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A well documented version of libNaCl and libSodium's ABI.
/** \mainpage
* __NaCl__ (pronounced _salt_) is a new easy-to-use high-speed
* software library for network communication, encryption, decryption,
* signatures, etc. NaCl's goal is to provide all of the core
* operations needed to build higher-level cryptographic tools.
* __Sodium__ is a portable, cross-compilable, installable,
* packageable, API-compatible version of NaCl.
* Unfortunately, the documentation for the ABI is not
* _well-documented_. To this end this file contains a
* _well-documented_ copy of the C high-level abstract crypto ABI
* provided by the NaCl and Sodium projects. The ABI has been
* documented using the Doxygen documentation tool.
* The text for the documentation has been adapted from the existing
* ABI documention for NaCl, and Sodium that can be found on the
* project's respective websites. This header file is for
* documentation purposes _only_ and should not be used within coding
* projects.
* More information concerning NaCl and sodium can be found online:
* - <>
* - <>
* @note The values shown for various definitions are implementation
* specific and are there for illustrative purposes only.
* @author Jan de Muijnck-Hughes <jfdm at st-andrews dot ac dot uk>
* @copyright
* - NaCl software and API are public domain artefacts.
* - Sodium and API is Copyright (c) 2013 Frank Denis `<j at pureftpd dot org>`
* @date 2013-03-27
* @todo add math definitions
* @todo add proper documentation for the precomputation interface for stream encryption.
* @todo add documentation for the security model.
* @todo add documentation for crypto models.
* @todo make header file agnostic for instant inclusion upstream.
// ------------------------------------------------- [ Public Key Cryptography ]
// ------------------------------------- [ Authenticated Public-Key Encryption ]
* \defgroup apke Authenticated Public-Key Encryption
* Definitions and functions to perform Authenticated Encryption.
* Authentication encryption provides guarantees towards the:
* - confidentiality
* - integrity
* - authenticity
* of data.
* Alongside the standard interface there also exists a
* pre-computation interface. In the event that applications are
* required to send several messages to the same receiver, speed can
* be gained by splitting the operation into two steps: before and
* after. Similarly applications that receive several messages from
* the same sender can gain speed through the use of the: before, and
* open_after functions.
* @{
#define crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES 32 ///< Size of Public Key.
#define crypto_box_SECRETKEYBYTES 32 ///< Size of Secret Key.
#define crypto_box_BEFORENMBYTES 32 ///< Size of pre-computed ciphertext.
#define crypto_box_NONCEBYTES 24 ///< Size of Nonce.
#define crypto_box_ZEROBYTES 32 ///< No. of leading 0 bytes in the message.
#define crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES 16 ///< No. of leading 0 bytes in the cipher-text.
* Randomly generates a secret key and a corresponding public key.
* @param[out] pk the buffer for the public key
* @param[out] sk the buffer for the private key with length crypto_box_SECRETKEYTBYTES
* @return 0 if generation successful.
* @pre the buffer for pk must be at least crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES in length
* @pre the buffer for sk must be at least crypto_box_SECRETKEYTBYTES in length
* @post first crypto_box_PUBLICKEYTBYTES of pk will be the key data.
* @post first crypto_box_SECRETKEYTBYTES of sk will be the key data.
* Example innvocation:
* unsigned char pk[crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES];
* unsigned char sk[crypto_box_SECRETKEYBYTES];
* crypto_box_keypair(pk,sk);
int crypto_box_keypair(unsigned char * pk, unsigned char * sk);
* Encrypts a message given the senders secret key, and receivers
* public key.
* @param[out] ctxt the buffer for the cipher-text.
* @param[in] msg the message to be encrypted.
* @param[in] mlen the length of msg.
* @param[in] nonce a randomly generated nonce.
* @param[in] pk the receivers public key, used for encryption.
* @param[in] sk the senders private key, used for signing.
* @return 0 if operation is successful.
* @pre first crypto_box_ZEROBYTES of msg be all 0.
* @pre the nonce must have size crypto_box_NONCEBYTES.
* @post first crypto_box_BOXZERBYTES of ctxt be all 0.
* @post first mlen bytes of ctxt will contain the ciphertext.
