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Created August 2, 2013 20:55
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Persistent referrer and UTM campaign tracking for
getReferrerTraits = function() {
// Requires: jQuery, jQuery.cookie,
// TODO: Update referralHost:blackList with your domain, so we only track external referrers.
var analytics_args = [],
// referralHost = the domain name of the referrer of this request, or null
var referralHost = function() {
var blackList = ['', null, ''];
var host = document.referrer.toLowerCase().match(/\:\/\/[w\.]*([a-z\-0-9\.]+)\/?/i);
// Break a match out of the array
host !== null && (host = host[1]);
// Invoke black list
return (blackList.indexOf(host) > -1) ? null : host;
} ();
// Parameter Grabber via
var QueryString = function () {
var query_string = {};
var query =;
var vars = query.split("&");
for (var i=0;i<vars.length;i++) {
var pair = vars[i].split("=");
// If first entry with this name
if (typeof query_string[pair[0]] === "undefined") {
query_string[pair[0]] = pair[1];
// If second entry with this name
} else if (typeof query_string[pair[0]] === "string") {
var arr = [ query_string[pair[0]], pair[1] ];
query_string[pair[0]] = arr;
// If third or later entry with this name
} else {
return query_string;
} ();
// log this users' acquisition source:
// - utm_source overrides referrer
// - Referrer only set when present and not blacklisted
// - Directs are not logged. This means the last used referrer will remain.
acquisitionSource = (QueryString.utm_source || referralHost);
if(acquisitionSource !== null) {
analytics_traits['acquisitionSource'] = acquisitionSource;
// Get the first and latest campaigns and referrers
latestReferrer = referralHost;
latestCampaign = (QueryString.utm_campaign || null);
firstReferrer = $.cookie('first_referrer');
firstCampaign = $.cookie('first_campaign');
// Persist the first referer and campaign
if(firstReferrer == null) {
firstReferrer = latestReferrer;
$.cookie('first_referrer', firstReferrer);
if(firstCampaign == null) {
firstCampaign = latestCampaign;
$.cookie('first_campaign', firstCampaign);
// Append first and latest referrers to the traits being reported with each event
analytics_traits['firstReferrer'] = firstReferrer;
analytics_traits['firstCampaign'] = firstCampaign;
analytics_traits['latestReferrer'] = latestReferrer;
analytics_traits['latestCampaign'] = latestCampaign;
return analytics_traits;
// After including analytics.js, but before using it anywhere...
// Wrap identify so that all traits persist in a cookie,
// and each call is merged with previously persisted traits
var identifyFn = analytics['identify'];
analytics['identify'] = function(){
var new_traits,
new_arguments = [],
all_traits = {};
// First arg might be the ID, or the attributes may be set anonymously
if(arguments[0] && (typeof arguments[0] == 'string')){
id = arguments.shift();
new_traits = arguments[0];
// Collect existing and previous traits together
old_traits = _.extend({}, JSON.parse($.cookie('analytics_user_traits')));
all_traits = _.extend({}, old_traits, new_traits);
// Also collect and merge referrers and campaigns
referrer_traits = getReferrerTraits();
all_traits = _.extend({}, all_traits, referrer_traits);
// Persist traits for next time
$.cookie("analytics_user_traits", JSON.stringify(all_traits));
// identify the user with all traits to the analytics services
if(typeof id == 'string') { new_arguments.push(id); }
identifyFn.apply(identifyFn, new_arguments);
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