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Created October 5, 2016 17:27
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-- ------------------------------------------------------------- [ Channel.idr ]
-- Module : Channel.idr
-- Copyright : (c) Jan de Muijnck-Hughes
-- License : see LICENSE
-- A effectful API for `System.Concurrency.Sessions`.
-- The code was partially adapted from existing code developed by
-- Edwin Brady (see `FILE_IO` effect) and Simon Fowler---see `Process`
-- effect in `IdrisNet2`.
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------- [ EOH ]
module Effect.Channel
import Effects
import public System.Concurrency.Channels
%access public export
-- ------------------------------------------------------------ [ The Resource ]
||| States of an active session.
data SSTATE = Unconnected | Spawned | Active
||| Capture the state of a session and use it as the underlying
||| resource as used by the effect.
||| @st The state the session is in.
data OpenSesh : (st : SSTATE) -> Type where
||| The initial and end state of the session.
NoSesh : OpenSesh Unconnected
||| Spawned a thread to communicate with and have access to its `PID`.
||| @pid The `PID` of the process we are talking to.
SpawnedSesh : (pid : PID) -> OpenSesh Spawned
||| Established a connection to a process.
||| We need to record the PID and resulting session if we have
||| spawned and have connected to a process, and just the session
||| if we are listening for someone to connect,
||| @pid `Just PID` if we connected to a process, `Nothing` if we
||| are listening.
||| @sesh The resulting session.
ActiveSesh : (pid : Maybe PID) -> (sesh : Channel) -> OpenSesh Active
Default (OpenSesh Unconnected) where
default = NoSesh
-- ----------------------------------------------------------- [ Type Synonyms ]
||| The initial and end state of the session.
public export
INIT : Type
INIT = OpenSesh Unconnected
||| The state for we have spawned and are waiting to connect.
WAIT : Type
WAIT = OpenSesh Spawned
||| An active session.
ACTIVE = OpenSesh Active
-- ------------------------------------------------------- [ State Transitions ]
||| If connection was successful then move to active, otherwise go
||| back to wait.
connectedOK : Bool -> Type
connectedOK False = OpenSesh Spawned
connectedOK True = OpenSesh Active
||| If attempt to listen was successful then move to active, otherwise
||| go back to unconnected.
listenedOK : Bool -> Type
listenedOK False = OpenSesh Unconnected
listenedOK True = OpenSesh Active
||| If message was sent then stay active, otherwise there was a
||| failure and move to unconnected.
sentOK : Bool -> Type
sentOK True = OpenSesh Active
sentOK False = OpenSesh Unconnected
||| If message was received then stay active, otherwise there was a
||| failure and move to unconnected.
receivedOK : Maybe a -> Type
receivedOK (Just v) = OpenSesh Active
receivedOK Nothing = OpenSesh Unconnected
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------ [ Effect ]
mutual -- Need mutual for definition of `ProcessE`.
||| Description of an effectful Process that requires use of at
||| least one session.
||| @st The state the session will be in.
||| @rTy The processes return type.
||| @inEffs The state of the effects at the start.
||| @outEffs The state of the effects at the end.
ProcessE : (st : Type)
-> (rTy : Type)
-> (inEffs : List EFFECT)
-> (outEffs : List EFFECT)
-> Type
ProcessE st ty inEffs outEffs = Eff ty
(CHANNEL st :: inEffs)
(\_ => (CHANNEL st :: outEffs))
||| The effectful description for `Session`.
data ChannelE : Effect where
||| Spawn an effectful process to communicate with, transitioning
||| from `INIT` to `WAIT`.
Spawn : Env IO esi -- make m and use rewrite
-> ProcessE INIT () esi eso
-> sig ChannelE (PID) (INIT) (WAIT) -- make more fault tolerant
||| Connect to a spawned process, transitioning from `INIT` to
||| result of `connectedOK`.
Connect : sig ChannelE (Bool) (WAIT) (\res => connectedOK res)
||| Listen for a connection, traisitioning from `INIT` to result
||| of `listenedOK`.
Listen : (tout : Int)
-> sig ChannelE (Bool) (INIT) (\res => listenedOK res)
||| Send a message of type `a`, transitioning from `ACTIVE` to
||| result of `sentOK`.
Send : a -> sig ChannelE (Bool) (ACTIVE) (\res => sentOK res)
||| Receive a message of type `a`, trasitioning from `ACTIVE` to
||| result of `receivedOK`.