* Example innvocation:
* const unsigned char pk[crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES];
* const unsigned char sk[crypto_box_SECRETKEYBYTES];
* const unsigned char n[crypto_box_NONCEBYTES];
* const unsigned char m[...];
* unsigned long long mlen;
* unsigned char c[...];
* crypto_box(c,m,mlen,n,pk,sk);
int crypto_box(unsigned char* ctxt,
const unsigned char* msg,
unsigned long long mlen,
const unsigned char* nonce,
const unsigned char* pk,
const unsigned char* sk);
* Decrypts a ciphertext ctxt given the receivers private key, and
* senders public key.
* @param[out] msg the buffer to place resulting plaintext.
* @param[in] ctxt the ciphertext to be decrypted.
* @param[in] clen the length of the ciphertext.
* @param[in] nonce a randomly generated.
* @param[in] pk the senders public key, used for verification.
* @param[in] sk the receivers private key, used for decryption.
* @return 0 if successful and -1 if verification fails.
* @pre first crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES of ctxt be all 0.
* @pre the nonce must have size crypto_box_NONCEBYTES.
* @post first clen bytes of msg will contain the plaintext.
* @post first crypto_box_ZEROBYTES of msg will be all 0.
* Example innvocation:
* const unsigned char pk[crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES];
* const unsigned char sk[crypto_box_SECRETKEYBYTES];
* const unsigned char n[crypto_box_NONCEBYTES];
* const unsigned char c[...]; unsigned long long clen;
* unsigned char m[...];
* crypto_box_open(m,c,clen,n,pk,sk);
int crypto_box_open(unsigned char* msg,
const unsigned char* ctxt,
unsigned long long clen,
const unsigned char* nonce,
const unsigned char* pk,
const unsigned char* sk);
* Partially performs the computation required for both encryption and
* decryption of data.
* @param[out] k the result of the computation.
* @param[in] pk the receivers public key, used for encryption.
* @param[in] sk the senders private key, used for signing.
* The intermediate data computed by crypto_box_beforenm is suitable
* for both crypto_box_afternm and crypto_box_open_afternm, and can be
* reused for any number of messages.
* Example innvocation:
* unsigned char k[crypto_box_BEFORENMBYTES];
* const unsigned char pk[crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES];
* const unsigned char sk[crypto_box_SECRETKEYBYTES];
* crypto_box_beforenm(k,pk,sk);
int crypto_box_beforenm(unsigned char* k,
const unsigned char* pk,
const unsigned char* sk);
* Encrypts a given a message m, using partial computed data.
* @param[out] ctxt the buffer for the cipher-text.
* @param[in] msg the message to be encrypted.
* @param[in] mlen the length of msg.
* @param[in] nonce a randomly generated nonce.
* @param[in] k the partial computed data.
* @return 0 if operation is successful.
* @pre first crypto_box_ZEROBYTES of msg be all 0.
* @pre the nonce must have size crypto_box_NONCEBYTES.
* @post first crypto_box_BOXZERBYTES of ctxt be all 0.
* @post first mlen bytes of ctxt will contain the ciphertext.
* Example innvocation:
* const unsigned char k[crypto_box_BEFORENMBYTES];
* const unsigned char n[crypto_box_NONCEBYTES];
* const unsigned char m[...]; unsigned long long mlen;
* unsigned char c[...];
* crypto_box_afternm(c,m,mlen,n,k);
int crypto_box_afternm(unsigned char* ctxt,
const unsigned char* msg,
unsigned long long mlen,
const unsigned char* nonce,
const unsigned char* k);
* Decrypts a ciphertext ctxt given the receivers private key, and
* senders public key.
* @param[out] msg the buffer to place resulting plaintext.
* @param[in] ctxt the ciphertext to be decrypted.
* @param[in] clen the length of the ciphertext.
* @param[in] nonce a randomly generated nonce.
* @param[in] k the partial computed data.
* @return 0 if successful and -1 if verification fails.
* @pre first crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES of ctxt be all 0.
* @pre the nonce must have size crypto_box_NONCEBYTES.
* @post first clen bytes of msg will contain the plaintext.
* @post first crypto_box_ZEROBYTES of msg will be all 0.
* Example innvocation:
* const unsigned char k[crypto_box_BEFORENMBYTES];
* const unsigned char n[crypto_box_NONCEBYTES];
* const unsigned char c[...]; unsigned long long clen;
* unsigned char m[...];
* crypto_box_open_afternm(m,c,clen,n,k);
int crypto_box_open_afternm(unsigned char* msg,
const unsigned char* ctxt,
unsigned long long clen,
const unsigned char* nonce,
const unsigned char* k);
/** @} */
// -------------------------------------------------------------- [ Signatures ]
/** \defgroup dsig Digital Signatures
* Definitions and functions to perform digital signatures.
