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Created June 29, 2023 14:30
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module SystemF
import Decidable.Equality
import Data.SnocList.Elem
namespace Kind
public export
data Kind : Type
where ||| Types of Types
Star : Kind
||| Type of type-level functions
Arrow : (f,a : Kind) -> Kind
public export
Exists : Kind -> SnocList Kind -> Type
Exists = Elem
public export
Exists' : SnocList Kind -> Kind -> Type
Exists' ks k = Elem k ks
public export
Kontext : Type
Kontext = SnocList Kind
public export
lift : ({l:_} -> Exists l k -> Exists l j)
-> ({l:_} -> Exists l (k :< a) -> Exists l (j :< a))
lift f Here = Here
lift f (There x)
= There (f x)
namespace Types
namespace Value
public export
data Ty : Kontext -> Kind -> Type
TyVar : {k : _}
-> Exists k ktxt
-> Ty ktxt k
TyFun : {k,j : _}
-> Ty (ktxt :< k) j
-> Ty ktxt (Arrow k j)
TyApp : {k,j : _}
-> Ty ktxt (Arrow k j)
-> Ty ktxt k
-> Ty ktxt j
Fun : (f, a : Ty ktxt Star)
-> Ty ktxt Star
Forall : {k : _}
-> Ty (ktxt :< k) Star
-> Ty ktxt Star
Nat : Ty ktxt Star
Bool : Ty ktxt Star
public export
rename : ({l : _} -> Exists l k
-> Exists l j)
-> Ty k a
-> Ty j a
rename f (TyVar x)
= TyVar (f x)
rename f (TyFun x)
= TyFun (rename (lift f) x)
rename f (TyApp x y)
= TyApp (rename f x)
(rename f y)
rename f (Fun x y)
= Fun (rename f x)
(rename f y)
rename f (Forall x)
= Forall (rename (lift f) x)
rename f Nat
= Nat
rename f Bool
= Bool
public export
weaken : Ty k a -> Ty (k :< j) a
weaken = rename There
public export
lifts : ({j : _} -> Exists' a j
-> Ty b j)
-> ({j : _} -> Exists' (a :< k) j
-> Ty (b :< k) j)
lifts f Here
= TyVar Here
lifts f (There x)
= weaken (f x)
public export
subst' : ({j : _} -> Exists' a j
-> Ty b j)
-> Ty a j
-> Ty b j
subst' f (TyVar x)
= f x
subst' f (TyFun x)
= TyFun (subst' (lifts f) x)
subst' f (TyApp x y)
= TyApp (subst' f x)
(subst' f y)
subst' f (Fun x y)
= Fun (subst' f x)
(subst' f y)
subst' f (Forall x)
= Forall (subst' (lifts f) x)
subst' f Nat
= Nat
subst' f Bool
= Bool
public export
extend : ({j : _} -> Exists' a j
-> Ty b j)
-> Ty b k
-> ({j : _} -> Exists' (a :< k) j
-> Ty b j)
extend f x Here
= x
extend f x (There y)
= f y
public export
subst : Ty a k
-> Ty (a :< k) j
-> Ty a j
subst y
= subst' (extend TyVar y)
namespace NBE
namespace Neutral
public export
data Ty : Kontext
-> Kind
-> Type
TyVar : (idx : Exists k ktxt)
-> Neutral.Ty ktxt k
TyApp : {k,j : _}
-> (fun : Neutral.Ty ktxt (Arrow k j))
-> (arg : Normal.Ty ktxt k)
-> Neutral.Ty ktxt j
namespace Normal
public export
data Ty : Kontext
-> Kind
-> Type
TyFun : {k,j : _}
-> (param : Normal.Ty (ktxt :< k) j)
-> Normal.Ty ktxt (Arrow k j)
NeutralTy : {k : Kind}
-> Neutral.Ty ktxt k
-> Normal.Ty ktxt k
