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Created December 26, 2011 13:47
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Save jfaissolle/1521198 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Patch for GRAILSPLUGINS-2977
import javax.servlet.ServletException
import java.util.logging.Level;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
// to use the birt engine
import org.eclipse.birt.core.exception.BirtException
import org.eclipse.birt.core.framework.PlatformFileContext;
// to get application context
import org.springframework.beans.BeansException
import org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextAware
import org.springframework.web.context.request.RequestContextHolder;
import as RCU;
import javax.servlet.ServletContext
import grails.util.GrailsUtil
class BirtReportService implements InitializingBean, ApplicationContextAware {
static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(BirtReportService.class)
private final String REPORT_EXT = ".rptdesign"
private static supportedImageFormats = "PNG;GIF;JPG;BMP"
private boolean svgEnabled = false
static transactional = false
ApplicationContext appCtx
def dataSource
def useGrailsDatasource
def grailsApplication
// where are the reports located
def reportHome
// at which URL are the reports generated
def baseURL
// if the generated base url should be absolute
def generateAbsoluteBaseURL = false
// at which URL are the images accessible
def baseImageURL
// what is the image dir on disc
def imageDir
def defaultFormat = "inline"
def void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext arg0) throws BeansException {
appCtx = arg0;
void afterPropertiesSet() {
ServletContext sc = appCtx?.servletContext
if (!sc) {
log.error "Could not derive servlet context, report generation disabled"
reportHome = sc.getRealPath("/Reports")
if (grailsApplication.config.birt.reportHome) {
if (grailsApplication.config.birt.reportHome[0] == '/' || grailsApplication.config.birt.reportHome[1] == ':') {
reportHome = grailsApplication.config.birt.reportHome
} else {
reportHome = sc.getRealPath(grailsApplication.config.birt.reportHome)
} "reportHome is ${reportHome}"
useGrailsDatasource = true "${useGrailsDatasource?'':'not '}using grails data source"
if (grailsApplication.config.birt.generateAbsoluteBaseURL)
generateAbsoluteBaseURL = true
if (grailsApplication.config.birt.baseUrl) {
baseURL = grailsApplication.config.birt.baseUrl "baseURL is ${baseURL}"
} else { "generated baseURL will ${generateAbsoluteBaseURL?'':'not '}be absolute"
baseImageURL = sc.contextPath + "/images/" + "rpt-img"
imageDir = sc.getRealPath("/images/" + "rpt")
if (grailsApplication.config.birt.imageUrl) {
if (grailsApplication.config.birt.imageUrl[0] == '/'){
baseImageURL = sc.contextPath + grailsApplication.config.birt.imageUrl
imageDir = sc.getRealPath(grailsApplication.config.birt.imageUrl)
} else {
baseImageURL = sc.contextPath + "/" + grailsApplication.config.birt.imageUrl
imageDir = sc.getRealPath("/" + grailsApplication.config.birt.imageUrl)
def imgDir = new File(imageDir)
if (!imgDir.exists() && !imgDir.mkdirs()) {
log.error "Could not create report image directory, report generation disabled"
} "baseImageUrl is ${baseImageURL} and points to ${imageDir}"
HTMLServerImageHandler imageHandler = new HTMLServerImageHandler()
// for file based output
// HTMLCompleteImageHandler imageHandler = new HTMLCompleteImageHandler()
HTMLActionHandler actionHandler = new GrailsHTMLActionHandler(baseURL, defaultFormat)
HTMLRenderOption renderOption = new HTMLRenderOption()
renderOption.imageHandler = imageHandler
renderOption.actionHandler = actionHandler
def appContext = [:]
appContext[DataEngine.MEMORY_BUFFER_SIZE] = grailsApplication.config.birt.cacheSize ?: 100 // default Cache size 100MB