* @{
#define crypto_sign_BYTES 64 ///< length of resulting signature.
#define crypto_sign_PUBLICKEYBYTES 32 ///< length of verification key.
#define crypto_sign_SECRETKEYBYTES 64 ///< length of signing key.
* Generates a signing/verification key pair.
* @param[out] vk the verification key.
* @param[out] sk the signing key.
* @return 0 if operation successful.
* @pre the buffer for vk must be at least crypto_sign_PUBLICKEYBYTES in length
* @pre the buffer for sk must be at least crypto_sign_SECRETKEYTBYTES in length
* @post first crypto_sign_PUBLICKEYTBYTES of vk will be the key data.
* @post first crypto_sign_SECRETKEYTBYTES of sk will be the key data.
* unsigned char vk[crypto_sign_PUBLICKEYBYTES];
* unsigned char sk[crypto_sign_SECRETKEYBYTES];
* crypto_sign_keypair(vk,sk);
int crypto_sign_keypair(unsigned char *vk, unsigned char* sk);
* Signs a given message using the signer's signing key.
* @param[out] sig the resulting signature.
* @param[out] slen the length of the signature.
* @param[in] msg the message to be signed.
* @param[in] mlen the length of the message.
* @param[in] sk the signing key.
* @return 0 if operation successful
* @pre sig must be of length mlen+crypto_sign_BYTES
* const unsigned char sk[crypto_sign_SECRETKEYBYTES];
* const unsigned char m[...];
* unsigned long long mlen;
* unsigned char sm[...];
* unsigned long long smlen;
* crypto_sign(sm,&smlen,m,mlen,sk);
int crypto_sign(unsigned char* sig,
unsigned long long* slen,
const unsigned char* msg,
unsigned long long mlen,
const unsigned char* sk);
* Verifies the signed message sig using the signer's verification key.
* @param[out] msg the resulting message.
* @param[out] mlen the length of msg.
* @param[in] sig the signed message.
* @param[in] smlen length of the signed message.
* @param[in] vk the verification key.
* @return 0 if successful, -1 if verification fails.
* @pre length of msg must be at least smlen
* @warning if verification fails msg may contain data from the
* computation.
* Example innvocation:
* const unsigned char pk[crypto_sign_PUBLICKEYBYTES];
* const unsigned char sm[...]; unsigned long long smlen;
* unsigned char m[...]; unsigned long long mlen;
* crypto_sign_open(m,&mlen,sm,smlen,pk);
int crypto_sign_open(unsigned char* msg,
unsigned long long* mlen,
const unsigned char* sig,
unsigned long long smlen,
const unsigned char* vk);
/** @} */
// --------------------------------------- [ Secret-Key Cryptography Functions ]
// ------------------------------------------------ [ Authenticated Encryption ]
* \defgroup asymenc Authenticated Symmetric Encryption
* Definitions and functions for authenticated symmetric encryption.
* @{
#define crypto_secretbox_KEYBYTES 32 ///< Size of symmetric key.
#define crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES 24 ///< Size of the nonce.
#define crypto_secretbox_ZEROBYTES 32 ///< No. of leading 0 bytes in the message.
#define crypto_secretbox_BOXZEROBYTES 16 ///< No. of leading 0 bytes in the cipher-text.
* Encrypts and authenticates a message using the given secret key, and nonce..
* @param[out] ctxt the buffer for the cipher-text.
* @param[in] msg the message to be encrypted.
* @param[in] mlen the length of msg.
* @param[in] nonce a nonce with length crypto_box_NONCEBYTES.
* @param[in] key the shared secret key.
* @return 0 if operation is successful.
* @pre first crypto_secretbox_ZEROBYTES of msg be all 0..
* @post first crypto_secretbox_BOXZERBYTES of ctxt be all 0.
* @post first mlen bytes of ctxt will contain the ciphertext.
* const unsigned char k[crypto_secretbox_KEYBYTES];
* const unsigned char n[crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES];
* const unsigned char m[...]; unsigned long long mlen;
* unsigned char c[...]; unsigned long long clen;
* crypto_secretbox(c,m,mlen,n,k);
int crypto_secretbox(unsigned char* ctxt,
const unsigned char* msg,
unsigned long long mlen,
const unsigned char* nonce,
const unsigned char* key);
* Decrypts a ciphertext ctxt given the receivers private key, and
* senders public key.
