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Created August 26, 2011 07:29
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An EMACS derived mode for constraint problems written in Essence', and a cheatsheet for same language.
% Redefine section commands to use less space
{-1ex plus -.5ex minus -.2ex}%
{0.5ex plus .2ex}%x
{-1explus -.5ex minus -.2ex}%
{0.5ex plus .2ex}%
{-1ex plus -.5ex minus -.2ex}%
{1ex plus .2ex}%
\setlength{\parskip}{0pt plus 0.5ex}
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\Large{\textbf{\eprime v1.0 Cheat Sheet}} \\
\section{File Structure}
Header & \verb!language Essence' <version>! \\
Parameters & Optional \\
Constants & Optional \\
Variables & Optional \\
Objectives & Optional \\
Constraints & Optional \\
\section{Types and Domains}
Integer & int \\
Boolean & bool \\
Matrix & matrix \\
Enum & --- \\
Boolean & true, false \\
Int.\ Continuous & int(1..2) \\
Int.\ Sparese & int(1,3,5) \\
Dimension & row, column \\
Domain & bool, int \\
<name> : matrix indexed by [<dimension>] of <domain>
\section{Constant Definitions}
letting <name> be <constant>
Constant is either a value or expression:
letting c be 2
letting d be c*4
letting <name> be domain <domain>
Convention is to use uppercase for variable names:
letting INDEX be domain int(1..5)
letting RANGE be domain int(1..c)
letting <name> <matrix type> be [<values>]
letting m : matrix indexed by [int(1..4) of int(1..10)
be [2,8,5,9]
letting t : matrix indexed
by [int(1..2) of int(1..4)]
of int(1..10)
be [[2,8,5,1], [3,7,9,4]]
\section{Parameter Definitions}
Parameters passed from external file:
given <name> : <domain>
Note: Domains can be infinite.
given c : int
given t : int(1..1000)
given m : matrix indexed
by [int(1..c) of int(1..t)]
of bool
\section{Variable Definitions}
find <name> : <domain>
find x : int(1..10)
find x,y,z : int(1..10)
find m : matrix indexed by [int(1..10)] of bool
\section{Objective Definitions}
Maximising & maximising \\
Minimising & minimising \\
<objective> <variable|expression>
Example: \verb!maximising x!
such that <expression>, ..., <expression>
Parenthesis & () \\
Arithmetic & \verb! ^ % * / + - min max! \\
Boolean & \verb+ ! /\ \/ => <=>+ \\
Relational & \verb+ > >= < <= = !=+ \\
Lexical & \verb! <lex <=lex >lex >=lex! \\
sum <variable(s)> : <domain> . <expression>
forall <variable(s) : <domain> . <expression>
exists <variable(s)> : <domain> . <expression>
All Different & \verb!alldifferent(<matrix>)! \\
Table & \verb!table(<variable>,<tuple list>)! \\
\section{Example \eprime Files}
language ESSENCE' 1.0.0
$ Parameter Instantiation
letting n be 7
language ESSENCE' 1.0.0
$ Parameter Declaration
given n : int
$ Constants
letting c be 5
$ Objectives and Variables
find x,y : int(1..n)
$ Constraints
such that
x + y >= c,
x + c*y = 0,
Copyright \copyright\xspace2011 Jan de Muijnck-Hughes.\\
Under a Creative Commons \verb!(BY-NC-SA)! License\\
See \url{}.
;; eprime-mode.el -- Derived mode for writing Essence'
;; Copyright (C) 2011 by Jan de Muijnck-Hughes
;; Author: Jan de Muijnck-Hughes
;; A derived mode to highlight Essence' code. Currently this
;; mode only provides syntax highlighting, and comment support.
;; Future work will seek to add support for smart indentation.
;; 1. Place eprime-mode.el in your .emacs.d directory
;; 2. Ensure that .emacs.d is on your load path.
;; 3. Add the following to your emacs init file:
;; (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist (quote ("\\.eprime$" . eprime-mode)))
;; -------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; CODE
;; ------------------------------------------------------ [ Keywords ]
(defvar eprime-keywords '(
"letting" "be"
"indexed" "by" "of"
"maximising" "minimising"
"such" "that"
"max" "min"
"forall" "exists" "alldifferent" "table"
;; --------------------------------------------------------- [ Types ]
(defvar eprime-types '(
"int" "bool" "matrix" "domain"
;; ----------------------------------------------------- [ Constants ]
(defvar eprime-preprocessor '(
"language" "ESSENCE"
;; -------------------------------------------------- [ Assign Faces ]
(defvar eprime-font-lock-defaults
;; Need to fix operators
. font-lock-constant-face)
( ,(regexp-opt eprime-keywords 'words) . font-lock-function-name-face)
( ,(regexp-opt eprime-types 'words) . font-lock-type-face)
( ,(regexp-opt eprime-preprocessor 'words) . font-lock-preprocessor-face)
;; --------------------------------------------------- [ Clear memory ]
(setq eprime-keywords nil
eprime-types nil
eprime-preprocessor nil
;; -------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Essence' Definition
;; -------------------------------------------------------------------
(define-derived-mode eprime-mode fundamental-mode "Essence'"
"Major mode for editing Essence' files."
