];
} else {
//we'll implement this later
- (void)removeSelectedLocation {
[locations removeObjectAtIndex:[[locationListView selectionIndexes] firstIndex]];
[locationListView setContent:locations];
[locationListView reloadContent];
[locationListView setSelectionIndexes:[CPIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:([locations count] - 1)]];
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