* @param[out] msg the buffer to place resulting plaintext.
* @param[in] ctxt the ciphertext to be decrypted.
* @param[in] clen the length of the ciphertext.
* @param[in] nonce a randomly generated nonce.
* @param[in] key the shared secret key.
* @return 0 if successful and -1 if verification fails.
* @pre first crypto_secretbox_BOXZEROBYTES of ctxt be all 0.
* @pre the nonce must be of length crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES
* @post first clen bytes of msg will contain the plaintext.
* @post first crypto_secretbox_ZEROBYTES of msg will be all 0.
* @warning if verification fails msg may contain data from the
* computation.
* Example innvocation:
* const unsigned char k[crypto_secretbox_KEYBYTES];
* const unsigned char n[crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES];
* const unsigned char c[...]; unsigned long long clen;
* unsigned char m[...];
* crypto_secretbox_open(m,c,clen,n,k);
int crypto_secretbox_open(unsigned char* msg,
const unsigned char* ctxt,
unsigned long long clen,
const unsigned char* nonce,
const unsigned char* key);
/** < @} */
// -------------------------------------------------------------- [ Encryption ]
* \defgroup symenc Symmetric Encryption
* Definitions and functions for symmetric encryption.
* Alongside the standard interface there also exists a
* pre-computation interface. In the event that applications are
* required to send several messages to the same receiver, speed can
* be gained by splitting the operation into two steps: before and
* after. Similarly applications that receive several messages from
* the same sender can gain speed through the use of the: before, and
* open_after functions.
* @{
#define crypto_stream_KEYBYTES 32 ///< Size of keys used.
#define crypto_stream_NONCEBYTES 24 ///< Size of nonces used.
* Generates a stream using the given secret key and nonce.
* @param[out] stream the generated stream.
* @param[out] slen the length of the generated stream.
* @param[in] nonce the nonce used to generate the stream.
* @param[in] key the key used to generate the stream.
* @return 0 if operation successful
* @pre nonce must have minimum length crypto_stream_NONCEBYTES
* @pre key must have minimum length crypto_stream_KEYBYTES
* @post stream will have length slen
* Example invocation:
* const unsigned char k[crypto_stream_KEYBYTES];
* const unsigned char n[crypto_stream_NONCEBYTES];
* unsigned char c[...]; unsigned long long clen;
* crypto_stream(c,clen,n,k);
int crypto_stream(unsigned char* stream,
unsigned long long slen,
const unsigned char* nonce,
const unsigned char* key);
* Encrypts the given message using the given secret key and nonce.
* The crypto_stream_xor function guarantees that the ciphertext is
* the plaintext (xor) the output of crypto_stream. Consequently
* crypto_stream_xor can also be used to decrypt.
* @param[out] ctxt buffer for the resulting ciphertext.
* @param[in] msg the message to be encrypted.
* @param[in] mlen the length of the message.
* @param[in] nonce the nonce used during encryption.
* @param[in] key secret key used during encryption.
* @return 0 if operation successful.
* @pre ctxt must have length minimum mlen.
* @pre nonce must have length minimum crypto_stream_NONCEBYTES.
* @pre key must have length minimum crpyto_stream_KEYBYTES
* @post first mlen bytes of ctxt will contain the ciphertext.
* Example invocation:
* const unsigned char k[crypto_stream_KEYBYTES];
* const unsigned char n[crypto_stream_NONCEBYTES];
* unsigned char m[...];
* unsigned long long mlen;
* unsigned char c[...];
* crypto_stream_xor(c,m,mlen,n,k);
int crypto_stream_xor(unsigned char* ctxt,
const unsigned char* msg,
unsigned long long mlen,
const unsigned char* nonce,
const unsigned char* key);
* @todo document crypto_stream_beforenm
int crypto_stream_beforenm(unsigned char *,
const unsigned char *);
* @todo document crypto_stream_afternm
int crypto_stream_afternm(unsigned char *,
unsigned long long,
const unsigned char *,
const unsigned char *);
* @todo document crypto_stream_xor_afternm
int crypto_stream_xor_afternm(unsigned char *,
const unsigned char *,
unsigned long long,
const unsigned char *,
const unsigned char *);
/** @} */
// ---------------------------------------------------------- [ Authentication ]
* \defgroup auth Authentication
* Methods for authentication.