// appContext[EngineContants.APPCONTEXT_CHART_RESOLUTION] = myvalue
// Create the engineConfig for the report generator
def engineConfig = new EngineConfig()
engineConfig.appContext = appContext
engineConfig.platformContext = new PlatformFileContext(engineConfig)
engineConfig.setLogConfig(null, GrailsUtil.isDevelopmentEnv()?Level.ALL:Level.SEVERE)
engineConfig.setEmitterConfiguration(RenderOption.OUTPUT_FORMAT_HTML, renderOption)
* Returns a list of available reports in the reportHome directory. The list contains Maps of property
* name/value pairs. The properties contain the BIRT standart properties:<ul>
* <li>IReportRunnable.AUTHOR</li>
* <li>IReportRunnable.BASE_PROP</li>
* <li>IReportRunnable.COMMENTS</li>
* <li>IReportRunnable.CREATEDBY</li>
* <li>IReportRunnable.DESCRIPTION</li>
* <li>IReportRunnable.HELP_GUIDE</li>
* <li>IReportRunnable.REFRESH_RATE</li>
* <li>IReportRunnable.TITLE</li>
* <li>IReportRunnable.UNITS</li></ul>
* and 3 custom ones:<ul>
* <li>report name</li>
* <li>report design name</li>
* <li>absolute file name (including full path)</li></ul>
* @return List<Map>
def listReports() {
return listReports(null)
* Returns a list of available reports in the reportHome directory. The list contains Maps of property
* name/value pairs. The properties contain the BIRT standart properties:<ul>
* <li>IReportRunnable.AUTHOR</li>
* <li>IReportRunnable.BASE_PROP</li>
* <li>IReportRunnable.COMMENTS</li>
* <li>IReportRunnable.CREATEDBY</li>
* <li>IReportRunnable.DESCRIPTION</li>
* <li>IReportRunnable.HELP_GUIDE</li>
* <li>IReportRunnable.REFRESH_RATE</li>
* <li>IReportRunnable.TITLE</li>
* <li>IReportRunnable.UNITS</li></ul>
* as well as 3 custom ones:<ul>
* <li>report name</li>
* <li>report design name</li>
* <li>absolute file name (including full path)</li></ul>
* and user properties which are specified by the userProps
* @param userProps
* @return List<Map>
def listReports(userProps) {
log.trace "Function: listReports()"
def reports = []
if (reportHome) {
File reportDir = new File(reportHome,)
def files = reportDir?.list().grep { it ==~ /.*\.rptdesign/ };
files?.each {
def name = it.replace(REPORT_EXT, '')
def prop = getReportProperties(name, userProps)
prop["name"] = name
prop["file"] = it
prop["fullfile"] = reportDir.absolutePath + reportDir.separator + it
reports << prop
return reports
* Returns a map containing the properties of a report design as
* name/value pairs. The properties contain the BIRT standart properties:<ul>
* <li>IReportRunnable.AUTHOR</li>
* <li>IReportRunnable.BASE_PROP</li>
* <li>IReportRunnable.COMMENTS</li>
* <li>IReportRunnable.CREATEDBY</li>
* <li>IReportRunnable.DESCRIPTION</li>
* <li>IReportRunnable.HELP_GUIDE</li>
* <li>IReportRunnable.REFRESH_RATE</li>
* <li>IReportRunnable.TITLE</li>
* <li>IReportRunnable.UNITS</li></ul>
* and 3 custom ones:<ul>
* <li>report name</li>
* <li>report design name</li>
* <li>absolute file name (including full path)</li></ul>
* @param reportName
* @return List<Map>
def getReportProperties(reportName) {
return getReportProperties(reportName, null)
* Returns a map containing the properties of a report design as
* name/value pairs. The properties contain the BIRT standart properties:<ul>
* <li>IReportRunnable.AUTHOR</li>
* <li>IReportRunnable.BASE_PROP</li>
* <li>IReportRunnable.COMMENTS</li>
* <li>IReportRunnable.CREATEDBY</li>
* <li>IReportRunnable.DESCRIPTION</li>
* <li>IReportRunnable.HELP_GUIDE</li>
* <li>IReportRunnable.REFRESH_RATE</li>
* <li>IReportRunnable.TITLE</li>
* <li>IReportRunnable.UNITS</li></ul>
* and 3 custom ones:<ul>
* <li>report name</li>
* <li>report design name</li>
* <li>absolute file name (including full path)</li></ul>
* and user properties which are specified by the userProps
* @param reportName
* @param userProps
* @return List<Map>
def getReportProperties(reportName, userProps) {