(defgroup eprime-mode nil
"Derived mode for Essance' Files" :group 'languages)
(defvar eprime-mode-hook nil "Hook for eprime-mode")
(modify-syntax-entry ?$ "<" eprime-mode-syntax-table)
(modify-syntax-entry ?\n ">" eprime-mode-syntax-table)
(make-local-variable 'eprime-font-lock-defaults)
(make-local-variable 'comment-start)
(make-local-variable 'comment-end)
(make-local-variable 'comment-start-skip)
(make-local-variable 'comment-column)
(make-local-variable 'comment-multi-line)
(make-local-variable 'comment-indent-function)
(setq font-lock-defaults eprime-font-lock-defaults
comment-start "$ "
comment-end ""
comment-start-skip "+ $+ \n"
comment-column 60
comment-multi-line nil
comment-indent-function 'java-comment-indent
indent-tabs-mode t
(run-hooks 'eprime-mode-hook)
(provide 'eprime-mode)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE language>
Copyright (C) 2007-2008
Jan de Muijnck-Hughes <>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
<language name="EssencePrime" version="0.1" kateversion="2.5.9" section="Other" extensions="*.eprime" mimetype="text/eprime" casesensitive="1" author="Jan de Muijnck-Hughes" license="">
<!-- Specifiy items from source file that need to be highlighted-->
<list name="preproc">
<item> language</item>
<item> ESSENCE' </item>
<list name="keywords">
<item> find </item>
<item> such </item>
<item> that </item>
<item> maximising</item>
<item> minimising</item>
<item> max</item>
<item> min</item>
<item> given </item>
<item> letting </item>
<item> indexed </item>
<item> by </item>
<item> be </item>
<item> of </item>
<item> forall </item>
<item> sum </item>
<list name="misc">
<item> int </item>
<item> matrix </item>
<item> alldiff </item>
<!-- Specifiy language in terms of contexts-->
<context name="Top_Level" attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay">
<DetectSpaces />
<IncludeRules context="Strings" />
<IncludeRules context="Multi Char Operators Def" />
<DetectChar context="Commentary" char="$" />
<AnyChar context="#stay" attribute="Single Char Operators" String="|!:^*./=&lt;&gt;" />
<keyword context="#stay" attribute="Misc" String="misc" />
<keyword context="#stay" attribute="KeyWords" String="keywords" />
<keyword context="#stay" attribute="Operator" String="operators" />
<keyword context="#stay" attribute="Preprocessing" String="preproc" />
<RegExpr context="#stay" attribute="Number" String="(\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)([eE][+-]?\d+)?[ij]?" />
<RegExpr context="#stay" attribute="Variable" String="[a-zA-Z]\w*" />
<context name="Commentary" attribute="Commentary" lineEndContext="#pop">
<context name="Strings" attribute="Strings" lineEndContext="#stay">
<RegExpr context="#stay" attribute="String" String="'([^'\\]|''|\\'|\\[^'])*'(?=[^']|$)" />
<RegExpr context="#stay" attribute="Incomplete String" String="'([^']|''|\\')*" />
<context name="Multi Char Operators Def" attribute="Single Char Operators" lineEndContext="#stay">
<StringDetect context="#stay" attribute="Multi Char Operators " String="!="/>
<StringDetect context="#stay" attribute="Multi Char Operators " String="/\"/>
<StringDetect context="#stay" attribute="Multi Char Operators " String="\/"/>
<StringDetect context="#stay" attribute="Multi Char Operators " String="=&gt;"/>
<StringDetect context="#stay" attribute="Multi Char Operators " String="=&lt;"/>
<StringDetect context="#stay" attribute="Multi Char Operators " String="&lt;lex"/>
<StringDetect context="#stay" attribute="Multi Char Operators " String="&lt;=lex"/>
<StringDetect context="#stay" attribute="Multi Char Operators " String="&gt;lex"/>
<StringDetect context="#stay" attribute="Multi Char Operators " String="&gt;=lex"/>
<StringDetect context="#stay" attribute="Multi Char Operators " String="&lt;=&gt;"/>
<!-- Apply Style information-->
<itemData name="Normal Text" defStyleNum="dsNormal"/>
<itemData name="Commentary" defStyleNum="dsComment" color="#009900" italic="1" />
<itemData name="Preprocessing" defStyleNum="dsKeyword"/>
<itemData name="Single Char Operators" defStyleNum="dsDataType" bold="1" />
<itemData name="Multi Char Operators " defStyleNum="dsDataType" bold="1" />
<itemData name="KeyWords" defStyleNum="dsKeyword"/>
<itemData name="Misc" defStyleNum="dsDataType"/>
<!-- Specifiy Code Folding Information and comment information -->
<folding indentationsensitive="1" />
<emptyLine regexpr="\s+" casesensitive="false"/>
<emptyLine regexpr="\s*#.*$" casesensitive="false"/>
<comment name="singleLine" start="$" position="afterwhitespace"/>
<keywords casesensitive="1" />
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