* @{
#define crypto_auth_BYTES 32 ///< Length of the authenticator
#define crypto_auth_KEYBYTES 32 ///< Length of the key used for authentication.
* Constructs a one time authentication token for the given message msg using a given secret key.
* @param[out] tok the generated authentication token.
* @param[in] msg the message to be authenticated.
* @param[in] mlen the length of msg.
* @param[in] key the key used to compute the token.
* @return 0 if operation successful.
* @pre tok must have minimum length crypto_auth_BYTES
* @pre key must be of length crypto_auth_KEY_BYTES
* @post the first crypto_auth_BYTES of auth will contain the result.
* Example innvocation:
* const unsigned char k[crypto_auth_KEYBYTES];
* const unsigned char m[...]; unsigned long long mlen;
* unsigned char a[crypto_auth_BYTES];
* crypto_auth(a,m,mlen,k);
int crypto_auth(unsigned char* tok,
const unsigned char* msg,
unsigned long long mlen,
const unsigned char* key) ;
* Verifies that the given authentication token is correct for the
* given message and key.
* @param[out] tok the generated token.
* @param[in] msg the message to be authenticated.
* @param[in] mlen the length of msg.
* @param[in] key the key used to compute the authentication.
* @return 0 if tok is the correct token for msg under the
* given key. Otherwise -1.
* @pre tok must have minimum length crypto_auth_BYTES
* @pre key must be of length crypto_auth_KEY_BYTES
* const unsigned char k[crypto_auth_KEYBYTES];
* const unsigned char m[...]; unsigned long long mlen;
* const unsigned char a[crypto_auth_BYTES];
* crypto_auth_verify(a,m,mlen,k);
int crypto_auth_verify(const unsigned char* tok,
const unsigned char* msg,
unsigned long long mlen,
const unsigned char* key);
/** @} */
// ------------------------------------------------- [ One-time Authentication ]
* \defgroup onetimeauth One-Time Authentication
* Methods for one-time authentication.
* @{
#define crypto_onetimeauth_BYTES 16 ///< Size of the authentication token.
#define crypto_onetimeauth_KEYBYTES 32 ///< Size of the secret key used.
* Constructs a one time authentication token for the given message msg using a given secret key.
* @param[out] tok the generated token.
* @param[in] msg the message to be authenticated.
* @param[in] mlen the length of msg.
* @param[in] key the key used to compute the authentication.
* @return 0 if operation successful.
* @pre token must have minimum length crypto_onetimeauth_BYTES
* @pre key must be of length crypto_onetimeauth_KEY_BYTES
* @post the first crypto_onetimeauth_BYTES of the token will contain the result.
* Example innvocation:
* const unsigned char k[crypto_onetimeauth_KEYBYTES];
* const unsigned char m[...]; unsigned long long mlen;
* unsigned char a[crypto_onetimeauth_BYTES];
* crypto_onetimeauth(a,m,mlen,k);
int crypto_onetimeauth(unsigned char* tok,
const unsigned char* msg,
unsigned long long mlen,
const unsigned char* key);
* Verifies that the given authentication token is correct for the
* given message and key.
* @param[out] tok the generated token.
* @param[in] msg the message to be authenticated.
* @param[in] mlen the length of msg.
* @param[in] key the key used to compute the authentication.
* @return 0 if tok is the correct token for msg under the
* given key. Otherwise -1.
* @pre tok must have minimum length crypto_onetimeauth_BYTES
* @pre key must be of length crypto_onetimeauth_KEY_BYTES
* const unsigned char k[crypto_onetimeauth_KEYBYTES];
* const unsigned char m[...]; unsigned long long mlen;
* const unsigned char a[crypto_onetimeauth_BYTES];
* crypto_onetimeauth_verify(a,m,mlen,k);
int crypto_onetimeauth_verify(const unsigned char* tok,
const unsigned char* msg,
unsigned long long mlen,
const unsigned char* key);
/** @} */
// ------------------------------------------------ [ Low-Level NaCl Functions ]
// ----------------------------------------------------------------- [ Hashing ]
* \defgroup hash Methods for Hashing
* Utility function to allow for hash computation.
* @{
#define crypto_hash_BYTES 64 ///< Size of the computed hash.
* Compute a crypto_hash_BYTES hash of the given message.
* @param[out] hbuf a buffer to store the resulting hash.
* @param[in] msg the message to be hashed.
* @param[in] mlen the length of the message to be hashed.
* @return 0 if successful operation.
