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Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
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Multi-Form Knock Knock Protocol
||| The Knock Knock Protocol.
module Knock
import Effects
import Effect.Default
import Effect.StdIO
import Effect.Msg
import System.Protocol
||| A dependent pair to describe literal messages.
||| @val The literal value.
Lit : (val : String) -> Type
Lit msg = (m ** m = msg)
||| A containter type to represent the final message in Knock Knock Protocols.
||| @setup Maybe the joke requires a setup.
data KnockRes : (setup : Maybe String) -> Type where
||| Create a response for protocols that require a value received earlier in the communication.
||| @val The value seen earlier in the communication.
||| @msg The message to be appended to `val`.
Resp : (val : String) -> (msg : String) -> KnockRes (Just val)
||| Create a response that does not depend on an earlier value.
RespNew : String -> KnockRes Nothing
instance Show (KnockRes x) where
show (Resp val msg) = unwords [val, msg] -- here we append msg to val.
show (RespNew val) = val
||| The `Knock Knock` Protocol.
||| @form `True` if the final message depends on an earlier value, `False` otherwise.
knock : Bool -> Protocol ['A, 'B] ()
knock b = do
'A ==> 'B | Lit "Knock Knock"
'B ==> 'A | Lit "Who's there?"
res <- 'A ==> 'B | String
'B ==> 'A | Lit (res ++ " who?")
case b of
True => 'A ==> 'B | KnockRes (Just res)
False => 'A ==> 'B | KnockRes Nothing
-- ---------------------------------------------------------- [ Client Process ]
||| Implementation of the Knocker whose last message depends
||| on an earlier message.
knocker : String -> String -> (knee : PID)
-> Process (knock True) 'A ['B := knee] [STDIO] ()
knocker setup reveal knee = do
sendTo 'B ("Knock Knock" ** Refl)
(res ** _) <- recvFrom 'B
putStrLn $ "From Mark: " ++ res
sendTo 'B setup
(res' ** _) <- recvFrom 'B
putStrLn $ "From Mark: " ++ res'
sendTo 'B (Resp setup reveal)
||| Implementation of the Knocker whose final message is not dependent
||| on an earlier message.
knocker' : String -> String -> (knee : PID)
-> Process (knock False) 'A ['B := knee] [STDIO] ()
knocker' setup reveal knee = do
sendTo 'B ("Knock Knock" ** Refl)
(res ** _) <- recvFrom 'B
putStrLn $ "From Mark: " ++ res
sendTo 'B setup
(res' ** _) <- recvFrom 'B
putStrLn $ "From Mark: " ++ res'
sendTo 'B (RespNew reveal)
||| Implementation of the Knockee.
knockee : (knocker : PID)
-> Process (knock True) 'B ['A := knocker] [STDIO] ()
knockee client = do
(kk ** _ ) <- recvFrom 'A
putStrLn $ "From Teller: " ++ kk
sendTo 'A ("Who's there?" ** Refl)
res <- recvFrom 'A
putStrLn $ "From Teller: " ++ res
sendTo 'A ((res ++ " who?") ** Refl)
putStrLn $ "From Teller: " ++ show !(recvFrom 'A)
-- ------------------------------------------------------ [ Sample Innvocation ]
||| Run a single instance of the `Knock Knock` Protocol.
doKnockKnock : String -> String -> IO ()
doKnockKnock setup reveal = runConc [()] (doKnock setup reveal)
doKnock : String -> String
-> Process (knock True) 'A Nil [STDIO] ()
doKnock s r = do
k <- spawn (knockee) [()]
setChan 'B k
knocker s r k
dropChan 'B
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------- [ Main ]
namespace Main
main : IO ()
main = do
doKnockKnock knocker "A mos" "Quito"
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------- [ EOF ]
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