log.trace "Function: getReportProperties(${reportName}, ${userProps})"
def props = [:]
def reportFileName = reportHome + File.separator + reportName + REPORT_EXT
def propnames = userProps ? userProps.keySet() : []
propnames += [IReportRunnable.AUTHOR, IReportRunnable.BASE_PROP, IReportRunnable.COMMENTS, IReportRunnable.CREATEDBY, IReportRunnable.DESCRIPTION, IReportRunnable.HELP_GUIDE, IReportRunnable.REFRESH_RATE, IReportRunnable.TITLE, IReportRunnable.UNITS]
try {
//Open report design
IReportRunnable design = BirtEngineFactory.engine?.openReportDesign(reportFileName);
if (!design) return props
propnames.each {
def prop = design.getProperty(it)
if (prop) // property is defined by report
props[it] = prop
else if (userProps && userProps.containsKey(it)) { // property value is default
props[it] = userProps[it]
log.debug "Reportparams:${props}"
return props
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Exception occured while getReportProperties: ${e.message}", e);
throw new ServletException(e);
* Extracts the report parameters of a report design. The returned list contains a map for each parameter
* containing:<ul>
* <li>name</li>
* <li>type</li>
* <li>controlType</li>
* <li>defaultVal</li>
* <li>helpText</li>
* <li>promptText</li>
* <li>allowBlank</li>
* <li>listEntries (a list conaining the possibe values for restricted types)</li></ul>
* @param reportName
* @return List
def getReportParams(reportName) {
log.trace "Function: getReportParams(${reportName})"
def reportParams = []
def reportFileName = reportHome + File.separator + reportName + REPORT_EXT
def grailsDbConnection
if (!new File(reportFileName).exists()) return reportParams
try {
//Open report design
// def engine = BirtEngineFactory.engine
if (!BirtEngineFactory.engine) return reportParams
IReportRunnable design = BirtEngineFactory.engine.openReportDesign(reportFileName)
IGetParameterDefinitionTask task = BirtEngineFactory.engine.createGetParameterDefinitionTask(design)
withConnectionContext(task) {
// Iterate over all parameters, Don't report about groups
task.getParameterDefns(false).each {param ->
//Group section found
if (!(param instanceof IParameterGroupDefn)) { //Groups are not supported
//Parameters are not in a group
def listentries = []
if (param.controlType == IScalarParameterDefn.LIST_BOX || param.controlType == IScalarParameterDefn.RADIO_BUTTON) {
//Parameter is a List Box
task.getSelectionList( {
//Print out the selection choices
def selectionItem = (IParameterSelectionChoice) it
def value = selectionItem.value
def label = selectionItem.label
// log.debug label + "--" + value
listentries << ['label': label ?: value, 'value': value]
reportParams << ['name':,
'type': param.dataType,
'controlType': param.controlType,
'defaultVal': task.getDefaultValue(param),
'helpText': param.helpText,
'promptText': param.promptText,
'allowBlank': param.allowBlank(),
'listEntries': listentries
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Exception occured while getReportParams: ${e.message}", e);
throw new ServletException(e);
return reportParams
* Extracts the parameter names of a report design as a list of Strings
* @param reportName
* @return List
def getReportParamNames(reportName) {
log.trace "Function: getReportParamNames(${reportName})"
def params = getReportParams(reportName)
* Creates a renderOption for the given format. Supported values are 'inline' (html fragment),
* 'html', 'pdf', 'xls', 'doc', 'ppt'
* @param format
* @return IRenderOption
def getRenderOption(format) {
return getRenderOption(null, format)
* Creates a renderOption for the given HTTPServletRequest and format. Supported values for the format are
* 'inline' (html fragment), 'html', 'pdf', 'xls', 'doc', 'ppt'
* The request is used to derive the appropriate url used in hyperlinks within reports (e.g. drill-downs).