Fun : (arg : Normal.Ty ktxt Star)
-> (ret : Normal.Ty ktxt Star)
-> Normal.Ty ktxt Star
Forall : {k : _}
-> (param : Normal.Ty (ktxt :< k) Star)
-> Normal.Ty ktxt Star
Nat : Normal.Ty ktxt Star
Bool : Normal.Ty ktxt Star
namespace Renaming
namespace Normal
public export
rename : ({l : _} -> Exists l k
-> Exists l j)
-> Normal.Ty k a
-> Normal.Ty j a
rename f (TyFun param)
= TyFun (rename (lift f) param)
rename f (NeutralTy x)
= NeutralTy (rename f x)
rename f (Fun arg ret)
= Fun (rename f arg)
(rename f ret)
rename f (Forall param)
= Forall (rename (lift f) param)
rename f Nat
= Nat
rename f Bool
= Bool
public export
weaken : Normal.Ty ktxt k
-> Normal.Ty (ktxt :< j) k
weaken = rename There
namespace Neutral
public export
rename : {a : _}
-> ({l : _} -> Exists l k
-> Exists l j)
-> Neutral.Ty k a
-> Neutral.Ty j a
rename f (TyVar idx)
= TyVar (f idx)
rename f (TyApp fun arg)
= TyApp (rename f fun)
(rename f arg)
public export
Reduce : Kontext -> Kind -> Type
Reduce sx Star
= Normal.Ty sx Star
Reduce sx (Arrow f a)
= Either (Neutral.Ty sx (Arrow f a))
({j : _} -> ({l : _} -> Exists l sx -> Exists l j)
-> Reduce j f
-> Reduce j a)
public export
reflect : {k : Kind} -- @TODO Get rid of using viiew?
-> Neutral.Ty ktxt k
-> Reduce ktxt k
reflect {k = Star} x
= NeutralTy x
reflect {k = (Arrow f a)} x
= Left x
public export
reify : {k,ktxt : _}
-> Reduce ktxt k
-> Normal.Ty ktxt k
reify {k = Star} x
= x
reify {k = (Arrow y z)} (Left x)
= NeutralTy x
reify {k = (Arrow y z)} (Right x)
= TyFun (reify (x There (reflect (TyVar Here))))
public export
rename : {s : Kind}
-> {ktxt,jtxt : Kontext}
-> ({i : _} -> Exists' ktxt i -> Exists' jtxt i)
-> Reduce ktxt s
-> Reduce jtxt s
rename {s = Star} f x
= rename f x
rename {s = (Arrow y z)} f (Left x)
= Left (rename f x)
rename {s = (Arrow y z)} f (Right x)
= Right (\f' => x (f' . f))
public export
weaken : {s : Kind}
-> {k : Kind}
-> {ktxt : Kontext}
-> Reduce ktxt s
-> Reduce (ktxt :< k) s
weaken = NBE.rename There
public export
Env : Kontext -> Kontext -> Type
Env ktxt jtxt = {o : _} -> Exists o ktxt -> Reduce jtxt o
public export
ext : ({r : _} -> Exists r a -> Reduce b r)
-> Reduce b j
-> ({r : _ } -> Exists r (a:<j) -> Reduce b r)
ext f x Here
= x
ext f x (There y) = f y
public export
lift : {l, ktxt, jtxt : _}
-> ({r : _} -> Exists r ktxt -> Reduce jtxt r) -- Env ktxt jtxt
-> ({r : _} -> Exists r (ktxt :< l) -> Reduce (jtxt :< l) r)
lift f = ext (NBE.weaken . f) (reflect (TyVar Here))
public export
apply : {k,j : _}
-> {ktxt : _}
-> Reduce ktxt (Arrow k j)
-> Reduce ktxt k
-> Reduce ktxt j
apply (Left x) y = reflect (TyApp x (reify y))
apply (Right x) y = x id y
public export
eval : {k : Kind}
-> {ktxt, jtxt : _}
-> Value.Ty ktxt k
