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Last active December 4, 2020 05:41
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Fault-tolerant event managers in Elixir
# By default, GenEvent event handlers fail silently and are not automatically restarted. Not good.
# There's an easy enough way to correct this.
# You'll need to
# 1. define a supervised event manager as a GenServer,
# 2. register its GenEvent handlers with monitoring enabled
# 3. catch handler exits as "out of band" messages (handle_info)
# 4. stop the event manager when any handler crashes, relying on the supervisor to restart the event
# manager who will then restart all of its GenEvent handlers.
# This approach assumes that event handling is either stateless or can reset its state without issues.
defmodule EventManager do
@moduledoc "An event manager assumed to be started as a permanent worker by its supervisor"
use GenServer
require Logger
@name __MODULE__
@dispatcher :event_dispatcher
def start_link() do
GenServer.start_link(@name, [], [:name @name])
# Called by whoever generated the event
def notify_of_something(something) do
GenServer.cast(@name, {:notify_of_something, something})
# Add other event notification functions here
def init(_) do
GenEvent.start_link(name: @dispatcher)
{:ok, []}
def handle_cast({:notify_of_something, something}, state) do
GenEvent.notify(@dispatcher, {:something, something})
{:noreply, state}
# Add other cast handling callbacks here
@doc "Handles the exit message from crashed, monitored GenEvent handlers"
def handle_info({:gen_event_EXIT, crashed_handler, error}, state) do
Logger.error("#{crashed_handler} crashed. Restarting #{@name}.")
{:stop, {:handler_died, error}, state}
# Private
defp register_handlers() do
# Notice that we call the add_mon_handler function, not add_handler
GenEvent.add_mon_handler(@dispatcher, SomethingHandler, [])
# Add other monitored handlers here
# And that's it. The implementations of the supervisor and the GenEvent handlers are as usual.
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