* This method allows to enable/disable the use of SVG on a per-request basis (the setting will persist until
* it is changed)
* @param request
* @param format
* @param genSVG
* @return IRenderOption
def getRenderOption(request, format, genSVG) {
svgEnabled = genSVG
return getRenderOption(request, format)
* Creates a renderOption for the given HTTPServletRequest and format. Supported values for the format are
* 'inline' (html fragment), 'html', 'pdf', 'xls', 'doc', 'ppt'
* The request is used to derive the appropriate url used in hyperlinks within reports (e.g. drill-downs).
* @param request
* @param format
* @return IRenderOption
def getRenderOption(request, format) {
log.trace "Function: getRenderOption(${request}, ${format})"
IRenderOption options = new RenderOption();
// set an absolute url to be used in output
if (baseURL =~ /^\w+:\/\//) { // we have a complete URL
options.baseURL = baseURL
} else if(request != null) {
// add the protocol/host/port part of the URL
options.baseURL = "${request.getScheme()}://${request.getServerName()}:${request.getServerPort()}"
// append application context path either as absolute path or as relative
options.baseURL += baseURL[0] == "/" ? baseURL : request.getContextPath() + "/" + baseURL;
} else
options.baseURL = request.contextPath
} else {
options.actionHandler = new GrailsHTMLActionHandler(options.baseURL, format?:defaultFormat)
options.outputFormat = format?:"html";
switch (options.outputFormat.toLowerCase()) {
case "html":
HTMLRenderOption htmlOptions = new HTMLRenderOption(options)
htmlOptions.htmlPagination = false
htmlOptions.embeddable = false
htmlOptions.baseImageURL = this.baseImageURL;
htmlOptions.imageDirectory = this.imageDir
htmlOptions.supportedImageFormats = supportedImageFormats + (svgEnabled ? ";SVG" : "")
return htmlOptions
case "pdf":
PDFRenderOption pdfOptions = new PDFRenderOption(options);
// pdfOptions.setOption(IPDFRenderOption.PAGE_OVERFLOW, IPDFRenderOption.FIT_TO_PAGE_SIZE);
pdfOptions.setOption(IPDFRenderOption.PAGE_OVERFLOW, IPDFRenderOption.OUTPUT_TO_MULTIPLE_PAGES);
pdfOptions.supportedImageFormats = supportedImageFormats + (svgEnabled ? ";SVG" : "")
return pdfOptions
return options
private getReportBirtParams(Map params, IReportRunnable runnable) {
log.trace "Function: getReportBirtParams(${params}, ${runnable})"
try {
//get parameter definitions
// def engine = BirtEngineFactory.engine
if (!BirtEngineFactory.engine) return null
def task = BirtEngineFactory.engine.createGetParameterDefinitionTask(runnable)
def paramDefs = task.getParameterDefns(false)
//iterate over each parameter definition, updating as appropriate
//from the supplied ReportAttributes object
def paramMap = new HashMap()
paramDefs.each {
def paramName =
def paramVal
if (params.containsKey(paramName)) {
switch (it.dataType) {
case IScalarParameterDefn.TYPE_BOOLEAN:
paramVal = DataTypeUtil.toBoolean(params[paramName]); break
case IScalarParameterDefn.TYPE_DATE:
paramVal = DataTypeUtil.toSqlDate(params[paramName]); break
case IScalarParameterDefn.TYPE_TIME:
paramVal = DataTypeUtil.toSqlTime(params[paramName]); break
case IScalarParameterDefn.TYPE_DATE_TIME:
paramVal = DataTypeUtil.toDate(params[paramName]); break
case IScalarParameterDefn.TYPE_DECIMAL:
paramVal = DataTypeUtil.toBigDecimal(params[paramName]); break
case IScalarParameterDefn.TYPE_FLOAT:
paramVal = DataTypeUtil.toDouble(params[paramName]); break
case IScalarParameterDefn.TYPE_STRING:
paramVal = DataTypeUtil.toString(params[paramName]); break
case IScalarParameterDefn.TYPE_INTEGER:
paramVal = DataTypeUtil.toInteger(params[paramName]); break
if (paramVal != null) paramMap[paramName] = paramVal
return paramMap
} catch (BirtException e) {
// log.error("BIRT Exception occured while getReportBirtParams: ${e.message}", e);
throw new Exception(e.message)
* Get the locale of the request or as fallback of the host system
* @return locale
* */
def getLocale() {
Locale locale = null
try {
locale = RCU.getLocale(RequestContextHolder.currentRequestAttributes().getSession().request)
catch(java.lang.Exception e){
locale = Locale.getDefault()
log.debug "locale: ${locale}"
return locale
* Runs and renders a report design into the format specified by renderOptions. Parameters are specified as
* name/value pairs and will be parsed (by BIRT) into the appropriate format.