-> ({r : _} -> Exists r ktxt -> Reduce jtxt r) -- Env ktxt jtxt
-> Reduce jtxt k
eval (TyVar x) f
= f x
eval (TyFun x) f
= Right (\p, v => eval x (ext (NBE.rename p . f) v))
eval {k} (TyApp x y) f
= NBE.apply (eval x f)
(eval y f)
eval (Fun x a) f
= Fun (reify (eval x f))
(reify (eval a f))
eval (Forall x) f
= Forall (reify (eval x
(NBE.lift f)
eval Nat f
= Nat
eval Bool f
= Bool
public export
identity : {ktxt : Kontext} -> Env ktxt ktxt
identity = (reflect . Neutral.TyVar)
public export
normalise : {k : Kind}
-> {ktxt : Kontext}
-> Value.Ty ktxt k
-> Normal.Ty ktxt k
normalise x = reify (eval x (identity))
public export
embedNeu : {k : _} -> Neutral.Ty ktxt k -> Value.Ty ktxt k
embedNeu (TyVar idx) = TyVar idx
embedNeu (TyApp fun arg) = TyApp (embedNeu fun) (embed arg)
public export
embed : Normal.Ty ktxt k
-> Value.Ty ktxt k
embed (TyFun param) = TyFun (embed param)
embed (NeutralTy x) = embedNeu x
embed (Fun arg ret) = Fun (embed arg) (embed ret)
embed (Forall param) = Forall (embed param)
embed Nat = Nat
embed Bool = Bool
namespace Subst
public export
lift : ({ k : _} -> Exists k a -> Normal.Ty b k)
-> ({ k : _} -> Exists k (a :< j) -> Normal.Ty (b :< j) k)
lift f Here
= NeutralTy (TyVar Here)
lift f (There x)
= weaken (f x)
public export
extend : ({ k : _} -> Exists k a -> Normal.Ty b k)
-> Normal.Ty b j
-> ({ k : _} -> Exists k (a :< j) -> Normal.Ty b k)
extend f x Here
= x
extend f x (There y)
= f y
public export
subst' : {a,b,j : _}
-> ({ r : _} -> Exists r a -> Normal.Ty b r)
-> Normal.Ty a j
-> Normal.Ty b j
subst' x f
= normalise (subst' (embed . x) (embed f))
public export
subst : {k,j,a : _}
-> Normal.Ty a k
-> Normal.Ty (a :< k) j
-> Normal.Ty a j
subst x y
= subst' (extend (NeutralTy . TyVar) x)
namespace Terms
public export
data Context : Kontext -> Type where
Empty : Context [<]
ExtKind : Context ks -> Context (ks :< k)
ExtType : Context ks -> Normal.Ty ks Star -> Context ks
public export
data IsType : Context ks -> Normal.Ty ks Star -> Type
Here : IsType (ExtType ks ty) ty
IsKind : IsType ks ty
-> IsType (ExtKind ks) (weaken ty)
There : IsType ks ty
-> IsType (ExtType ks ty') ty
public export
data Term : Context k -> Normal.Ty k Star -> Type where
Zero : Term g Nat
Succ : Term g Nat -> Term g Nat
True,False : Term g Bool
Var : IsType g ty -> Term g ty
Fun : Term (ExtType g a) b
-> Term g (Fun a b)
App : Term g (Fun a b)
-> Term g a
-> Term g b
Forall : Term (ExtKind g) b
-> Term g (Forall b)
Resolve : (body : Term g (Forall b))
-> (this : Normal.Ty ks k)
-> Term g (subst this b)
identity : Term Empty (Forall (Fun (NeutralTy (TyVar Here))
(NeutralTy (TyVar Here))))
= Forall
$ Fun
$ (Var Here)
natIdentity : Term Empty (Fun Nat Nat)
= Resolve identity Nat
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