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Last active June 23, 2021 17:44
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Add ACF inside of your plugin
if( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) exit; // Exit if accessed directly
/** Start: Detect ACF Pro plugin. Include if not present. */
if ( !class_exists('acf') ) { // if ACF Pro plugin does not currently exist
/** Start: Customize ACF path */
add_filter('acf/settings/path', 'cysp_acf_settings_path');
function cysp_acf_settings_path( $path ) {
$path = plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'acf/';
return $path;
/** End: Customize ACF path */
/** Start: Customize ACF dir */
add_filter('acf/settings/dir', 'cysp_acf_settings_dir');
function cysp_acf_settings_dir( $path ) {
$dir = plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . 'acf/';
return $dir;
/** End: Customize ACF path */
/** Start: Hide ACF field group menu item */
add_filter('acf/settings/show_admin', '__return_false');
/** End: Hide ACF field group menu item */
/** Start: Include ACF */
include_once( plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'acf/acf.php' );
/** End: Include ACF */
/** Start: Create JSON save point */
add_filter('acf/settings/save_json', 'cysp_acf_json_save_point');
function cysp_acf_json_save_point( $path ) {
$path = plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'acf-json/';
return $path;
/** End: Create JSON save point */
/** Start: Create JSON load point */
add_filter('acf/settings/load_json', 'cysp_acf_json_load_point');
/** End: Create JSON load point */
/** Start: Stop ACF upgrade notifications */
add_filter( 'site_transient_update_plugins', 'cysp_stop_acf_update_notifications', 11 );
function cysp_stop_acf_update_notifications( $value ) {
unset( $value->response[ plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'acf/acf.php' ] );
return $value;
/** End: Stop ACF upgrade notifications */
} else { // else ACF Pro plugin does exist
/** Start: Create JSON load point */
add_filter('acf/settings/load_json', 'cysp_acf_json_load_point');
/** End: Create JSON load point */
} // end-if ACF Pro plugin does not currently exist
/** End: Detect ACF Pro plugin. Include if not present. */
/** Start: Function to create JSON load point */
function cysp_acf_json_load_point( $paths ) {
$paths[] = plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'acf-json-load';
return $paths;
/** End: Function to create JSON load point */
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