* @param reportName
* @param parameters
* @param renderOptions
* @return ByteArrayOutputStream
def runAndRender(reportName, parameters, renderOptions, Locale locale = null) {
log.trace "Function: runAndRender(${reportName}, ${parameters}, ${renderOptions})"
def reportFileName = reportHome + File.separator + reportName + REPORT_EXT
log.debug "Parameters are ${parameters}"
// def engine = BirtEngineFactory.engine
if (!BirtEngineFactory.engine) return null
//Open report design
IReportRunnable design = BirtEngineFactory.engine.openReportDesign(reportFileName)
//create task to run and render report
IRunAndRenderTask task = BirtEngineFactory.engine.createRunAndRenderTask(design)
def cacheSize = new Integer(grailsApplication.config.birt.cacheSize ?: 100) "Setting memory buffer to ${cacheSize}MB"
task.appContext.put(DataEngine.MEMORY_BUFFER_SIZE, cacheSize);
// other options IN_MEMORY_CUBE_SIZE
def taskParams = getReportBirtParams(parameters, design)
log.debug "taskParams: ${taskParams}"
ByteArrayOutputStream buf = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
renderOptions.outputStream = buf
task.renderOption = renderOptions
withConnectionContext(task) {
return buf
* Runs a report design and generates a reportDocument with the given name. Parameters are specified as
* name/value pairs and will be parsed (by BIRT) into the appropriate format.
* @param reportName
* @param parameters
* @param reportDocumentName
def run(reportName, parameters, reportDocumentName, Locale locale = null) {
log.trace "Function: run(${reportName}, ${parameters}, ${reportDocumentName})"
def reportFileName = reportHome + File.separator + reportName + REPORT_EXT
log.debug "Parameters are ${parameters}"
// def engine = BirtEngineFactory.engine
if (!BirtEngineFactory.engine) return null
//Open report design
IReportRunnable design = BirtEngineFactory.engine.openReportDesign(reportFileName)
//create task to run and render report
IRunTask task = BirtEngineFactory.engine.createRunTask(design)
def cacheSize = new Integer(grailsApplication.config.birt.cacheSize ?: 100) "Setting memory buffer to ${cacheSize}MB"
task.appContext.put(DataEngine.MEMORY_BUFFER_SIZE, cacheSize);
// other options IN_MEMORY_CUBE_SIZE
def taskParams = getReportBirtParams(parameters, design)
log.debug "taskParams: ${taskParams}"
task.parameterValues = taskParams
withConnectionContext(task) {
* Renders a report document into the format specified by renderOptions. Parameters are specified as
* name/value pairs and will be parsed (by BIRT) into the appropriate format.
* @param reportDocumentName
* @param parameters
* @param reportDocumentName
def render(reportDocumentName, parameters, renderOptions, Locale locale = null) {
log.trace "Function: render(${reportDocumentName}, ${renderOptions})"
if (!BirtEngineFactory.engine) return null
//Open report design
IReportDocument design = BirtEngineFactory.engine.openReportDocument(reportDocumentName)
//create task to run and render report
IRenderTask task = BirtEngineFactory.engine.createRenderTask(design)
if (parameters) task.parameterValues = parameters
ByteArrayOutputStream buf = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
renderOptions.outputStream = buf
withConnectionContext(task) {
task.renderOption = renderOptions
return buf
private def withConnectionContext(task, closure) {
def grailsDbConnection
try {
if(useGrailsDatasource) {
grailsDbConnection = dataSource.getConnection()
task.getAppContext().put("OdaJDBCDriverPassInConnection", grailsDbConnection);
return closure(grailsDbConnection)
} finally {
if (grailsDbConnection && !grailsDbConnection.closed) {
log.debug "Closing DB connection"
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