Recv : (a : Type)
-> sig ChannelE (Maybe a) (ACTIVE) (\res => receivedOK res)
||| End a session, trasitioning back to `INIT`.
End : sig ChannelE () (ty) (INIT)
||| An effectful API for `System.Concurrency.Sessions`.
||| @st The state the session is in.
CHANNEL : (st : Type) -> EFFECT
CHANNEL st = MkEff st ChannelE
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [ IO ]
||| Dealing with the `IO` context.
Handler ChannelE IO where
handle NoSesh (Spawn env proc) k = do
pid <- spawn $ runInit (NoSesh::env) (proc)
k (pid) (SpawnedSesh pid)
handle (SpawnedSesh pid) Connect k = do
msesh <- connect pid
case msesh of
Nothing => k False (SpawnedSesh pid)
r@(Just res) => k True (ActiveSesh (Just pid) res)
handle (NoSesh) (Listen tout) k = do
msesh <- listen tout
case msesh of
Nothing => k False NoSesh
r@(Just res) => k True (ActiveSesh Nothing res)
handle st@(ActiveSesh pid sesh) (Send m) k = do
sent <- unsafeSend sesh m
if sent
then k True st
else k False NoSesh
handle st@(ActiveSesh pid sesh) (Recv ty) k = do
res <- unsafeRecv ty sesh
case res of
Nothing => k Nothing NoSesh
(Just val) => k (Just val) st
handle st End k = k () NoSesh
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------- [ The API ]
||| A `Process` is a function that can communicate using the session
||| effect.
||| The definition already specifies the session required for
||| communicating.
||| @st The state the session is in.
||| @rTy The function's return type.
||| @es The list of effects required.
Process : (st : Type)
-> (rTy : Type)
-> (es : List EFFECT)
-> Type
Process st ty inEffs = ProcessE st ty inEffs inEffs
||| Attempt to spawn an effectful process that communicates using a
||| `Sessions'.
||| Returns the `PID` of the spawned process.
||| @env The environment for the process' effects.
||| @proc The process to be spawned.
spawn : (env : Env IO es)
-> (proc : Process INIT () es)
-> Eff (PID)
spawn env proc = call $ Spawn env proc
||| Attempt to establish a connection to the spawned process.
||| The function can only be used once a session has been spawned.
||| Returns `Bool` describing success.
connect : Eff (Bool)
(\res => [CHANNEL (connectedOK res)])
connect = call $ Connect
||| Listen for a fixed amount of time for a connection from an
||| external process.
||| The function is used by the spawned process to accept incomming
||| requests.
||| Returns a `Bool` describing success.
||| @timeout the period in which to listen for a connection.
listen : (timeout : Int)
-> Eff (Bool)
(\res => [CHANNEL (listenedOK res)])
listen t = call $ Listen t
||| Send a message of type `ty`.
||| Returns `Bool` describing success.
||| @msg The message being sent.
send : (msg : ty)
-> Eff Bool
(\res => [CHANNEL (sentOK res)])
send msg = call $ Send msg
||| Expect to receive a message of the specifyed type.
||| This is unsafe as receive *expects* the incomming message to be of
||| the specified type.
recv : (ty : Type)
-> Eff (Maybe ty)
(\res => [CHANNEL (receivedOK res)])
recv ty = call $ Recv ty
||| Stop the session.
stop : Eff () [CHANNEL ty] [CHANNEL INIT]
stop = call End
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------- [ EOF ]
-- ------------------------------------------------------------ [ PingPong.idr ]
-- Module : PingPong.idr
-- Copyright : (c) Jan de Muijnck-Hughes
-- License : see LICENSE
-- Simple ping pong using a session.
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------- [ EOH ]
module Session.Example.PingPong
import Effects
import Effect.StdIO
import Effect.Channel
ping : Process INIT () [STDIO]
ping = do
True <- listen 10
| False => stop
True <- send "ping"
| False => stop
msg <- recv String
case msg of
Nothing => pure ()
(Just v) => do
putStrLn "Ping received"
printLn v
pong : Process INIT () [STDIO]
pong = do
pid <- spawn [()] ping
True <- connect | False => stop
msg <- recv String
case msg of
Nothing => stop
(Just v) => do
putStrLn "pong received"
printLn v
True <- send "pong" | False => pure ()
play : IO ()
play = runInit [default,default] pong
namespace Main
main : IO ()
main = play
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