* @pre hbuf must have length minimum crypto_hash_BYTES.
* @post first crypto_hash_BYTES. of hbuf will contain the hash.
* Example Innvocation:
* const unsigned char m[...]; unsigned long long mlen;
* unsigned char h[crypto_hash_BYTES];
* crypto_hash(h,m,mlen);
int crypto_hash(unsigned char* hbuf,
const unsigned char* msg,
unsigned long long mlen);
/** @} */
// ------------------------------------------------------- [ String Comparison ]
* \defgroup strcmp String Comparison
* Methods to compare 16 and 32 byte strings.
* @{
#define crypto_verify_16_BYTES 16
#define crypto_verfiy_32_BYTES 32
* Compares the first crypto_verify_16_BYTES of the given strings.
* @param[in] string1 a string
* @param[in] string2 another string
* @return 0 if string1 and string2 are equal, otherwise -1.
* @pre string1 must be minimum of crypto_verify_16_BYTES long.
* @pre string2 must be minimum of crypto_verify_16_BYTES long.
* @note The time taken by the function is independent of the contents
* of string1 and string2. In contrast, the standard C comparison
* function memcmp(string1,string2,16) takes time that is dependent on
* the longest matching prefix of string1 and string2. This often
* allows for easy timing attacks.
* Example invocation:
* const unsigned char x[16];
* const unsigned char y[16];
* crypto_verify_16(x,y);
int crypto_verify_16(const unsigned char* string1, const unsigned char* string2);
* Compares the first crypto_verify_32_BYTES of the given strings.
* @param[in] string1 a string
* @param[in] string2 another string
* @return 0 if string1 and string2 are equal, otherwise -1.
* @pre string1 must be minimum of crypto_verify_32_BYTES long.
* @pre string2 must be minimum of crypto_verify_32_BYTES long.
* @note The time taken by the function is independent of the contents
* of string1 and string2. In contrast, the standard C comparison
* function memcmp(string1,string2,32) takes time that is dependent on
* the longest matching prefix of string1 and string2. This often
* allows for easy timing attacks.
* Example invocation:
* const unsigned char x[32];
* const unsigned char y[32];
* crypto_verify_32(x,y);
int crypto_verify_32(const unsigned char* string1, const unsigned char* string2);
/** @} */
// ------------------------------------------------------ [ libsodium Specific ]
// ---------------------------------------------------- [ Randombyte Generator ]
* \defgroup randbytes Random byte generation
* Utility functions provided by libSodium. The documentation here is
* taken directly from the libSodium website.
* @todo add details for custom randombyte implementations.
* @todo add proper documentation to denote parameters, and descriptions
* @{
* Fill the specified buffer with size random bytes.
void randombytes(unsigned char *buf, unsigned long long size);
* Return a random 32-bit unsigned value.
uint32_t randombytes_random(void);
* Generate a new key for the pseudorandom number generator. The file
* descriptor for the entropy source is kept open, so that the
* generator can be reseeded even in a chroot() jail.
void randombytes_stir(void);
* Return a value between 0 and upper_bound using a uniform
* distribution.
uint32_t randombytes_uniform(const uint32_t upper_bound);
* Fill the specified buffer with size random bytes.
void randombytes_buf(void* const buf, const size_t size);
* Close the file descriptor or the handle for the cryptographic
* service provider.
int randombytes_close(void);
/** @} */
// ------------------------------------------------------- [ Utility Functions ]
* \defgroup util Utility functions
* A set of utility functions from libsodium to return version
* numbering and securely wiping memory.
* @{
const char *sodium_version_string(void); ///< Return the version string.
int sodium_version_major(void); ///< Return the major version number.
int sodium_version_minor(void); ///< Return the minor version number.
* Securely wipe a region in memory.
* @param[in] pnt the region on memory
* @param[in] size the size of the region to be wiped.
* @warning If a region has been allocated on the heap, you still have
* to make sure that it can't get swapped to disk, possibly using
* mlock(2).
void sodium_memzero(void * const pnt, const size_t size);
/** @} */
// --------------------------------------------------------------------- [ EOF ]
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Thank you for the documentation, it's been very helpful.

It'd be nice to document that the first crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES of the ciphertext from crypto_box should be skipped as well as the first crypto_box_ZEROBYTES of the decoded message from crypto_box_open. This appears to be a very common mismatch in language bindings as I've been trying to get cross-language libraries to communicate encrypted text to one-another properly.

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